Translation:Tao Te Ching
Shang Pian (上篇)
editChapter 1 (第一章)
edit道可道,非恆道; |
The Dao that can be stated, is not the eternal Dao; |
Chapter 2 (第二章)
edit天下皆知美之爲美, |
Everyone knows what beauty is; |
Chapter 3 (第三章)
edit不尙賢, |
Not to quest for virtuous |
Chapter 4 (第四章)
edit道沖, |
The Dao is empty, |
Chapter 5 (第五章)
edit天地不仁, |
The sky and the earth do not care, |
Note: Chugou (芻狗, literally "grass dog") is a straw-made dog-shaped sacrifice used in ancient China. When sacrificing, people treat it very seriously; but once the sacrifice has ended, people treat the straw dogs in a very casual way.
Chapter 6 (第六章)
edit谷神不死,是謂玄牝。 |
The valley spirit will not die, this is the primal mother. |
Chapter 7 (第七章)
edit天長地久。 |
The heaven and the earth are eternal. |
Chapter 8 (第八章)
edit上善若水。 |
The best quality/character is like water. |
Chapter 9 (第九章)
edit持而盈之,不如其已。 |
Rather than pour into a cup that overflowed, It is better to stop it. |
Chapter 10 (第十章)
edit載營魄抱一, |
If the soul keeps on being felt by the body, |
Chapter 11 (第十一章)
edit三十輻共一轂, |
Put thirty spokes together into one hub, |
Chapter 12 (第十二章)
edit五色令人目盲, |
The beautiful colours blind people's eyes, |
Chapter 13 (第十三章)
edit寵辱若驚, |
Promotion and demotion are both horrifying, |
Chapter 14 (第十四章)
edit視之不見,名曰夷; |
That which is looked at yet never seen is known as invisible, |
Chapter 15 (第十五章)
edit古之善為道者,微妙 |
Once upon a time, those who knew the Way, were a mysterious and subtle people, |
Chapter 16 (第十六章)
edit致虛極;守靜篤。 |
Immersed within the heart of the void, keep tranquility's essence. |
Chapter 17 (第十七章)
edit太上,下知有之; |
Great rulers are hardly known by their subjects, |
Chapter 18 (第十八章)
edit大道廢,有仁義; |
When the Dao is lost, so there arises benevolence and righteousness. |
Chapter 19 (第十九章)
edit絕聖棄智,民利百倍; |
Abandon holiness, relinquish prudence; the people will flourish a hundredfold, |
Chapter 20 (第二十章)
edit絕學無憂。 |
Discard conventional doctrines and be relieved from anxieties. |
Chapter 21 (第二十一章)
edit孔德之容, |
Where the greatest Virtue resides, |
Chapter 22 (第二十二章)
edit曲則全, |
Fractured, one asserts unity, |
Chapter 23 (第二十三章)
edit希言自然。 |
Less spoken, words speak for themselves naturally. |
Chapter 24 (第二十四章)
edit跂者不立, |
Ones who tip-toe do not stand, |
Chapter 25 (第二十五章)
edit有物混成, |
Mired into existence, |
Chapter 26 (第二十六章)
edit重為輕根, |
Weightiness is the root of weightlessness, |
Chapter 27 (第二十七章)
edit善行,無轍跡; |
Good travelling leaves no tracks; |
Chapter 28 (第二十八章)
edit知其雄, |
Acquire knowledge of extroversions, but |
Chapter 29 (第二十九章)
edit將欲取天下而為之, |
It is futile trying to possess the universe, |
Chapter 30 (第三十章)
edit以道佐人主者, |
Ones who offer advice in the Art of governance, |
Chapter 31 (第三十一章)
edit夫佳兵者,不祥之器, |
Where everyone is well armed, is a state in vain, |
Chapter 32 (第三十二章)
edit道常無名。 |
The Dao eternally remains unknowable. |
Chapter 33 (第三十三章)
edit知人者智, |
Knowing people is being intelligent, |
Chapter 34 (第三十四章)
edit大道汎兮, |
Implications of the Tao are broad. Ubiquitous! |
Chapter 35 (第三十五章)
edit執大象, |
Herald a great icon, |
Chapter 36 (第三十六章)
edit將欲歙之,必固張之; |
If one desires to shrink something, one must indefinitely expand it; |
Chapter 37 (第三十七章)
edit道常無為而無不為。 |
The Dao abides in non-action but there is nothing it does not do. |
Xia Pian (下篇)
editChapter 38 (第三十八章)
edit上德不德, |
Those with great Virtue are not bound by virtues, |
Chapter 39 (第三十九章)
edit昔之得一者: |
