Proletarskaya Kul'tura No.4, September 1918 (1918)
translated from Russian by Wikisource, edited by Valerian Polyansky
3341229Proletarskaya Kul'tura No.4, September 19181918
Date Issue
July 1918 No.1
July 1918 No.2
August 1918 No.3
September 1918 No.4
November 1918 No.5
February 1919 No.6
April–May, 1919 No.7-8
June–July, 1919 No.9-10
December, 1919 No.11-12
January – March, 1920 No.13-14
April–July, 1920 No.15-16
August – December, 1920 No.17-19
January – June, 1921 No.20-21



Digital copy of Russian original available from the National Library of Russia here.

Author[1] Russian title English title Page(s)
Valerian Polyansky 1-3
Alexander Bogdanov Methods of Work and Methods of Cognition 3-13
Fedor Kalinin 13-18
Valerian Polyansky 19-23
  1. Green background indicates material by this writer is in the public domain, pink background indicates the writer was murdered in the purges, and special copyright rules apply