Translation:To Władysław Zwierkowski and Filip Kahane

To Władysław Zwierkowski [1] and Filip Kahane [2] (1865)
by Władysław Tarnowski, translated from Polish by Wikisource

Do Władysława Zwierkowskiego i Filipa Kahanego” published in: Władysław Tarnowski ps. Ernest Buława „Krople czary”, P. Rhode, Leipzig, 1865; Part II (1864), p. 151. Stanisław Grzegorzewski „Wspomnienia osobiste z powstania 1863 roku”, publ. Towarzystwo Wydawnicze, Lvov, 1903, pp. 191-192.]

2449018To Władysław Zwierkowski [1] and Filip Kahane [2]1865Władysław Tarnowski

     Oh, you! with one arm,
Having lost second among combat,
     They did not stay in peace,
But, as an eagle tribe
     Suitable – with one hand in combat
Going! I send you the song,
     Like a farewell tear!...
No matter how low, tiny,
     But, once, once, maybe also it,
Like a seed by gales spread,
     Will see in homeland a merrier time;
Let then it will remind: you,
     Who you went with one hand in combat!
Calling: God look! Tzar halt!...
     When second hand from the ground jutted
And » look « for lightning to God called.

  1. Władysław Zwierkowski fought in detachment of Zouaves of Death.
  2. Filip Kahane was Jew, he fought in detachment of Zouaves of Death.