Tixall Poetry/To Phillis ("Oh, Phillis, would the Gods decree…")

Tixall Poetry
edited by Arthur Clifford
To Phillis by unknown author
4306882Tixall PoetryTo PhillisArthur Cliffordunknown author


To Phillis.

Oh, Phillis, would the Gods decree
That you should love, and none but me,
Ide quit what ere I lov'd before,
And nere importune heaven more;
Heaven above my hopes 'twould be,
To be belovd againe by thee.

But should my Phillis cruell prove,
And with disdaine receive my love;
Though all my hopes were then in vaine,
Ide looke on you, and hope againe:
And, martir like, charm'd with your cause,
Glory to suffer by your lawes.

Though some by change procure ther peace,
My life before my love shall cease;
My love's immortall as my soule,
Which fate by death cannot controule;
For should my Phillis cruel prove,
Ide die to live and love above.