Paragraph 1- If one rents a house to another in a large building, the tenant may use up to four amos of the protrusions and walls as well as the courtyard-garden and the backyard and the thickness of the walls in a place where they have such a custom. In all these matters we follow the local custom and the definitions that are known to the public.

Paragraph 2- If one rents out his courtyard without specifying, he has not rented out its barn.

Paragraph 3- The manure of the courtyard belongs to the renter. Thus, he must make the effort to remove it. If there is a local custom, we would follow the custom. When is this true? Where the animals that produced the manure belonged to the renter. If the animals belonged to someone else, however, the manure would belong to the courtyard-owner because a person’s courtyard acquires for him without his knowledge, even if it is rented out with others. If the renter caught the manure with a vessel from the airspace and it never landed in the courtyard, however, the manure would belong to the renter.

Paragraph 4- The ashes that are produced by the oven and kira-stove belong to the renter, even if others are baking or cooking.