Shulchan Aruch
by Yosef Karo, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
Yoreh Deah 94
178279Shulchan Aruch — Yoreh Deah 94WikisourceYosef Karo

Seif 1:

One who inserts a milk spoon into a meat pot, or the opposite, we estimate based on is the total amount of what was inserted from it into the pot (if the spoon is ben yomo, that is, it was used in a vessel that was on the fire within the last 24 hours). And there is one who says that a metal spoon, we measure based on all of [the spoon], because when part of it gets warm, it all gets warm. (And the first view is core [i.e. correct], and such is the practice.

Seif 2:

If he insterted a spoon into the pot twice and it did not become known in the meantime, he needs 60 times [the amount of the spoon] twice. And there are those who say that it 60 times once is enough, and this is the custom.

Seif 3:

If there is 60 times the amount of the spoon, then the pot and the food are allowed, but the spoon is forbidden whether with meat or with dairy, because it absorbed from a meat and milk mixture. And even post facto, the spoon forbids if they returned and dipped it into either meat or dairy if within 24 hours. But if there is not 60 times the amount, then it is forbidden to derive benefit from any of them, even the pot. However, you are allowed to put in it fruit or cold food because you are not benefiting from the actual forbidden item.

Seif 4:

If the spoon has not been used within 24 hours, the pot and the cooked food are allowed, but the spoon is forbidden ab initio, whether with meat or with dairy. But in any case, post facto the spoon does not forbid because it had not been used within 24 hours.

Seif 5:

If you boiled water in a new pot and dipped a dairy spoon in it, then boiled more water and dipped a meat spoon in it, and the two spoons had been used within the last 24 hours and in neither of the cases had there been enough water for 60 times [the spoon], you may not use the pot for meat or dairy, but can cook anything else in it because it was new and you had never cooked anything in it. Rama – But if you did cook meat or dairy in it, then it is allowed because it is a case of second degree transference. A pot in which you cooked vegetables or water and dipped in a spoon that had been used within 24 hours, and the pot had not been used within 24 hours, or the opposite, or if there was 6o times in the food, then everything is allowed. But we have the custom to be strict and eat the food in the way of the dish (meat or dairy) that had been used within 24 hours and to forbid the dish that has not been used within 24 hours, but this is only a stringency because according to the law, all of these are allowed.

Seif 6:

Onions or vegetables that have absorbed meat taste and one cooks them in a dairy pot, if one knows how much meat [taste has been] absorbed by the onions and the vegetables, one only needs 60 times against the [taste of] meat [in the onions and the vegetables]. [Isserles:] It is not appropriate to say [that the onions and vegetables] are inherently, entirely not kosher; they are still entirely kosher, and similarly one only needs to [have 60 times] against that which was absorbed [by the onions and the vegetables]. The same applies to a dairy pot in which one cooks water within the past 24 hours, and thereafter cooks [in the pot] meat, one does not say that it is necessary to have 60 times against all of the water, only against the dairy that was absorbed by the pot. (From that which is implied by the Tur and Beis Yosef).

Seif 7:

Hot meat that one has sliced with a dairy knife, all of the slices are prohibited if there is not 60 times [in the meat] against the place on the knife that sliced the meat. But if [the knife] has not been used within the past 24 hours, the slice is not prohibited except for a thin, outer layer. [Isserles:] All of this applies to meat cooked in primary vessel, further if the knife has been used within the past 24 hours and there is not 60 times in the meat against the knife, all [of the meat] is prohibited, further the knife requires [kashering by] immersion in boiling water. But if the meat is in a secondary vessel, a thin, outer layer needs to be removed from the meat; and the knife [requires kashering by] inserting it into the ground ten times (Aruch, rule 36), and this is the custom. And even if the knife is has not been used within the past 24 hours, there are those who remove a thin, outer layer from the meat a little bit because of fatty material of [on] the knife (Tur and Beis Yosef in the name of the Sefer Mitzvos Katan).

Seif 8:

If cheese falls on a meat pastry in the oven, even wet, and similarly hot cheese in a meat pot that has been used within the past 24 hours, only a thin, outer layer is prohibited.

Seif 9:

[If] one cooks honey in a meat pan that has been used within the past 24 hours and empties it [the honey] warm into a dairy vessel that has been used within the past 24 hours, [the honey] is permitted, because this is a case of the secondary transfer of taste between two permitted things [i.e., kosher meat and kosher dairy].