Translation:Demonstratio nova altera theorematis omnem functionem algebraicam rationalem integram unius variabilis in factores reales primi vel secundi gradus resolvi posse

New Proof of the Theorem that Every Algebraic Rational Function of One Variable Can Be Resolved into Factors of the First or Second Degree (1815)
by Carl Friedrich Gauss, translated from Latin by Wikisource
4438492New Proof of the Theorem that Every Algebraic Rational Function of One Variable Can Be Resolved into Factors of the First or Second Degree1815Carl Friedrich Gauss

Although the proof of the theorem on the resolution of algebraic integral functions into factors, which I presented in a paper sixteen years ago, seems to leave nothing to be desired in terms of both rigor and simplicity, I hope that geometers will not be ungrateful if I return to the same most serious question again, and attempt to construct another demonstration from entirely different principles, which will be no less rigorous. Indeed, that previous proof relies at least in part on geometric considerations: on the contrary, the one which I undertake to explain here will be based solely on analytic principles. I have reviewed the most notable analytic methods through which other geometers had attempted to prove our theorem up to that time, and I have extensively exposed the defects they suffered from. The most serious and truly fundamental defect common to all those efforts, as well as to more recent ones that have come to my attention, I declared however not to be inevitable in an analytic demonstration. It is now up to the experts to judge whether the trust once given has been fully justified through these new efforts.

Certain preliminary considerations will precede the main discussion, both to ensure that nothing appears to be lacking, and because the treatment itself may shed new light on even those matters which have already been considered by others. First of all, we will deal with the highest common divisor of two integral algebraic functions of one indeterminate. It should be noted here that we are only concerned with integral functions: from two such functions, if their product is formed, each of them is called a divisor of this product. The order of the divisor is determined by the exponent of the indeterminate in the highest power it contains, without any consideration of numerical coefficients. That which applies to the common divisors of functions can be concluded more briefly, since it is entirely analogous to that which applies to the common divisors of numbers.

Let two functions     of the indeterminate   be given, where the former is of higher order or at least not of lower order than the latter. We then form the following equations,


namely by the rule that first   is divided in the usual way by   then   by the remainder of the first division   which will be of lower order than   then again the first remainder by the second   and so on, until we arrive at a division without remainder, which must necessarily happen, as the order of the functions       etc., continually decreases. It is scarcely necessary to remark that these functions, as well as the quotients       etc., are integral functions of   With these preliminaries, it is clear that

I. by going back from the last of these equations to the first, that the function   is a divisor of each of the preceding ones, and consequently a certain common divisor of the given functions    

II. by proceeding from the first equation to the last, any common divisor of the functions     also measures each of the following ones, and therefore also the last   Therefore, the functions     cannot have any common divisor of higher order than   and every common divisor of the same order as   such as   will be in the same ratio to this as one number to another, wherefore it must itself be considered as the highest common divisor.

III. If   is of order 0, i.e., a number, then no function of the indeterminate   properly so called can measure the functions     in this case, therefore, it must be said that these functions do not have a common divisor.

IV. If we extract the penultimate equation from our equations, and from this we eliminate   by means of the equation before the penultimate one; then again we eliminate   by means of the preceding equation, and so on, then we will have


provided we suppose the functions       etc., to be formed according to the following rule:


Therefore, we will have


with the upper signs holding when   is even and the lower signs holding when it is odd. In the case where   and   do not have a common divisor, we can find in this way two functions     of the indeterminate   such that


V. This proposition manifestly also holds in reverse, namely, if the equation


can be satisfied, such that     are integral functions of the indeterminate   then the functions   and   cannot have a common divisor.

Another preliminary discussion will concern the transformation of symmetric functions. Let       etc. be indeterminate quantities, their multitude being   and let us denote by   the sum of these quantities, by   the sum of their products taken two at a time, by   the sum of their products taken three at a time, etc., so that from the expansion of the product




It follows that the quantities       etc., are symmetric functions of the indeterminates       etc., i.e., such that these indeterminates occur in them in the same manner, or more clearly, such that they are not changed by any permutation of the indeterminates. It is clear that, in general, any integral function of the quantities       etc., (whether it involves only these indeterminates or still others independent of       etc.) will be a symmetric integral function of the indeterminates       etc.

