Translation:II. Three musicians

II. Three musicians (1872)
by Maximilian Bern, translated from Polish by Wikisource

III. Trzech muzykantów” published in vol. „ Nowe Poezye Ernesta Buławy”, publ. Seyfert & Czajkowski, Lviv, 1872, p. 46. The secondary translation from Polish to English; the translation from German to Polish by Władysław Tarnowski ps. Ernest Buława, (he also composed music to these poem).

2493903II. Three musicians1872Maximilian Bern

The evening declines – – before autumn creature [1]
Frightened leaflets with murmur pass away,
From far away, in the night, across oak forest,
Three migratory musicians go ...

Home-bred musicians tread, tired with parade,
And young violinist pain broken
Because just died away with procession of bells
The sweetheart's funeral, so beloved to him ...

From old oak of green oak forest
Small wooden Jesus looks out, [2]
Kneeling the ringlets of fair head, young man
Bows in prayer for the soul of the beloved ...

And in three together, sing sacred song
And the violinist accompanies of the song, and echo,
Carries pilgrimages singers, the song, by the forest,
Disappearing among the forests ... silently ... silently ...

  1. Before creature of autumn.
  2. Literally: „Looks out small wooden Jesus”, but rather: „she or he looks out the window”