United States Statutes at Large/Volume 2/10th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 37

2478039United States Statutes at Large, Volume 2 — Public Acts of the Tenth Congress, 1st Session, XXXVIIUnited States Congress

March 21, 1808.

Chap. XXXVII.An Act extending the time for issuing and locating military land warrants.[1]

Secretary of War may issue land warrants to 1st March, 1810.
1809, ch. 3.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be authorized to issue military land warrants to such persons as have, or shall, before the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ten, produce to him satisfactory evidence of the validity of their claims; which warrants, with those heretofore issued and not yet satisfied, shall and may be located in the names of the holders or proprietors thereof, prior to the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and ten, on any unlocated parts of the fifty quarter townships and the fractional quarter townships, reserved by law for original holders of military warrants.

Approved, March 21, 1808.

  1. See vol. i. 464, 724.