The inverse theorem is somewhat less obvious. Let   be a symmetric function of the indeterminates       etc., which will thus be composed of a certain number of terms of the form


where       etc. are non-negative integers, and   is a coefficient that is either determinate or at least does not depend on       etc. (if it happens that indeterminates besides       etc., are involved in the function  ). Let us first of all establish a certain order among these terms, to which end we will initially arrange the indeterminates       etc., in a definite order, entirely arbitrary in itself, e.g. such that   occupies the first place,   the second,   the third, etc. Then, out of two terms


we will assign a higher order to the former than to the latter if either

  or   and   or     and   or etc.,

i.e. if among the differences       etc. the first non-vanishing one turns out to be positive. Therefore, since terms of the same order differ only with respect to the coefficient   and thus can be merged into one term, we assume that each term of the function   belongs to different orders.

Next, we observe that if   has the highest order among all the terms of the function   then   must be greater than, or at least not less than,   For if   then the term   which the function   being symmetric, also involves, would be of higher order than   contrary to the hypothesis. Similarly,   will be greater than, or at least not less than,   furthermore,   will be not less than the subsequent exponent   etc.; thus, each of the differences       etc., will be non-negative integers.

Secondly, let us consider that if a product is formed from any number of indeterminate integral functions of       etc., then the highest term of this product must necessarily be the product of the highest terms of those factors. It is equally clear that the highest terms of the functions       etc., respectively, are       etc. Hence it follows that the highest term produced by the product


will be   hence by setting   the highest term of the function   will certainly be of lower order than the highest term of the function   Moreover, it is clear that   and therefore   will become an integral symmetric function of       etc. Therefore, treating   just as   was treated before, it will be split into   so that   is a product of powers of       etc., with coefficients that are either determinate or at least independent of       etc., and   is an integral symmetric function of       etc. whose highest term belongs to a lower order than the highest term of the function   Continuing in the same way, it is clear that   will eventually be reduced to the form   etc., i.e. it will be transformed into an integral function of       etc.

The theorem demonstrated in the preceding article can also be stated as follows: Given any symmetric integral function of the indeterminates       etc.,   another integral function of an equal number of other indeterminates       etc., can be assigned, such that through substitutions       etc., it passes into   Moreover, it can be easily shown that this can only be done in one way. For suppose that there are two different functions   and   of the indeterminates       etc., such that upon substituting       etc. these functions yield the same function of       etc. Then   will be a function of       etc., which does not vanish by itself, but which is identically destroyed after those substitutions. However, it is easy to see that this is absurd, by considering that   must necessarily be composed of a certain number of parts of the form


whose coefficients   do not vanish, and which are different with respect to their exponents, so that the highest order terms coming from each of these parts are of the form


and therefore must have different orders, so that the highest order term cannot be destroyed in any way.

Moreover, the calculation of such transformations can be significantly abbreviated by several methods, which we do not dwell on here, since for our purpose only the possibility of the transformation is sufficient.

Consider the product of   factors


which we will denote by   Since it involves the indeterminates       etc. symmetrically, let us assume that it has been reduced to the form of a function of       etc. Let this function transform into   if we substitute       etc. in place of     etc., Having done this, we will call   the determinant of the function


So, for   we have


Similarly for   we find


The determinant of the function   is therefore a function of coefficients       etc., which through the substitutions       etc., is transformed into the product of all differences between pairs of the quantities       etc. In the case where   i.e. where only one indeterminate   is present, and thus there are no differences at all, it will be convenient to adopt the number   as the determinant of the function  

In fixing the notion of determinant, the coefficients of the function   should be regarded as indeterminate quantities. The determinant of a function with determined coefficients


will be a determined number   namely the value of the function   when       etc. Therefore, if we suppose that   can be resolved into simple factors, as


or that   arises from


by setting       etc., and thus by the same substitutions by which     etc., become       etc., it is clear that   will be equal to the product of factors


Therefore, it is clear that if   at least two of the quantities       etc., must be equal; on the contrary, if   then       etc. must all be different. Now we observe that if we set   or


then we have


Therefore, if two of the quantities       etc., are equal, e.g.   then   will be divisible by   meaning that   and   will have a common divisor   Vice versa, if it is supposed that   and   have a common divisor, then necessarily   must involve some simple factor from among       etc., e.g. the first   which clearly cannot happen unless   is equal to one of the other       etc. From all this, we obtain two theorems:

I. If the determinant of the function   becomes   then certainly   and   have a common divisor, and therefore, if   and   do not have a common divisor, the determinant of the function   cannot be  

II. If the determinant of the function   is not   then certainly   and   cannot have a common divisor; or, if   and   have a common divisor, the determinant of the function   must necessarily be  

It should be noted that the entire force of this very simple demonstration relies on the assumption that the function   can be resolved into simple factors: which assumption, in this place, where the general demonstration of this resolvability is discussed, would be nothing but begging the question. And yet not all have avoided fallacies entirely similar to this, who have attempted analytic demonstrations of the principal theorem, the specious illusion of whose origin we have already observed, as all have sought only the form of the roots of equations, whereas it should have been necessary to demonstrate their existence. However, enough has been said already, in the previously cited commentary, about such a method of proceeding, which deviates too much from rigor and clarity. Therefore, we will now place the theorems in the preceding article, of which we cannot afford to be without at least one for our purpose, on a more solid foundation. We will start from the second, this being the easier one.

