Paragraph 1- If two people saw a found camel or donkey, and they both went ahead and led it or pulled it, or one drove and one pulled, they would both acquire. When is this true? In the case of a donkey. In the case of a camel where one was driving and one was pulling, however, the one who pulled would acquire, and not the one who drove.

Paragraph 1- If an animal was found, and one pulled the reins, he would not acquire until he pulls the animal or drives it. The same applies to properties of a deceased convert. He would, however, acquire just the reins.

Paragraph 3- If one person was riding and the other was holding the reins, the rider would acquire the animal and just the part of the reins on the animal’s cheek. The party holding the reins would acquire what he was holding. The rest of the reins would not be acquired by anybody. If two people were riding, they would both acquire. If one was riding and one was leading, they would both acquire and they would divide.

Paragraph 4- The laws of found documents and receipts are discussed in Siman 65.

Paragraph 5- The laws of a found divorce document are discussed in Tur Even Haezer, Siman 132 and 153.