No. 3


Arrangement to give practical effect to certain provisions of the Agreement of July 19th, 1946, dealing with the execution of the transfer of League assets to the United Nations. Signed at Geneva, on 31 July 1946.

English official text communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The filing and recording took place on 14 December 1946.


To meet the situation that will arise after the taking over by the United Nations on August 1st, 1946 of the League buildings together with certain services (Library, Internal Service, Supplies Branch, General Stenographic Service, Roneo and Multigraph Service), the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations agree on the following:

1. Library

(a) The League Secretariat shall have the use of the United Nations Library and its services. All demands for books, periodicals, etc. emanating from the League services will be addressed direct to the Library.

(b) Demands emanating from League services, which necessitate new purchases, will be referred by the Library to the League Administration for previous authorisation. The resulting expenditure will be borne by the United Nations unless in the opinion of the Deputy-Librarian the purchase is not in the interests of the United Nations, in which case the League Administration will bear the cost.

(c) All orders placed by the Library before July 31st, 1946, for which the liability has been registered with, the League Treasury, shall be paid for by the United Nations.

2. Internal Service

(a) (i) Upkeep of buildings, installations, grounds, etc.

All work ordered before July 31st, 1946, for which the liability has been registered with the League Treasury, shall be paid by the League even if the work has not been completed before that date.

(ii) Orders for material or articles placed before July 31st, 1946, for which the bill will be received after that date, shall be paid for by the United Nations.

(b) The League Mailing Service will become a United Nations Service on August 1st, 1946. It will function also for the League. It will receive mail addressed to the League and will transmit it for distribution to the League office-keeper. The League will send to the U. N. Mailing Service for despatch its outgoing mail, for which the existing League “surcharged” stamps will be used.

The U. N. Mailing Service will keep a special account of all expenditure incurred in connection with League mail, the expenditure being reimbursed to the United Nations at the end of each month. The U. N. Mailing Service will obtain the previous authorisation of the League administration in case of any costly despatches.

(c) Telegrams

(i) Telegrams addressed to the League, its Services or officials, and received by the U. N. Mailing Service will be distributed immediately during working hours. Telegrams received outside office hours will be distributed the following morning.

(ii) The League will hand in all outgoing telegrams direct to the Swiss Federal Post Office for despatch.

(d) Telephone Service. The League will have the free use of the U. N. Telephone Service. It will bear the expenditure only for long-distance (toll and trunk) calls, the bill for which will be presented to the League Administration for payment at the end of each month. The official nature of these calls must be certified by the Head of the Service to which the official asking for a call belongs, or by a League official specially appointed for this purpose by the Secretary-General of the League.

(e) Automobile Service. The League will have the use of the U. N. Automobile Service after August 1st, 1946, within the limits of its normal official requirements. Requests for the use of the United Nations cars will be addressed to the Internal Service of the United Nations.

(f) Furniture stored in the Palais des Nations. The Internal Service of the United Nations will assist up to December 31st, 1946, in the upkeep of the furniture of former League officials which remains stored in the building. It is understood that any expenditure involved in this respect (cleaning, transport, etc.) will be charged to the owner of the furniture concerned.

3. Contracts

All contracts entered into by the League and listed in the attached schedule, which relate to the buildings, installations, grounds, etc., will be taken over by the United Nations as from August 1st, 1946, together with all the rights and obligations involved.

4. Office hours

The League is free to maintain its present office hours and to observe its present public holidays. Should this create difficulties for the United Nations, the matter will be the subject of further discussion between the two organisations.

5. Supplies Branch

(a) League Services can obtain reasonable quantities of available stationery and supplies of the standard type by addressing themselves to the U. N. Supplies Branch. Demands for quantities in excess of normal consumption will be referred by the Supplies Branch to the League Administration before execution.

(b) Requests for stationery and supplies which are not kept in stock will be referred to the League Administration. In case of purchase they will be billed to the League.

(c) Orders for material and articles placed before July 31st, 1946, and delivered after that date will be paid for by the United Nations.

(d) The U. N. Supplies Branch shall continue to make arrangements concerning journeys of League officials and removals of their furniture. Demands will be transmitted to the U. N. Supplies Branch through, the League Administration and any demands received directly by the Supplies Branch will be referred by it to the League Administration for previous decision. The U. N. Supplies Branch shall apply the rules at present in force in the League Secretariat, the League Administration reserving decision on all matters involving commitments or expenditure.

6. General Stenographic Service (Pool)

The League has the right to call on this U. N. Stenographic Service (Pool) within the limits of its present requirements. Requests shall be addressed direct to the Head of the Service. Requests which, taking into account the existing staff, cannot be satisfied, shall be referred to the League Administration. If it should prove necessary to strengthen the personnel of the Service in order to meet League requirements, the additional expenditure shall be borne by the League.

7. Roneo Service

The U. N. Roneo and Multigraph Services will function also for the League, within the limits of its present requirements. Demands which may necessitate an increase of staff will be referred to the League Administration which will also bear any additional expenditure.

8. Registry

Pending its transfer to the United Nations, the League Registry will function also for the United Nations. It will open a special service for the United Nations which will function according to their instructions. Should this service necessitate a strengthening of the present Registry personnel, the United Nations will bear the expenditure.

9. Distribution Service

Pending the transfer of the League Distribution Service to the United Nations, the latter shall have the right to call on this Service for any distribution work they may require. Should their demands necessitate an increase of the present personnel of the Service, the expenditure will be borne by the United Nations.

10. Ration Cards

From August 1st, 1946 onwards, ration cards will be issued to League officials and their families by the Personnel Office of the United Nations in the same conditions as they were issued by the Personnel Office of the League.

11. Liaison between the two Organisations

The authorisation given League Services to have direct communication with the United Nations Services covers only cases of current and routine questions. All other matters must be submitted previously to the League Administration.

The same applies vice versa to the Services of the United Nations who will submit all questions other than those of a current and routine nature to the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Done and signed at Geneva, on July 31st, 1946, in two copies, of which one was handed to the representative of the League of Nations and one to the representative of the United Nations.

For the League of Nations: For the United Nations:
(Signed) Sean Lester (Signed) W. Moderow