Let us denote by   the function


which, since   is divisible by each of the denominators, becomes an integral function of the variables         etc. Let us further set   so that we have


Clearly, for   we have   hence we conclude that the function   -   is indefinitely divisible by   and similarly by     etc., as well as by the product   Therefore, if we set


then   will be an integral function of the variables         etc., and indeed, like   it will symmetric with respect to the variables       etc. Consequently, two integral functions     of the variables       etc., can be derived, which upon substituting       etc. are transformed into     respectively. Therefore, following the analogy, if the function


i.e. the differential quotient   is denoted by   then since   is transformed into   by the same substitutions, it is evident that   is transformed into   i.e. into   and therefore must vanish identically (art. 5): thus, we have the identity


and hence, if we suppose that substituting       etc. produces     then we have the identity


where since     are integral functions of   and   is a determined quantity or number, it is evident that   and   cannot have a common divisor unless   This is precisely the second theorem of art. 6.

We conclude the demonstration of the previous theorem by showing that, in the case where   and   do not have a common divisor, it cannot be that   To this end, we first, following the instructions of article 2, find two integral functions   and   of the variable   such that we have the identity


which we write as


or equivalently, since we have


in the form


For brevity, let us express


which is a function of the variables         etc., by


Then we will have the identities [1]


Supposing, therefore, that the product of all


which will be a complete function of the indeterminates   etc.,   etc., and indeed a symmetric function with respect to the same   etc., can be represented by


and by multiplying all the equations [1], the result is a new identity [2]


Moreover it is clear, since the product   involves the indeterminates       etc. symmetrically, that it is possible to find an integral function of the indeterminates       etc., which is transformed into   by the substitutions       etc. Letting   be that function, we will have the identity [3]


since the substitutions       etc. transform this equation into the identity [2].

Now, from the very definition of the function   it follows that


identically. Hence we also have identities


and consequently


and therefore also [4]


Wherefore, by the combination of equations [3] and [4], and by substituting       etc., we will have [5]


if we denote by   the value of the function   corresponding to those substitutions. Since this value necessarily becomes a finite quantity,   cannot certainly be   Q.E.D.

From the foregoing, it is now clear that any integral function   of a single indeterminate   whose determinant is   can be decomposed into factors, none of which has determinant   Indeed, once we have found the highest common divisor of the functions   and   it will already be resolved into two factors. If one of these factors[1] again has a determinant of   it can be resolved into two factors in the same way, and thus we shall continue until   is finally resolved into factors of such a nature that none of them has a determinant of  

Moreover, it is easy to see that among the factors into which   is resolved, there must be at least one such that among the prime factors of its order, two occurs no more often than among the factors of the order   of the function   more precisely, if we assume that   where   denotes an odd number, then among the factors of the function   there will be at least one whose order is   where   is also odd, and either   or   The truth of this assertion follows automatically from the fact that   is the sum of all of the orders of all of the factors of  

Before we proceed further, we will exhibit a certain expression, the introduction of which is of great utility in all investigations concerning symmetric functions, and which will also be very convenient for us. Let   be a function of some of the indeterminates       etc., and let   be the number of these which enter into the expression of   without any consideration of the other indeterminates that   may happen to involve. By permuting these   indeterminates in all possible ways, both among themselves and with the remaining   from       etc., other expressions similar to   will arise from   and altogether there will be


expressions, including   itself, which we shall simply call the complex of all  . Hence it is clear what is meant by the sum of all   the product of all   etc. Thus, for example,   will denote the product of all     the product of all     the aggregate of all   etc.

If it happens that   is a symmetric function with respect to some of the   indeterminates it contains, then those permutations do not alter the function   Consequently, in the complex of all   each term will be repeated, at least   times, where   is the number of indeterminates with respect to which   is symmetric. However, if   is not only symmetric with respect to   indeterminates, but also with respect to   others, and also with respect to   others, etc., then   will not be altered, whether the pairs from the first   indeterminates are permuted among themselves, or the pairs from the second   or the pairs from the third   etc., so that


permutations always give rise to identical terms. Therefore, if we always retain only one of these identical terms, we will have altogether


terms, which we shall call the complex of all   excluding repetitions, to distinguish it from the complex of all   including repetitions. Whenever nothing is expressly stated to the contrary, repetitions will always be understood to be admitted.

