Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association/Volume 13


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I.—The Retrospective Address, delivered at the Twelfth Anniversary Meeting of the “ Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, " held at North. ampton, on Wednesday and Thursday, August 7th and 8th, 1844. By Charles Cowan, M.D., E. & P., Physician to the Royal Berkshire Hospital and Reading Dispensary.
II.—Retrospect of Anatomy and Physiology, for the year 1843-44; delivered at the Twelfth Anniversary Meeting of the “ Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, " held at Northampton, on Wednesday and Thursday, August 7th and 8th, 1844. By William Budd, M.D., Edin., Physician to St. Peter's Hospital, Bristol.
III.—The Varieties, Causes, Pathology, and Treatment, of the Inflammatory Affections of the Retina. By Edward Octavius Hocken, M.D., Physician to the Blenheim Street Infirmary and Free Dispensary, &c.
IV.—An Essay, Literary and Practical, on Inversio Uteri. By John Green Crosse, Senior Surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, &c. (With Plate and Wood-cuts)
V.—Case of Congenital Malformation of the Urinary Organs; read at the Anniversary Meeting of the “ Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, ” at Northampton, Thursday, August 8th, 1844. By Henry Giles, Esq (With a Plate)
Officers and Council of the “ Provincial Medical and Surgical Association" 353
Officers of the District Branches 368
Honorary Members and Honorary Corresponding Members 372
List of Members 375