Paragraph 1- If one strikes another, although he had paid the five categories he does not receive atonement until he asks the victim for forgiveness and the victim forgives him. The victim is prohibited from being cruel when it comes to forgiveness because that is not the way of Jewish offspring. Rather, once the tortfeasor asks for forgiveness and humbles himself one or two times and it is known that he repents and regrets his evil ways, the victim should forgive him. Whomever is quick to forgive is praiseworthy and the spirit of the Rabbis derive benefit from him. See Orach Chaim 426:6. One is prohibited from requesting judgments from the heavens over his friends that did something bad to him, This only applies where he a legal recourse in this world. Anyone who cries out on another will be punished first. There are those who say that even if the victim has no legal recourse in this world, he is still prohibited from crying out against the other unless he first informs him.

Paragraph 2- The law of the victim swearing and collecting is discussed in Siman 90.