Of course, it is easy to see that the sum of all   or the product of all   or generally any symmetric function of all   always becomes a symmetric function of the indeterminates       etc., whether repetitions are allowed or excluded.

We now let     be indeterminates, and consider the product of all   excluding repetitions, which we will denote by   Thus,   will be the product of   factors


This function, since it symmetrically implicates the indeterminates       etc., can be assigned an entire function of the indeterminates           etc., denoted by   which will pass into   if the indeterminates       etc., are replaced by       etc. Finally, let us denote by   the function of the indeterminates     alone, which is transformed into   if we assign determinate values       etc., to the indeterminates       etc.

These three functions       can be considered as integral functions of order   of the indeterminate   with indeterminate coefficients, which

for   will be functions of the indeterminates         etc.
for   will be functions of the indeterminates         etc.
for   will be functions of the indeterminate   alone.

However, the individual coefficients of   will be transformed into the coefficients of   by substitutions       etc., and into the coefficients of   by substitutions       etc. The same considerations regarding the coefficients will also hold for the determinants of the functions       And we will now inquire more closely into these, with the aim of demonstrating the following theorem:

Theorem. Whenever   the determinant of the function   cannot be identically  

The proof of this theorem would indeed be very easy if we were allowed to assume that   can be resolved into simple factors


Then it would also be certain that   is the product of all   and that the determinant of the function   is the product of the differences between pairs of the quantities


However, this product cannot identically vanish unless one of the factors becomes identically   It would then follow that two of the quantities       etc. would be equal, and consequently, the determinant   of the function   would be   contrary to the hypothesis.

Setting aside such reasoning, which is clearly begging the question (just as in art. 6), we now proceed to a rigorous demonstration of the theorem of art. 12.

The determinant of the function   will be the product of all differences between pairs   the number of which is:


This number represents the order of the determinant of the function   with respect to the indeterminate   The determinant of the function   will indeed be of the same order. However, the determinant of the function   may belong to a lower order in the case where the coefficients of some of the highest powers of   vanish. It is now our task to demonstrate that all coefficients in the determinant of the function   cannot vanish.

Upon closer examination of these differences, whose product is the determinant of the function   we will find that some of them (namely, the differences between pairs of   which have a common element) will provide

the product of all  

while others (namely, the differences between pairs   whose elements are different) will result in:

the product of all   excluding repetitions.

Each factor in the former product will appear   times, and each factor   will appear   times. Therefore, we conclude that this product becomes:


If we denote this latter product by   the determinant of the function   will be:


Furthermore, if we let   denote the function of the indeterminates         etc., which is transformed into   by the substitutions       etc., and by   the function of only   into which   is transformed by the substitutions       etc., it is clear that the determinant of the function   becomes


and the determinant of the function   becomes


Therefore, since   is not   by hypothesis, it remains to be demonstrated that   cannot vanish identically.

To this end, we introduce another indeterminate   and consider the product of all


excluding repetitions. Since this product involves       etc. symmetrically, it can be represented as an integral function of the indeterminates         etc. We will denote this function as   The number of these factors   is


from which we easily deduce that


and therefore also


and finally


Generally speaking, the function   will be of order


However, in special cases, it may belong to a lower order, if it happens that some coefficients vanish from the highest power of   Nevertheless, it is impossible for that function to be identically   since the equation just found demonstrates that at least the final term of the function does not vanish. Let us take the highest term of the function   which indeed has a non-vanishing coefficient, to be   If we substitute   it is clear that   is an integral function of the indeterminates     or in other words, it is a function of   with coefficients depending on the indeterminate   in such a way that the highest term is   and thus it has a coefficient determined by   that is not   Likewise,     etc., will be integral functions of   whose highest terms are   while the coefficients of the subsequent terms depend on the indeterminates       etc.

Let us now consider the product of the following   factors:


Since this product is a function of indeterminates         etc.,       etc., and it is symmetric with respect to       etc., it can be represented as a function of indeterminates         etc.,       etc., which we denote by




will be the product of the factors


and therefore it will be indefinitely divisible by   as it is easy to see that any factor of   is involved in some of these factors. Let us therefore set


where the character   represents an integral function. From this it is easily deduced that


But as we have shown above, the product of factors


which will be   will have   as its highest term; therefore, the same highest term will be present in the function   and hence it cannot be identically   Therefore,   cannot be identically   and neither can the determinant of the function   Q.E.D.

