3646165Traffic Signs Manual : Chapter 4 — 8 TRAFFIC SIGNALSDepartment of Transport (UK)

May be used with diagram 543. 7, 547.8, 572, 573 or 7030

May be used only in combination with diagram 543, 3000, 3000.7, 3000.8, 3000.9 or 3000. 70. "Part time" may be varied to "Peak hour". An indication of distance and an arrow may be added

8.1 The traffic signals warning sign is shown in diagram 543. A plate to diagram 573 (see section 18) is used where the signals are located along another road. When used on a dual carriageway road, the signs should be duplicated on the central reservation.

8.2 The sign may be used with all three-aspect type traffic signals, including Pelican, Toucan and Puffin crossings and portable traffic signals used at road works. It is not for use with wig-wag signals to diagram 3014, where diagram 563.1 or 773 should be used with the appropriate warning sign (see sections 17 and 21). Nor should it normally be used where visibility is impaired only by parked vehicles, when the imposition of waiting and loading restrictions should be considered. The guidance in this section applies only to permanent installations. See Chapter 8 for guidance in respect of temporary installations.

8.3 Diagram 543 should generally be used only where the visibility distance of the signals is less than that specified in table 8-1. The distances quoted make some allowance for the hazard being the back of a queue rather than the stop line. Where a sign is provided, it should be placed at the distance from the stop line indicated in the right hand column of table 8-1; a distance plate to diagram 572 should not then be necessary. Where distance plates are used, these must be in yards to the nearest 10 yards (see Appendix C). For speeds over 50 mph, signs should be provided regardless of visibility distances, at the locations indicated in column 4 of Appendix A.

Table 8-1 Visibility distance criteria
85th percentile speed Visibility distance of signals
(mph) (m)
Up to 30 65
31 to 35 80
36 to 40 100
41 to 45 125
46 to 50 150
Over 50 Should be used at all sites

8.4 Where map-type advance direction signs are provided on the approach to a signal-controlled roundabout, diagram 543 (with the appropriate plate) should be installed, as drivers might not otherwise expect the signals (see also para 2.13).

8.5 The "Part time signals" plate (diagram 543.1) should always be used where the signals are in use for a period of less than 24 hours. The "Peak hour" variant may be used where appropriate. The plate should be used on each signal post, and in combination with diagram 543 on the approaches to the junction.

8.6 The plate to diagram 7030 "Temporary traffic control ahead" may be used only with temporary traffic signals for convoy working at road works, in combination with the sign to diagram 543. Detailed guidance can be found in TA63, in Volume 8 of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (see para 1.3).

8.7 Diagram 7014 (see para 1.17 for guidance on size) indicating "NEW TRAFFIC SIGNALS AHEAD" may be used in advance of a new installation. Direction 37 restricts its use to a period no longer than 3 months. Similarly, variants indicating "SIGNAL PRIORITIES CHANGED" or "SIGNAL TIMINGS CHANGED" may be erected at altered installations as appropriate for up to 3 months.
8.8 When maintenance work is being carried out on traffic signals, the sign to diagram 7010.1 varied to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE" may be displayed. If the traffic signals are not operating, signs to diagram 7019 may be erected. These are erected on the signal post and must be reflectorised if not directly lit (see para 1.38).