When at one with the Dao: |
Chapter 40 (第四十章)
edit反者道之動, |
Resilience is the Dao in action, |
Chapter 41 (第四十一章)
edit上士聞道,勤而行之; |
The learned discovers the Dao, duly obliges; |
Chapter 42 (第四十二章)
edit道生一, |
The Dao gives birth to unity, |
Chapter 43 (第四十三章)
edit天下之至柔, |
The world's softest, |
Chapter 44 (第四十四章)
edit名與身孰親? |
Fame and honour, which is more associable? |
Chapter 45 (第四十五章)
edit大成若缺, |
Great support seems deficient, |
Chapter 46 (第四十六章)
edit天下有道, |
When the world is with the Dao, |
Chapter 47 (第四十七章)
edit不出戶, |
Without leaving home, |
Chapter 48 (第四十八章)
edit為學日益, |
Practicing scholarships, every day there is something to gain, |
Chapter 49 (第四十九章)
edit聖人無常心, |
The masters never close up their minds, |
Chapter 50 (第五十章)
edit出生入死。 |
Emerging from birth and disappearing into death: |
Chapter 51 (第五十一章)
edit道生之, |
The Dao conceives, |
Chapter 52 (第五十二章)
edit天下有始以為天下母。 |
The origin of existence began with the mother of all nature. |
Chapter 53 (第五十三章)
edit使我介然有知, |
That which makes one principled is knowing, |
Chapter 54 (第五十四章)
edit善建者不拔, |
Proficient builders do not eradicate, |
Chapter 55 (第五十五章)
edit含德之厚, |
The profoundness of being embraced with the Virtue, |
Chapter 56 (第五十六章)
edit知者不言, |
Those who know talk not, |
Chapter 57 (第五十七章)
edit以正治國, |
Be righteous in governance, |
Chapter 58 (第五十八章)
edit其政悶悶, |
When the governance is idle, |
Chapter 59 (第五十九章)
edit治人事天莫如嗇。 |
In governance and management, nothing compares to being conservative. |
Chapter 60 (第六十章)
edit治大國若烹小鮮。 |
Governing a nation is like frying small fish. |
Chapter 61 (第六十一章)
edit大國者下流。 |
Superior nations are positioned downstream. |
Chapter 62 (第六十二章)
edit道者萬物之奧, |
The Dao holds the crux to the myriad things, |
Chapter 63 (第六十三章)
edit為無為, |
Act without act, |
Chapter 64 (第六十四章)
edit其安易持, |
That settled is easily maintained, |
Chapter 65 (第六十五章)
edit古之善為道者, |
The timeless masters of the Dao, |
Chapter 66 (第六十六章)
edit江海所以能為百谷王者, |
Lakes and oceans can be the master of all streams, |
Chapter 67 (第六十七章)
edit我有三寶,持而寶之。 |
I have three precious things, that I hold onto and cherish. |
Chapter 68 (第六十八章)
edit善為士者不武, |
Great gladiators are not violent, |
Chapter 69 (第六十九章)
edit用兵有言, |
There is a saying in the battlefield, |
Chapter 70 (第七十章)
edit吾言甚易知,甚易行。 |
These words are easy to understand and easy to follow. |
Chapter 71 (第七十一章)
edit知不知,上; |
Knowing that you do not know, is superiority; |
Chapter 72 (第七十二章)
edit民不畏威, |
When the people are not threatened by the imposing dignity, |
Chapter 73 (第七十三章)
edit勇於敢則殺, |
Courageous in daring and kill, |
Chapter 74 (第七十四章)
edit民不畏死, |
When people are not threatened by death, |
Chapter 75 (第七十五章)
edit民之饑, |
People's poverty, |
Chapter 76 (第七十六章)
edit人之生也柔弱, |
People are born gentle and fragile, |
Chapter 77 (第七十七章)
edit天之道, |
The heavenly Dao, |
Chapter 78 (第七十八章)
edit天下柔弱 |
Of all gentleness and submissiveness in the world |
Chapter 79 (第七十九章)
edit和大怨, |
When hateful hostility is resolved, |
Chapter 80 (第八十章)
edit小國寡民, |
A small nation has a small population, |
Chapter 81 (第八十一章)
edit信言不美, |
Truthful words are not pleasant, |
This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content.
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This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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Translation: |
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