United States Statutes at Large/Volume 30/55th Congress/2nd Session/Resolution 42

United States Statutes at Large, Volume 30
Resolutions, Second Session, Resolution 42
1549551United States Statutes at Large, Volume 30 — Resolutions, Second Session, Resolution 42

June 3, 1898.

[No. 42.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to present a sword of honor to Commodore George Dewey, and to cause to be struck bronze medals commemorating the battle of Manila Bay, and to distribute such medals to the officers and men of the ships of the Asiatic Squadron of the United States.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Commodore George Dewey, U.S.N.
Presentation to of sword and of medals to his command.
That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he hereby is, authorized to present a sword of honor to Commodore George Dewey, and to cause to be struck bronze medals commemorating the battle of Manila Bay, and to distribute such medals to the officers and men of the ships of the Asiatic Squadron of the United States under command of Commodore George Dewey on May first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and that to enable the Secretary to carry out this resolution the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, June 3, 1898.