United Nations Security Council Resolution 1319

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1319 (2000)
the United Nations
644757United Nations Security Council Resolution 1319the United Nations

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4195th meeting, on 8 September 2000

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions and the statements of its President on the situation in East Timor, in particular the statement of its President of 3 August 2000 (S/PRST/2000/26) in which it expressed profound concern at the continuing presence of large numbers of refugees from East Timor in camps in West Timor, at the continuing presence of militia in the camps and at their intimidation of refugees and staff of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),

Appalled by the brutal murder of three United Nations personnel killed on 6 September 2000 by a militia-led mob, and supporting the statement on this subject made by the Secretary-General at the outset of the Millennium Summit and the expressions of concern by several Heads of State and Government during the Summit proceedings (A/55/PV.6),

Condemning this outrageous and contemptible act against unarmed international staff who were in West Timor to help the refugees and, reiterating its condemnation of the murder of two United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) peacekeepers and attacks on the United Nations presence in East Timor,

Recalling that the declaration of the Security Council Summit, at the level of Heads of State and Government (resolution 1318 (2000) of 7 September 2000), included specific reference to the need for effective measures for the safety and security of United Nations personnel,

Expressing its outrage at the reported attacks in Betun, West Timor on 7 September 2000, in which a number of refugees reportedly have been killed,

Welcoming the letter of the President of Indonesia to the Secretary-General on 7 September 2000 in which he expressed outrage at the killing of the UNHCR staff and stated his intention to conduct a full-scale investigation and to take firm measures against those found guilty,

1. Insists that the Government of Indonesia take immediate additional steps, in fulfilment of its responsibilities, to disarm and disband the militia immediately, restore law and order in the affected areas in West Timor, ensure safety and security in the refugee camps and for humanitarian workers, and prevent cross-border incursions into East Timor;

2. Stresses that those responsible for the attacks on international personnel in West and East Timor must be brought to justice;

3. Recalls in this regard the letter of 18 February 2000 from the President of the Security Council to the Secretary-General (S/2000/137) in which it was noted that grave violations of international humanitarian and human rights law have been committed and that those responsible for these violations should be brought to justice, and reiterates its belief that the United Nations has a role to play in the process in order to safeguard the rights of the people of East Timor;

4. Calls on the Indonesian authorities to take immediate and effective measures to ensure the safe return of refugees who choose to go back to East Timor, and stresses the need for parallel programmes to resettle individuals who choose not to return;

5. Notes that the Government of Indonesia has decided to deploy additional troops to West Timor to improve the serious security situation, but stresses that UNHCR workers cannot return to West Timor until there is a credible security guarantee, including real progress towards disarming and disbanding the militias;

6. Underlines that UNTAET should respond robustly to the militia threat in East Timor, consistent with its resolution 1272 (1999) of 22 October 1999;

7. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council within a week of the adoption of this resolution on the situation on the ground;

8. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

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