United States – Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense/IV. A. 4. Bibliography


I. Unclassified Materials
A. Books and Reports
Bain, Chester, Vietnam: The Roots of Conflict, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1967.
Bator, Victor, Vietnam, a Diplomatic Tragedy: The Origins of the United States Involvement, Oceana Publications, Inc., Dobbs Ferry, New York, 1965.
Bodord, Lucian, (trans. by Patrick O'Brien), The Quicksand War: Prelude to Vietnam, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1967.
Buttinger, Joseph, Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled: Volume I, From Colonialism to the Vietnam, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1967.
Buttinger, Joseph, Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled: Volume II, Vietnam at War, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1967.
Chatham House Study Group, Collective Defence in Southeast Asia: The Manila Treaty and its Implications, Oxford University Press, London, 1956.
Duncanson, Dennis J., Government and Revolution in Vietnam, Oxford University Press, London, 1968.
Ely, General D'Armee Paul, Memoires L'Indochine Dans La Tourmente, Libraire Plon, Paris, 1964.
Fall, Bernard B., Street Without Joy: Insurgency in Indochina, 1946–1963, Stackpole Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1961.
Fall, Bernard B., The Two Vietnams: A Political and Military Analysis, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1964.
Fall, Bernard B., Vietnam Witness 1953–66, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1966.
Gavin, James C., Crisis Now, Random House, New York, 1968.
Gettleman, Marvin E., ed., Vietnam: History, Documents, and Opinions on a Major World Crisis, Fawcett World Library, New York, 1965.
Gurtov, Melvin, The First Vietnam Crisis: Chinese Communist Strategy and the United States Involvement 1953–1954, Columbia University Press, New York, 1967.

Halberstam, David, The Making of a Quagmire, Random House, New York, 1965.
Hammer, Ellen J., The Struggle for Indochina 1940–1955, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1966.
Jordan, Amos, Foreign Aid and the Defense of Southeast Asia, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1962.
Kahin, George McTurnan, John W. Lewis, The United States in Vietnam, Dial Press, New York, 1967.
Kaufmann, W. W., The McNamara Strategy, Harper and Row, New York, 1964.
King, John Kerry, Southeast Asia in Perspective, MacMillan Company, New York, 1956.
Lacouture, Jean, (trans. by Konrad Keller and Joel Carmichael), Vietnam: Between Two Truces, Vantage, New York, 1966.
Lancaster, Donald, The Emancipation of French Indochina, Oxford University Press, London, 1961.
Lindholm, Richard W., ed., Vietnam, The First Five Years: An International Symposium, Michigan State University Press, East Lansing Michigan, 1959.
McCarthy, Joseph E., Illusion of Power; American Policy Toward Vietnam 1954–1966, Carlton Press, New York, 1967.
Mecklin, John, Mission in Torment: An Intimate Account of the U. S. Role in Vietnam, Doubleday and Company, Garden City, New York, 1965.
Montgomery, John D., The Politics of Foreign Aid, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1962.
Nguyen Cong Vien, Seeking the Truth; the Inside Story of Vietnam After the French Defeat by a Man Who Served in Dai's Cabinet, Vantage Press, New York, 1966.
Nutt, Anita Lauve, Troika on Trial: Control or Compromise?, Vol. I, Defense Documentation Center, Virginia, September 1967.
Nutt, Anita Lauve, Troika on Trial: Control or Compromise?, Vol. II, Defense Documentation Center, Virginia, September 1967.
Nutt, Anita Lauve, Troika on Trial: Control or Compromise?, Vol. III, Defense Documentation Center, Virginia, September 1967.
Pan, Stephen, Daniel Lyons, Vietnam Crisis, Robert Speller & Sons, New York, 1966.
Raskin, Marcus G. and Bernard B. Fall, eds., The Vietnam Reorder: Articles and Documents on American Foreign Policy and the Vietnam Crisis, Random House, New York, 1965.
