Shulchan Aruch
by Yosef Karo, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
Yoreh Deah 191
187218Shulchan Aruch — Yoreh Deah 191WikisourceYosef Karo


A man is required to separate from his wife during her days of impurity until she counts and goes to the Mikvah. (And even if she waited a long time and she did not go to the Mikvah, she is always considered in Niddah until she goes to the Mikvah). And he shall not play or be lightheaded with her (even with words) because perhaps he could be accustomed to commit a transgression, but it is permitted for them to be alone together, because since he has had intercourse with her one time, his [evil] inclination is no longer so strong.


He should not touch her even with his smallest finger and he should not stretch out from his hand to her hand anything, and he should not receive anything from her hand, because perhaps he would touch her flesh. (And similarly, throwing things from his hand to hers or the opposite, is forbidden).


He should not sit on a bed that is set aside for her, even if it is not in front of her. Rama: And it is forbidden to sit on a long bench that sways and is not connected to the wall when his wife who is in Niddah sits on it. And there are those who permit when another man acts as a buffer and sits between them. And also he should not go with his wife in one wagon or one boat, if he went just for a vacation such as to gardens and vineyards and the like; but if he went from city to city for his needs, it is permitted even though he and his wife are alone, and only if they said in the way where they did not touch one to the other.


He should not sleep with her in the bed even if both people were clothed and they did not touch. Rama: And even if each one had a sheet for himself or herself, and even if they slept on two beds and the beds are touching one another, this is forbidden.