Paragraph 1- If an ox worth 200 gored another worth 200 and caused a depreciation of 50, and at the time of litigation the victim caused an appreciation and it was worth 400 but had it not been gored it would have been worth 800, regardless of whether the victim fattened the animal or it appreciated on its own, the tortfeasor would only pay the value at the time of the damage.

Paragraph 2- If the animal depreciated at the time of litigation because of the blow, and the depreciation was valued at 100, the tortfeasor would give him the cost at the time of litigation. If the tortfeasor caused an appreciation of his ox by the time it reached litigation, and it was because he fattened it, the victim would only collect from the value that it was at the time of the damage. There are those who say that if the appreciation was more than the expense, the tortfeasor would take the cost of the expense, and payment for his effort and work, and the victim would receive the rest of the appreciation. If it appreciated on its own, the victim would collect based on its value at the time of litigation.