The Annals of Wales
From the Beginning of the World up to AD 447
(Part I)

by Anonymous, translated from Latin by Wikisource
1445187The Annals of Wales
From the Beginning of the World up to AD 447
(Part I)

[On the ]firs[t day], God made the light which he called "day". On the second day, God made the firmament in the midst of the waters and divided the higher waters from the lower waters as can be read in Genesis. On the third day, god gathered the waters into a place and caused land to appear, which he called "dry", and gatherings of water, he called "seas". On the fourth day, he made the sun and the moon from the light made on the first day and other stars in the firmament of heaven. On the fifth day, God created swimming[1] and flying things and things beneath the waters. On the sixth day, God created the land animals and man himself. In the likeness of God, male and female he created them: namely, Adam and Eve. On the seventh day, he rested from all his work which he had done.
Adam in the 130th year of his age begat Seth. From which the sons[2] of God lived for 930 years and died.
Seth in the 105th year begat Enos who took to call the name of god. And he lived for 912 years.
Enos in the 110th year begat Caynan and lived for 905 years.
Caynan in the 170th year begat Malaleel and lived for 910 years.
Malaleel in the 155th year begat Jareth and lived for 895 years.
Jareth in the 152nd year begat Enoch and lived for 962 years.
Enoch in the 165th year begat Matusalem and lived for 365 years. Matusalem (161) begat Lamec and lived for 969 years. This Lamec killed Chain, son of Adam, the fratricide.
Lamec in the 157th year begat Noe and lived 777 years. Noe in his 500th year begat Sem and after Sem was 98 years old the deluge came in the 600th year of Noe's life in the second month on the 17th day of the month as some would have it. This is the first age, containing 1984 [years].
Sem truly two years after the deluge begat Arphaxth. And this Arpx in the 35th year begat Salm who was the first

builder of Jerusalem and from his name (later called Salem by Jebus) it was called Jerusalem. Salem (130) begat Eb, from whom the "Hebrews". In the 130th year, he begat Phalec. Phalec in the 130th year begat Ragau. The gods were first worshiped. Ragau in the 132nd year begat Seruch. The kingdom of the Scythians begins. Seruch in the 130th year begat Nachor. The kingdom [of the E]gypt[ians] begins. Nachor in the 94th year begat Thare. The kingdom of the Africans[3] arises. Thare in the 80th year begat Abraham. Zoroastris invented the magic art. This is the second age, containing 857 years.
Abraham in the 100th year begat Isaac. Isaac in the 60th year begat Jacob. Jacob in the 40th year begat Joseph. Phoreneus gave laws to the Greeks. Joseph in the 23rd year died in Egypt. The Hebrew bondage begins in Egypt in the same year in which Joseph died and lasted for 144 years. Moises ruled the people for 40 years. Athlas taught astronomy. Josua for 27 years ruled the people after Moises. Erictonius invented the first chariot at Troy. After that, the children of Israel served the king of Mesopotamia for 8 years. Gothoniel liberated them and led them for 40 years. Cahtmus gave letters to the Greeks. After this, the Hebrews served the king of Moab for 18 years. Aoth liberated them, led them, and rested in the earth. 80 years. Debora judges the people. Then the sons of Israel served Jabin, king of Chanaan, for 20 years. Barach liberated them and led for 40 years. Apollo invented the harp. After this, they served the Madianites. Gedeon liberated them and led for 40 years. Mercury created the lyre. Abimelec (20). The chorus is invented in Greece. Thola. 32 years. Priam son of Laomedon ruled at Troy. Jahir (32). Carmenta mother of Ewander invented the letters of the Latins. Then the sons of Israel served in the army for 18 years.[4] Jepte liberated them and led for 7 years.

Hercules [throws] himself into the flames. Abessa for 6 years. [Alexander] seized Helen. Ab[don for 10 years]. Troy is captured by the Greeks and Carthage is founded by Dido. Dares produced the history of the Trojans.[5] Then the sons of Israel served the Philistines [for] 40 y[ears]. Samson liberated them and led for 20. Eneas died in Italy. Aschanius founds Alba. Heli the priest, father of Ophni and Finees, led for 40 years. The ark of the covenant is taken. Ophni and Phinees [sic] are killed. Trojans under Duke Brutus c[am]e to Britain. Samuel and Saul for 40 years. H[omer] was being considered the most learned [and] famous of the Greeks. Locrinus, son of Brut[us], rules [in] Britain. This is the thi[rd] a[ge], con[tai]ning 910 [years].
David is king for 40 years. Gad, Nathan, Asa prophesied in Israel. Salomon for 40 years. The Temple of Jerusalem is built. Amos, Ieu, Aggeus prophesied. Rudhidibras was ruling in Britain in these times. Roboam for 17 years. The kingdom of Israel is divided. Abia for [?] years. The tribe under which A[bime]lec was pontiff. Sapha[n for 44 years]. Zacharias, Johel prophesi[ed]. Josaphath for 30 years. Heli[as, Obe]dias, Micheas prophesied. J[or]an for 8 years. Joel, Naum prophesied. Helias is taken. Heliseus proph[esied]. Jonadab the [p]riest was famous. Joas for 40 years. Heliseus, disciple of Helias, dies. Anasias for 15 years. Carthage is completely founded. Ozias for 18 years. Romulus and Remus are born. Olimpias under [M]ount Olimpus is established by the Greeks. Iosue and Ysayas for [3]8 years. In the first ye[ar] of their reign Rome is foun[ded] by the [tw]in brothers Remus and [Romulus] on the 1[1] day of May, the day of the Holy Spirit.[6] C[uned]asius [was ru]l[ing] in Britain, who was the grandson[7] [of king Ler] who [fou]nded Lerecestria. Achax (16). Ezechias for [29] years. [The Senate] is created in Rome. The Sibyl becomes famous.



Brackets denote emendations of text destroyed or obscure in the original.

  1. The MS has natalicia ("birth", "relating to a birthday") where natatalia ("swimming things") is probably meant.
  2. [sic]
  3. Possibly a reference to Carthage, whose province was called Africa in Latin. (Libya was the more common name for the continent itself.)
  4. Against the Ammonites.
  5. This refers to "History of the Destruction of Troy", a late classical hoax believed during the middle ages.
  6. x[i] kalendas mai die sanc[te] pal[is]. Roman dating subtracted the number from the day that followed ("11 days before the first of May"), but addition is probably meant here, as Pentecost must occur in May or June.
  7. nepos may mean "grandson", "nephew", or some vague "descendant", but Cunedagius was elsewhere said to be the son of Leir's second daughter Regan.

See also
