Paragraph 1- If one tells another I am selling such and such field, the buyer would acquire the entire amount, even if it is very large and even if the borders are undefined, so long as no border interrupts the field. If the seller specified the eastern and western borders but did not mention the northern and southern borders, the buyer would acquire the entire field. We do not say that he only acquires one row in the east and one in the west.

Paragraph 2- If the seller specified the first, second and third borders, but did not specify the fourth border, the buyer would acquire the entire field but not the fourth border. How so? If the fourth border is overlapped by the other borders, and there is no row of palm trees and it does not have nine kav, the buyer would even acquire the fourth border. If the border was not overlapped, there was a row of palm trees or it had nine kav, he would not acquire the fourth border. If it was overlapped, it had a row of palm trees or had nine kav, or if it was not overlapped, did not have a row of palm trees and did not have nine kav, the court has the power to decide the matter the way they see appropriate.

Paragraph 3- If the seller specified one long border and one short border and the longer border belongs to someone else, the buyer would not acquire from the long border but opposite the short border. If the border belonged to two, the buyer would acquire a triangular area. There are those who say that even if it belonged to one, he would acquire diagonally like the head of a triangle.

Paragraph 4- If the seller just specified the corners but not the entire side, specified two borders perpendicular to each other, or specified a portion of each side, the buyer would not acquire the entire field. Rather, he would acquire that which was specified and what the judges find appropriate.

Paragraph 5- If Reuven’s border was east and west, and Shimon’s border was north and south, the seller must write for the buyer, “Reuven’s border on two sides and Shimon’s border on two sides.”

Paragraph 6- If one owned a field and sold a portion of it to Shimon on the west side and retained the east side for himself, and he specified the western border but not the eastern border and just wrote the eastern border is the field I divided or retained, and he wrote, “and these are its borders,” the buyer would acquire half the field. If he did not write, “and these are its borders,” the buyer would only acquire nine kav.