Ridgway, Matthew B., Soldier: The Memoirs of Matthew B. Ridgway; as told to Harold H. Martin, Harper, New York, 1956.
Ridgway, Matthew B., The Korean War, Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1967.
Salmon, Malcolm, Focus on Indo-China, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Hanoi, 1961.
Scigliano, Robert, South Vietnam: Nation Under Stress, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1964.
Scigliano, Robert, Guy H. Fox, Technical Assistance in Vietnam: The Michigan State University Experience, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1965.
Shaplen, Robert, The Lost Revolution: The Story of Twenty Years of Neglected Opportunities in Vietnam and of America's Failure to Foster Democracy There, Harper and Row, New York, 1955.
Warner, Denis, The Last Confucian; Vietnam, Southeast Asia, and the West, Penguin, Baltimore, Maryland, 1964.
Zagoria, Donald S., Vietnam Triangle: Moscow, Peking, Hanoi, Pegasus, New York, 1967.
B. Articles
Conner, Judson, J., "Teeth for the Free World Dragon," Army Information Digest, November 1960.
Harriman, W. Averill, "What Are We Doing in Southeast Asia," New York Times Magazine, May 27, 1962.
Myers, Samuel L., "Building a Strong National Vietnamese Army, Free World Forum, May 1959.
Noll, John V., Jr., "The Armored School South Vietnam," Armor, January–February, 1958.
Stevenson, Charles S., "The Far East MAAGs : Good Investment in Security," Army, November 1960.
Williams, Samuel T., "The Practical Demands of MAAG," Military Review, July 1961.
Williams, Samuel T., "Why the U. S. is Losing in Vietnam: An Inside Story," U. S. News and World Report, November 9, 1964.
C. Other
Fourth Semiannual Report to Congress on the Mutual Defense Assistance Program; Message from the President of the United States, House Document No. 352, 82nd Congress, 2nd Session, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., February 1952.
House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Special Study Mission to Southeast Asia and the Pacific, House Report No. 2024, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, July 1954.
Mansfield, Mike, Indochina: Report on a Study Mission to the Associated States of Indochina, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, 83rd Congress, 1st Session, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, October 27, 1953.
New York Times issues throughout the period.
Subcommittee on State Department Organization and Public Affairs, United States Aid Program in Vietnam: Report to Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 86th Congress, 2nd Session, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., February 26, 1960.
Memo: Dr. Edward W. Weidner to Mr. Leland Barrows, USOM, "Recommendation for American and Vietnamese Action re. Civil Security," October 11, 1955.
"Report on the Proposed Organization of the Law Enforcement Agencies of the RVN," Michigan State University Police Advisory Staff, Saigon, Vietnam, April 1956.
(Vol. II.) Supplement to the Composite Report of the President's Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program, William H. Draper, Chairman, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, August 17, 1959.
U. S. Foreign Assistance and Assistance from International Organizations: Obligations and Other Commitments, ICA, Office of Statistics and Reports, July 1, 1945 through June 30, 1960.
U. S. Foreign Assistance and Assistance from International Organizations: Obligations and Other Commitments, ICA, Office of Statistics and Reports, July 1, 1945 through June 30, 1961 (Preliminary).
