Translation:The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr/Preface Suppressed by the Author

567987Translation:The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr — Preface Suppressed by the AuthorWikisourceE. T. A. Hoffmann

Preface Suppressed by the Author


With the security and peace, the true genius of the innate, I hand over my biography to the world, so that they may learn from the writing of a large tomcat to recognize my excellence to the fullest extent; to love me, honor me, admire me, and a adore me just a little.

Should anyone be bold enough to raise doubts against the sterling value of this extraordinary book, he may consider that he has to do so against a tomcat with a spirit, a mind, and sharp claws.

Berlin, May (18--)

(Homme de lettres très renommé)

P.S. This is too much! Even the Preface of the author--which should have been suppressed--is printed! There remains no alternative but to ask the kind reader to deduce that Murr is not at haughty literary tomcat based on the tone of this preface, and to bear in mind that, if any other sensitive author were to write a poignant preface in the true language of the intimate and heartfelt, were it translated, it would not come out much differently.
