Paragraph 1- When brothers divide, we appraise what is on them. There are those who say we do not appraise what is on the oldest brother. We do not, however, appraise what is on their sons and daughters that they purchased from the estate. The same is true for what is on their wives because they have already acquired it for themselves. When is this true? With respect to weekday-clothing. With respect to shabbos and festival clothing, however, we would appraise what is on them.

Paragraph 2- If one instructs at the time of his death to give a palm tree or one of his fields from his properties to so and so, and the brothers divided without giving him anything, the division is void. They must give what the deceased instructed them to give and then re-divide from the beginning. If one wants to keep the division and give from his share and the other will reimburse him with money, he may do so.