U. S. Army Infantry Reference Data, 1956.
U. S. Army Infantry Reference Data, 1957.
U. S. Army Infantry Reference Data, 1958.
II. Classified Materials
A. National Security Council Documents
NSC 48, June 10, 1949. (TS)
NSC 41/1, December 23, 1949. (TS)
NSC 64, February 27, 1950. (TS)
NSC 64/1, December 21, 1950. (TS)
NSC 64, Progress Report, April 27, 1951. (TS)
NSC 124, February 13, 1952. (TS)
NSC 124/1, June 10, 1952. (TS)
NSC 124/2, Progress Report, August 5, 1963. (TS)
Memorandum for Defense Members, NSC Planning Board, "Draft Revision NSC 124/2," December 8, 1953. (TS)
NSC 177, December 30, 1953. (TS)
"Army Position on NSC Action, 11 No. 1074-a, April 1954. (TS)
NSC Action 1074-a, April 5, 1954. (TS)
NSC Action 1086-a,b,c, April 15, 1954. (TS)
NSC Action 1147-b, June 4, 1954. (TS)
NSC 5421, June 1, 1954. (TS - Special Security Precautions)
NSC Record of Action 1316, January 27, 1955. (TS)
NSC 5519, May 17, 1955. (TS)
NSC 5405/5429/5, "Progress Report, " July 11, 1956. (S)
NSC 5612, Draft, August 15, 1956. (TS)
NSC 5612/1, September 5, 1956. (TS)
NSC 5612/1, Progress Report, November 6, 1967. (S)
OCB Report in NSC 5809, August 12, 1959. (S)
NSC 6012, July 25, 1960. (S)
B. National Intelligence Estimates
NIE 5, December 29, 1950. (S)
NIE 20, March 20, 1951. (S)
NIE 35, August 7, 1951. (S)
NIE 35/1, March 3, 1952. (S)
NIE 35/2, August 27, 1952. (S)
NIE 47, October 31, 1952. (TS)
NIE 91, June 4, 1953. (S)
NIE 10-2-54, March 15, 1954. (S)
NIE 63, April 30, 1954. (S)
NIE 63-3-54, May 21, 1954. (S)
NIE 10-3-54, June 1, 1954. (TS - Limited Distribution)
NIE 63-4-54, June 15, 1954. (S)
NIE 63-5-54, August 3, 1954. (S)
NIE 63-7-54, November 23, 1954. (S)
NIE 10-7-54, November 23, 1954. (S)
NIE 63.1-2-55, April 26, 1955. (TS)
NIE 63.1-3-55, October 11, 1955. (S)
NIE 63-56, July 17, 1956. (S)
NIE 63.2-57, May 14, 1957. (S)
NIE 63-59, May 26, 1959. (S)
NIE 14.3/53-61, August 15, 1961. (S)
C. Special Estimates and Special National Intelligence Estimates
SE 22, March 4, 1952. (TS)
SE 32, October 3, 1952. (S)
SE 52, November 10, 1953. (TS)
SE 53, December 18; 1953. (TS)
SNIE 63-2-54, June 9, 1954. (S)
SNIE 10-4-54, June 15, 1954. (TS - Limited Distribution)
SNIE 63-6-54, September 15, 1954. (S)
SNIE 63.1-2/1-55, May 2, 1955. (S)
SNIE 63.1-4-55, September 13, 1955. (TS)
SNIE 58-2-61, July 5, 1951. (TS - NO FORN)
D. State Department Documents
Documentary History of United States Policy Toward Indochina, 1940–53, Research Project 354, April 1954, Historical Division, Department of State. (TS)
Message, Murphy to AmEmb (Paris), TOSEC 392, June 10, 1954. (TS)
Message, SECSTATE to Amb (Paris), 4551, TEDUL 191, June 12, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum, SECSTATE to SECDEF, August 18, 1954. (S)
Memorandum, SECSTATE to SECDEF, October 11, 1954. (TS)
Message, AmEmb (Saigon), from State/Defense, October 21, 1954, Draft. (TS)
Message, SECSTATE to AmEmb (Saigon), 1679, October 22, 1954. (TS)
Message, Heath to SECSTATE, 1761, November 8, 1954. (S)
Message, Collins signed Kidder to SECSTATE, 1830, November 15, 1954, DA-IN-99015 (November 16). (TS)
Message, Dillon to SECSTATE, 2433, December 8, 1954. (TS)
J. Lawton Collins, Special Representative of The United States in Vietnam, "Report on Vietnam for the National Security Council," January 20, 1955 (TS) with Supplement (S).
