To the Lady Magdalen Herbert: Of St. Mary Magdalen

To the Lady Magdalen Herbert: Of St. Mary Magdalen
by John Donne
34658To the Lady Magdalen Herbert: Of St. Mary MagdalenJohn Donne

Her of your name, whose fair inheritance
   Bethina was, and jointure Magdalo;
An active faith so highly did advance,
   That she once knew, more than the church did know,
The Resurrection; so much good there is
   Delivered of her, that some fathers be
Loth to believe one Woman could do this;
   But, think these Magdalens were two or three.
Increase their number, Lady, and their fame:
   To their Devotion, add your Innocence;
Take so much of th'example, as of the name;
   The latter half; and in some recompense
That they did harbour Christ himself, a Guest,
   Harbour did these hymns, to his dear name addrest.