Translation:Mishnah/Seder Zeraim/Tractate Peah/Chapter 8

translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
252111Translation:Mishnah, — Seder Zeraim, Tractate Peah: Chapter 8Wikisource

Mishnah 1

From when is everyone permitted to glean?
When the weakest of the poor have made their search.
And when for single grapes and grape gleanings?
From when the poor were able to go through the vineyard and they come back.
And when for olive trees?
When the second rain has come.
R’ Yehuda said, “And what if one has not harvested his olive trees until after the second rain has come?
Rather, when the poor go out, and they have not brought back four Issar.”

Mishnah 2

They are trusted with the gleanings and the forgotten sheaves,
And the corner, and the poor tithe in every year,
And a son of Levi is trusted forever.
And we do not trust except for what people are thus accustomed to.

Mishnah 3

They are trusted concerning wheat,
But they are not trusted concerning flour, and not concerning bread.
They are trusted concerning the barley of rice,
But not trusted concerning the difference between raw and cooked.
They are trusted concerning cooked broad beans,
But not trusted concerning grits, if they are raw, or if they are cooked.
They are trusted to speak of the oil of the poor man,
But not trusted to speak of the oil from gleaned olives.

Mishnah 4

They are believed concerning raw vegetables,
But not believed concerning cooked ones,
Except if there was a small thing,
Because it is common that the master of the house takes it out from his stew pot.

Mishnah 5

One must not reduce the poor’s portion of the granary below half a Kav of wheat and a Kav of barley.
R’ Meir says, “Half a Kav.”
A Kav and a half of kasha, and a Kav of dried figs or 100 Dinar of figs.
R’ Akiva says, “Half that.”
Half a Log of wine.
R’ Akiva says, “A fourth.”
A fourth of a Log of oil.
R’ Akiva says, “An eighth of that.”
And for the rest of the produce,
Abba Shmuel said, “It is enough to sell and buy enough for two meals.”

Mishnah 6

This measure applies to priests and Levites, and only in Jerusalem.
If one wants to save some, he takes from half and gives half.
If he has a small amount, he gives it before them, and they divide it between themselves.

Mishnah 7

One must not reduce the due of the poor that wander from place to place,
Below a Kikor of two pounder coins when 4 Seah of wheat cost a Sela.
If he stays, give him the support to stay.
If he stays for Shabbat, give him 3 meals.
For one that has only 2 meals, he must not take from the soup kitchen.
If he has 14 meals, he doesn’t take from the money box,
And the money box is brought around in pairs and divided into three parts.

Mishnah 8

If he has 100 Dinar, he does not take the gleanings, the forgotten sheaves, the corner, or the poor tithe.
If he has 200 Dinar that is deficient by a Dinar, even if he is given 1000 at once,
Indeed, this is taking.
If they pledged to his creditor, or his wife’s marriage contract,
Indeed, this is taking.
He is not obligated to sell his house or his clothes.

Mishnah 9

For one that has 50 Zuz, and he carries them and gives them,
Indeed, this is not a taking.
And all who don’t need to take, but take anyway,
He will not be hidden from the world until he will be made dependant on mankind.
And all who need to take, and don’t take;
He will not die from old age until he will provide for others from his portion.
And on this, the verse says, “Bless the man that relies on G-d, and G-d will rely on him.” (Jeremiah 17:7)
And thus is the law that the judge judges from truth to truth.
And he that is not lame, nor blind, nor limp, yet he makes himself up as one of these,
He will not die of old age until he is like one of these,
As it says, “He that seeks evil, it will come to him.” (Proverbs 11:27)
And it says, “Justice, justice shall you pursue.” (Deuteronomy 16:20)
And every judge that takes a bribe and diverts justice,
He will not die of old age until his eyes have dimmed,
As it says, “And you shall not take a bribe, because a bribe blinds those that can see and understand, etc.” (Exodus 23:8)