SCENE I.—An Apartment at Olympia's.
Enter Montano with a Servant, r. Mont. How doth the Countess? Serv. She doth rave, sir, still.Calls on the Marquis, and Count Ugolino:—Then mentions you, my lord,—anon, she sings,Then bursts into a laugh, so horrid wild,My heart doth bleed to hear her. Mont. Ill starr'd lady!There is no skill I fear, can aid thee,No respite from thy woes, but in the grave!May not I see her? Serv. If you should, my lord,Indeed you would repent it, 'tis a sightSo piteous, that my duty, but excepted,No other thing could force me to't. Mont. Thou hast a faithful and a kindly heart there's for thee. [Gives purse.I pray thee friend, let me hear constantly,How her disorder doth proceed. Serv. I shall, sir. Mont. I do much doubt if nature long can bearThe fierceness of the struggle. Farewell, friend. [Exeunt Monteno l. Servant, r.