No. 13


Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assistance. Signed at Warsaw, on 18 March 1946
Serbo-Croat and Polish official texts communicated by the acting chief of the permanent Yugoslav delegation to the United Nations and by the Polish representative to the United Nations. The registration by Yugoslavia took place on 31 March 1947.


The President of the National Council of the Republic of Poland on the one part, and

The Presidium of the National Skuptshina of the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia on the other part,

Drawing conclusions from the experiences of the last war, which as the result of aggression by Germany and her allies wrought enormous destruction both in Poland and in Yugoslavia,

Desirous of tightening the bonds of secular friendship between the brother Slav nations of both countries, bonds which have been particularly strengthened and consolidated in the course of the joint struggle waged for liberty, independence, and democracy against Germany and her allies in the last war,

Believing that the strengthening and deepening of the friendship between Poland and Yugoslavia corresponds to the most vital interest of both countries and will most effectively serve the cause of the cultural and economic development of Poland and Yugoslavia,

Being desirous of consolidating the peace and security of Poland and Yugoslavia as well as world peace and security,

Have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assistance and for this purpose have appointed as their plenipotentiaries:

The President of the National Council of the Republic of Poland: Edward Osobka-Morawski, Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity of the Republic of Poland, and

The Presidium of the National Skuptshina of the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia: Joseph Broz-Tito, Marshal of Yugoslavia and Prime Minister of the Government of the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia,

Who, after having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following provisions:

Article I

Each of the High Contracting Parties undertakes not to enter into any alliance or participate in any action directed against the other High Contracting Party.

Article II

In the event of the peace and security of either country being threatened as well as in the more important matters affecting the interests of both countries the High Contracting Parties undertake to consult one another on their course of action.

Article III

Should either of the High Contracting Parties, as a result of aggression, become involved in hostilities against Germany, or against a country which was an ally of Germany in the last war, or against any other country, which either directly or in any other way whatsoever had allied itself with Germany, or with her allies in such aggression, the other High Contracting Party shall afford such Party immediate military and other assistance and support by all means at its disposal.

Article IV

The present Treaty shall not in any way prejudice the engagements entered into by both High Contracting Parties with third countries.

The High Contracting Parties shall execute the present Treaty in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and shall support any steps taken to eliminate centres of aggression, as well as to consolidate peace and security throughout the world.

Article V

The present Treaty shall come into force on the date of signature and shall be binding for twenty years.

Unless notice of intention to terminate the Treaty is given by one of the High Contracting Parties at least one year before the expiration of the period agreed upon, it shall be considered as having been renewed for a further period of five years and similarly thereafter.

The Treaty is subject to ratification. The exchange of instruments of ratification shall take place at Belgrade at the earliest possible date.

In faith whereof the above mentioned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty and have thereto affixed their seals.

Done at Warsaw in two copies, each in the Polish and Serbo-Croat languages, both of which are authentic, this 18th day of March, 1946.

By authority
of the President of the
National Council of the
Republic of Poland
By authority
of the Presidium of the National
Skuptshina of the Federative
People’s Republic of Yugoslavia
(Signed) Edward Osobka-Morawski (Signed) Joseph Broz-Tito


  1. Came into force 18 March 1946 by signature.