Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China/A Proposed University

1685206Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China — Section: Hongkong. Chapter: Education. Subsection: A Proposed UniversityG. H. Bateson Wright

A PROPOSED UNIVERSITY.—A proposal to establish a university in Hongkong assumed a tangible form in March, 1908, when Mr. Mody, a local gentleman well-known for his public benefactions, promised $150,000 for the purpose of erecting the necessary buildings, on condition that a site and an endowment fund were provided. The idea of a local university was first mooted in the China Mail some few years previously. It was suggested by this journal that the nucleus of the university should be the Medical College and the Technical Institute, that the endowment fund should be raised by the public, and that a grant of land should be made by the Government. At the time of writing, this scheme is under the consideration of the local Legislature, and it is very probable that a site at West Point, on the Bonham Road level, will be granted.