Department of State, INR, "The Communist Subversive Threat in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos," DR/SP 57.1, December 29, 1955. (S)
Letter, Deputy Under-Secretary of State to SECDEF, dated May 1, 1956. (S)
Department of State, INR, "The Communist Subversive Threat to the SEATO Treaty Area, II. The Subversive Threat in South Vietnam," DRF SP-62, October 24, 1956. (S)
Dispatch, Saigon to State, 400, May 29, 1959. (S)
Dispatch, Saigon to State, 276, January 4, 1960. (S)
Chronology on Vietnam, 1950–1965 , Research Project No. 747, Historical Studies Division, Historical Office, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State, November 1965.
E. Defense Department Documents
Memorandum for SECDEF from Service Secretaries, "Draft State Department Statement on Indochina, of March 27, 1952," April 8, 1952. (TS)
Enclosure to Memorandum, Acting SECDEF to Service Secretaries, "Forty Additional Vietnam Battalions," February 19, 1953.
Report by the Ad Hoc Committee to the Assistant to the Secretary for International Security Affairs.
Message, CINFE, MG619A, DA-IN-257701, April 15, 1953.
"Report of U. S. –Joint Military Mission to Indochina," July 15, 1953. (TS)
"Progress Report on Military Situation in Indochina," November 19, 1953. (TS)
"Comments on 'Progress Report on Military Situation in Indochina,' 1 November 19, 1953," (Comments by Army Attache, Saigon), December 24, 1953. (S)
"Report of U. S. Special Mission to Indochina," February 5, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Suspension of U. S. Military Aid to Indochina in Event of a Cease Fire," April 30, 1954.
"Debriefing, Major General Thomas J. H. Trapnell, Jr., May 3, 1954, OSD File No. 092/092.2, Indochina. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Studies with Respect to Possible U. S. Action Regarding Indochina," May 26, 1954. (TS)
Message, CHMAAGIC to CSUSA, MG 165 1 DA, 0915 15Z, June 1957, DA-IN-64188 (June 9, 1954). (S)
Message, CHMAAG Indochina, to DEPTAR, MG 2062A, 271130Z, July 1954, DA-IN-74737. (TS)
Memorandum from SECDEF to Service Secretaries and JCS, July 30, 1954.
Memorandum for SECDEF from JSC, "U. S. Assumption of Training Responsibilities in Indochina, August 4, 1954. (S)
Letter, SECDEF to SECSTATE, August 12, 1954. (S)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "U. S. Assumption of Training Responsibilities in Indochina, 11 September 22, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Retention and Development of Forces in Vietnam," September 22, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Military Consultation under the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty," 11 October 8, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum, SECDEF from JCS, "Development and Training of Indigenous Forces in Indochina," October 19, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum, SECDEF to JCS, October 26, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Indochina," November 17, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum for JCS from SECDEF, "Reconsideration U. S. Military Programs in Southeast Asia," January 5, 1955. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF, "Reconsiderations of U. S. Military Programs in Southeast Asia," January 21, 1955. (TS)
History of the Indochina Incident, Historical Section, JCS, Series B, February 1, 1955. (TS)
Draft, History of the Indochina Incident; Supplements 1–3, Series B, Historical Section, n.d.(TS)
Message CHMAAG Indochina to CNO MG 125A 100810A, February 1955, DA-IW 117629. (S)
Memorandum, SECDEF to SERVICE SECRETARIES and JCS, "Report on Vietnam for the NSC," February 3, 1955. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF from the JCS, "Concept and Plans for the Implementation If Necessary of Article IV, 1, of the Manila Pact," February 11, 1955. (TS)
