Translation:Disquisitiones Arithmeticae/First Section

Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (1801)
by Carl Friedrich Gauss, translated from Latin by Wikisource
4418713Disquisitiones Arithmeticae1801Carl Friedrich Gauss

On Congruent Numbers in General

Article 1


Congruent numbers, moduli, residues and non-residues

If a number   divides the difference of two numbers   and   then   and   are said to be congruent modulo   otherwise they are incongruent: the number   will be called the modulus of the congruence. In the former case, the numbers   and   are said to be residues of each other, and in the latter case they are said to be non-residues.

These notions apply to all integers, both positive and negative[1], but they are not to be extended to fractions.

E.g.   and   are congruent with respect to the modulus     is a residue of   with respect to the modulus   and a non-residue with respect to the modulus  

Additionally, since   is divisible by any number, it follows that every number must be considered as congruent to itself with respect to any modulus.

Article 2


All residues of a given number   modulo   are included in the formula   where   is an undetermined integer. The simplest of the propositions that we are going to present can be easily demonstrated in this way; but indeed their truth can be equally easily discerned by anyone who looks at them.

From now on, we will denote congruences between two numbers using the symbol   adding, when necessary, the modulus enclosed in parentheses, e.g.     [2].

Article 3


Theorem. Given   successive integers


and another   one and only one of them will be congruent to   modulo  

If   is an integer, we will have   If it is a fraction, let   be the next largest integer (or the next smallest, if it is negative and the sign is disregarded). Then   will necessarily fall between   and   and thus it will be the number which is sought. Moreover, it is clear that the quotients       etc. are between   and   therefore no more than one of them can be an integer.

Article 4


Minimal residues.

It follows that every number will have a residue in the sequence       and also in the sequence       We will call these minimal residues. It is clear that, unless   is a residue of the number, there will always be two minimal residues, one positive and the other negative. If their magnitudes are not equal, then one of them will be   otherwise, both will be   the sign being disregarded; hence it follows that any number has a residue that does not exceed half the modulus, and we will call this the absolute minimum.

E.g.   modulo   has minimal positive residue   which is also absolutely minimal, and also   which is the negative minimal residue;   modulo   is its own minimal positive residue;   is the minimal negative residue, which is also the absolute minimum.

Article 5


Elementary propositions about congruences

From the notions we have just established, we immediately draw the following conclusions:

Numbers that are congruent with respect to a composite modulus are also congruent modulo any of its divisors.

If several numbers are congruent with respect to the same modulus, then they will also be congruent to each other (with respect to that modulus).

The same modulus is assumed throughout the following.

Congruent numbers have the same minimal residues; incongruent numbers have different ones.

Article 6


Given numbers       etc., and as many others       etc., and any modulus whatsoever,

If     etc., then   etc.   etc.

If     then  

Article 7


If   then also  

If   is a positive number, then this is just a particular case of the previous article, with   etc.,   etc. If   is negative, then   will be positive; so   and therefore  

If     then   For indeed,  

Article 8


If numbers       etc. and       etc. are pairwise congruent, then the products   etc. and   etc. will also be congruent.

By the previous article,   for the same reason   and so on.

If the numbers       etc. are assumed to be equal, and so are the numbers       etc., then we obtain the following theorem: If   and   is a positive integer, then  

Article 9


Let   be an algebraic function of the variable   of the form


where       etc. are arbitrary integers, and       are non-negative integers. If one gives congruent values to   then the resulting values for   will also be congruent.

Let   and   be congruent values of   by the previous article   and  , and similarly   etc. Therefore,


Moreover, it is easy to understand how this theorem can be extended to functions of several variables.

Article 10


Thus if one substitutes consecutive integers in place of   and the values of   are reduced to their minimal residues, they will form a sequence in which, after an interval of   terms (  being the modulus), the same terms will reappear; that is, this sequence will be formed from a period of   terms, repeated ad infinitum. For example, let   and   Then for         etc., the values of   yield minimal positive residues               etc., where the first five terms           are repeated ad infinitum; and if the series is continued in the opposite direction, that is, if negative values are assigned to   the same period reappears with the order of the terms inverted. From this it is clear that the series does not contain any terms other than those that make up the period.

Article 11


In this example, therefore,   cannot become   nor   and even less   or   From this it follows that the equations   and   can have no integer solutions, and consequently no rational solutions. It can be seen in general that when   is of the form


with       etc. being integers, and   being a positive integer, that the equation   (to which form it is clear that any algebraic equation can be reduced) will have no rational roots, if it happens that for a certain modulus the congruence   cannot be satisfied; but this criterion, which arises here by itself, will be further developed in section VIII. At least from this example one can form some idea of the utility of these investigations.

Article 12


Some applications

Several of the theorems that are usually presented in arithmetic treatises rely on those we have presented; for example, the rule to recognize if a number is divisible by     or any other number. Modulo   all powers of   are congruent to unity; therefore if the proposed number is of the form  etc., then its minimal residue modulo   will be the same as that of  etc. From this it is clear that if we add the digits of the number, disregarding the place that they occupy, the sum we obtain will have the same minimal residue as the original number, so that if the latter is divisible by   the sum of the digits will be as well, and conversely. The same applies to the divisor   Since   modulo   we will generally have   and thus a number of the form  etc. will have the same minimal residue as  etc.; hence the well-known rule is derived immediately. All similar rules can be easily deduced from the same principle.

The above also explains the reason for the rules that are usually prescribed for verifying arithmetic operations. If some given numbers must be deduced from others by addition, subtraction, multiplication, or raising to powers, we simply substitute in the operations, in place of the given numbers, their minimal residues with respect to an arbitrary modulus (by arbitrary, I really mean   or   because in the decimal system, as we have just seen, we can easily find the residues relative to these moduli). The resulting numbers must be congruent to those obtained from the given numbers, otherwise it is concluded that a defect has crept into the calculation.

But since these and the like are abundantly well known, it would be superfluous to dwell on them for too long.

  1. It is clear that the modulus must be taken absolutely, i.e. without regard to sign.
  2. We adopted this symbol because of the great analogy that exists between equality and congruence. It is for the same reason that Legendre, in papers that we will often have occasion to cite, used the very symbol of equality to denote congruence; we preferred another one to prevent any ambiguity.