Theorem. Let  [2] denote the product of any number of factors, in which the indeterminates   enter linearly only, or equivalently, which are of the form


and let   be another indeterminate. Then the function


will be indefinitely divisible by  

Proof. Setting


where   etc., are integral functions of the indeterminates     etc., we have


Substituting these values into the factors from which the product   is formed, namely

  etc. resp.

yields the following values:


Therefore,   will be the product of   with the factors


etc., i.e. of   with an integral function of the indeterminates                         etc. Q.E.D.

The theorem of the previous article clearly applies to the function   which we suppose to be given by


so that


will be indefinitely divisible by   We will represent the quotient, which is a function of the indeterminates             etc., and is symmetric with respect to the same       etc., by


From this, we deduce the identities




Therefore, if we simply represent the function   as   so that we have


we obtain the identity


Thus, if for determinate values     of     we obtain


we will have an identity


Whenever   does not vanish, it will be permissible to establish


and from this we obtain


which can also be stated as follows:

If we set   in the function   it is transformed into


Therefore, since in the case where   does not hold, the determinant of the function   is a function of the indeterminate   which does not vanishing by itself, it is clear that the multitude of determinate values of   through which this determinant can attain the value   will be a finite number, so that infinitely many determinate values of   can be assigned that make this determinant different from   Let   be such a value of   (which can also be assumed to be real). Then the determinant of the function   will not be   and hence it follows, by theorem II. of art. 6, that the functions


cannot have any common divisor. Furthermore, let us suppose that there exists some determinate value of   say   (whether it be real or imaginary, i.e. of the form  ), which makes   i.e.   Therefore,   will be an indefinite factor of the function   and consequently the function   will not be divisible by   Therefore, assuming that this function   attains the value   when   it cannot be true that   However,   will clearly be the value of the partial differential quotient   for     Therefore, if we denote the value of the partial differential quotient   for the same values of     by   then it is evident from what has been demonstrated in the previous article that the function   will vanish identically upon substituting


and therefore it will be indefinitely divisible by the factor


Consequently, by setting   it is evident that   will be divisible by


and therefore it will obtain the value   if   is taken to be the root of the equation


i.e. if we set


whose values are known to be either real or of the form  

It is easy to show that, for the same values of   the function   must also vanish. For clearly   is the product of all   without repetitions, and thus it is   Hence it follows automatically that


or   whose determined value therefore cannot vanish unless the value of   vanishes simultaneously.

By the aid of the preceding investigations, the solution of the equation   i.e., the finding of a determined value of   either real or in the form   which satisfies it, has been reduced to the solution of the equation   if indeed the determinant of the function   is not   It is worth noting that if all coefficients in   i.e., the numbers       etc., are all real quantities, then all coefficients in   will also be real, provided that, as is permissible, a real value is taken for   The order of the secondary equation   is   hence, whenever   is a even number of the form   where   is an indefinite odd number, the order of the secondary equation will be of the form  

In the case where the determinant of the function   is   we can find (by art. 10) another function   which divides it, whose determinant is not   and whose order is of the form   with either   or   Any solution of the equation   will also satisfy the equation   the solution of the equation   can then be reduced to the solution of another equation, whose order is of the form  

From these considerations, we infer that the general solution of any equation, whose order is an even number of the form   can be reduced to the solution of another equation, whose order is of the form   such that   If this number is even, i.e. if   is not   the same method can be applied again, and so we can continue until we reach an equation whose order is expressed by an odd number; and the coefficients of this equation will all be real, since all coefficients of the original equation were real. Such an equation of odd order is known to be solvable, and indeed has a real root, whence each preceding equation will also be soluble, either by real roots or by roots of the form  

It is therefore evident that any function   of the form   etc., where     etc., are determined real quantities, involves an indefinite factor   where   is a quantity either real or contained in the form   In the latter case, it is easily seen that   also obtains the value   upon substituting   thus it is divisible by   and therefore also by the product   Therefore, any function   certainly involves an indefinite real factor of the first or second order, and since the same applies again to the quotient, it is evident that   can be resolved into real factors of the first or second order. This demonstrates the proposition of this commentary.

  1. Indeed, only this factor, which is that highest common divisor, can have a determinant of   But the demonstration of this proposition would lead here into certain ambiguities; nor is it even necessary here, since if the determinant of the other factor could vanish, it could be treated in the same way, and it would be permissible to resolve it into factors.
  2. Perhaps it will be apparent to everyone without us pointing out that the symbols introduced in the previous article are restricted to that article alone, and therefore the meaning of the characters   should not be confused with their previous meaning.