Report of the Saigon Military Mission, August 1954 - August 1955. (S)
Memorandum for SECDEF from the JCS, "U. S. Policy in the Event of a Reversal of Aggression in Vietnam," September 9, 1955. (TS)
Report of Visit of Lt. General Bruce C. Clarke, Commanding General, U. S. Army Pacific to Western Pacific and Southeast Asia, September 6–29, 1955. (S)
Memorandum for SECDEF, "Raising U. S. Military Personnel Ceiling of MAAG Vietnam," December 9, 1955. (S)
Memorandum for SECDEF from ASD (ISA), January 25, 1956. (S)
Letter, SECDEF to SECSTATE, January 31, 1956. (S)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Development of Defense Information Relating to Certain U. S. AID Programs (Vietnam)," 11 April 13, 1956. (TS)
Letter, SECDEF to SECSTATE, December 13, 1956. (S)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "U. S. Policy in Mainland Southeast Asia," December 21, 1956. (TS)
Minutes of Meeting between President Diem and Deputy Secretary Quarles, May 10, 1957, May 15, 1957. (S)
Memorandum for the Record by Colonel Edward G. Lansdale, "Pacification in Vietnam," July 15, 1958. (S)
"Study on Army Aspects of the Military Assistance Programs in Vietnam," U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, June 1, 1960. (S)
Notes on U. S. Policy Toward Vietnam since 1945, OCMH, TS-62-5-3, May 24, 1962. (TS)
MAAG Country Statement for Vietnam and Laos as of December 31, 1955. (S)
MAAG Country Statement for Vietnam as of June 30, 1956. (S)
MAAG Country Statement for Vietnam as of December 31, 1956. (S)
MAAG Country Statement for Vietnam as of June 30, 1957. (S)
MAAG Vietnam Country Statement for Vietnam as of December 31, 1957. (S)
MAAG Vietnam Narrative Study, August 23, 1958. (S)
MAAG Vietnam Narrative Statement, November 1958, Corrected to March 31, 1959. (S)
Weekly Intelligence Digest, Joint Intelligence Division, PACOM, April 27, 1956; January 4, 1957; July 5, 1957; March 28, 1958; December 9, 1960. (All Secret)
F. Other Official Documents
Memorandum for the Record, "Meeting of President's Special Committee on Indochina, January 29, 1954," January 30, 1954. (TS)
"Report of Working Group of Special Committee on Indochina," February 6, 1954. (TS)
President's Special Committee Report, April 5, 1954. (TS)
Memcon, May 18 and 20, 1954, OSD Files 1954. (TS)
Message FOA Washington, signed Stassen to USAMB Paris USAMB Saigon, USFOTO 263, November 24, 1954. (C)
Memorandum for SECSTATE from Director, CIA, December 16, 1955. (S)
"Supplement to the Composite Report of the President's Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program," Volume III, August 17, 1959. (S)
G. Other
Bykerk, Norman H., MAAG Vietnam: Manacled by Geneva (U), Army War College, Pennsylvania, March 19, 1958. (S)
Erickson, John L., Impact of the United States Military Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam (U), U. S. Army War College, Log No. 61-2-54 S, Pennsylvania, February 10, 1961. (S)
Heymont, Irving, Ronald B. Emery, John G. Phillips, Cost Analysis of Counterinsurgency Land-Combat Operations: Vietnam, 1957–1964, Volume I, Main Body (U), Research Analysis Corporation, McLean, Virginia, June 1967. (S)
Heymont, Irving, Ronald B. Emery, John G. Phillips, Cost Analysis of Counterinsurgency Land-Combat Operations: Vietnam, 1957–1964, Volume II, Appendixes (U) , Research Analysis Corporation, McLean, Virginia, August 1967. (S)
Heymont, Irving, James W. Lash, Planning Factors for Counterinsurgency Land-Combat Operations, Based on RVN Experience, FY 1958–FY 1964 (U), Research Analysis Corporation, McLean, Virginia, November 1967. (S)
Nees, Charles M., The Establishment of a United States Joint Task Force, Southeast Asia (U), U.S. Army War College, Log No. 57-2-124 S, Pennsylvania, February 18, 1957. (S)