United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/24th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 33
Chap. XXXIII.—An Act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, viz:
Pay, &c. of members of Congress.For pay and mileage of the members of Congress and delegates, three hundred and forty-eight thousand and forty dollars;
Pay of officers, &c. of Congress.For pay of the officers and clerks of the Senate and house of Representatives, thirty-three thousand seven hundred dollars;
Contingent expenses of Senate.For stationery, fuel, printing, and all other contingent expenses of the Senate, forty-nine thousand five hundred and fifty dollars;
Contingent expenses of House of Repres.For stationery, fuel, printing, and all other contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars;
Two last sums applicable only to ordinary expenses.The two sums last mentioned to be applied to the payment of the ordinary expenditures of the Senate and House of Representatives, severally, and to no other purpose;
President, Vice President, and the heads of departments.For compensation to the President and Vice President of the United States, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Postmaster General, sixty thousand dollars;
Secretary to sign patents.For salary of the secretary to sign patents for public lands, per act of March second, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one thousand five hundred dollars;
Office of Secretary of State.
Clerks, &c.For clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary of State, twenty thousand three hundred dollars;
Publication of the laws.For the contingent expenses of the Department of State, including publishing and distributing the laws, twenty-five thousand dollars;
Biennial Register.For compiling and printing the Biennial Register, one thousand eight hundred dollars;
Superint’t and watchman N.E. exec. building.For the superintendent and watchman of the northeast executive building, one thousand five hundred dollars; Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said building, including fuel, labor, oil, and repairs, two thousand five hundred dollars;
Office of Sec. of Treasury.
Clerks and messengers.For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, sixteen thousand four hundred and fifty dollars;
Additional clerks.For compensation to the clerks in said office, per act of twenty-third of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three thousand six hundred dollars;
First comptroller.For compensation to the First Comptroller of the Treasury, three thousand five hundred dollars;
Clerks and messengers.For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the First Comptroller, nineteen thousand three hundred dollars;
Second Comptroller.For compensation to the Second Comptroller, three thousand dollars;
Clerks and messengers.For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Second Comptroller, including two clerkships transferred from the office of the Fourth Auditor, twelve thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;
First Auditor.For compensation to the First Auditor of the Treasury, three thousand dollars;
Clerks and messenger.For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the First Auditor, fifteen thousand nine hundred dollars;
Second Auditor.For compensation to the Second Auditor of the Treasury, three thousand dollars;
Clerks and messenger.For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Second Auditor, seventeen thousand nine hundred dollars;
Third Auditor.For compensation to the Third Auditor, three thousand dollars;
Clerks and messengers.
Clerk hire.
Act of Jan. 18, 1837, ch. 5.For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Third Auditor, twenty-nine thousand six hundred and fifty dollars, including two thousand four hundred dollars for clerk hire to carry into effect an act of the seventeenth [eighteenth] of January last, entitled “An act to provide for the payment of horses and other property lost or destroyed in the military service of the United States;”
Fourth Auditor.For compensation to the Fourth Auditor, three thousand dollars;
Clerks and messenger.For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Fourth Auditor, fifteen thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars;
Fifth auditor.For compensation to the Fifth Auditor, three thousand dollars;
Clerks and messenger.For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Fifth Auditor, nine thousand eight hundred dollars;
Treasurer.For compensation to the Treasurer of the United States, three thousand dollars;
Clerks and messenger.For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Treasurer of the United States, including a deficiency of appropriation of two hundred and sixty-four dollars and sixty-four cents, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, eleven thousand and fourteen dollars and sixty-four cents;
Register.For compensation to the Register of the Treasury, three thousand dollars;
Clerks and messengers.For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Register of the Treasury, twenty-four thousand two hundred dollars;
Commissioner of the General Land Office.For compensation to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, per act of fourth of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three thousand dollars;
Other officers.
Salary of Recorder.For compensation of the recorder, solicitor, draughtsman, and assistant draughtsman, clerks, messengers, and packers, in the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, one hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; and the annual salary of the Recorder of the General Land Office shall be two thousand dollars; and Pay to Charles Gordon.the sum of nine hundred dollars shall be paid Charles Gordon for services rendered under the resolution of the Senate of second July eighteen hundred and thirty-six;
Deficiency of salaries for 1836.For deficiency to be appropriated on account of salaries, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, to the Commissioner and other officers in the General Land Office, twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-six dollars and ten cents;
Solicitor of the Treasury.For compensation to the Solicitor of the Treasury, three thousand five hundred dollars;
Clerks and messenger.For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, three thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars;
Contingent expenses of Treas’ry Dep’t.For expenses of stationery, printing, and all other contingent expenses of the Treasury Department, viz:
Office Sec’ry of Treasury, copying, &c.For the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, including copying, and expenses incurred in consequence of the burning of the Treasury building, twelve thousand five hundred dollars;
Translating, &c.For translating foreign languages, and for receiving and transmitting passports and sea-letters, in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, three hundred dollars;
Stating and printing public accounts.For stating and printing public accounts, one thousand four hundred dollars;
Off. 1st Comp.For the office of the First Comptroller, two thousand dollars;
Off. 2d Comp.For the office of the Second Comptroller, one thousand five hundred dollars;
Off. 1st Audit.For the office of the First Auditor, eight hundred dollars;
Off. 2nd Audit.For the office of the Second Auditor, one thousand dollars;
Off. 3rd Audit.For the office of the Third Auditor, thirteen hundred dollars;
Off. 4th Audit.For the office of the Fourth Auditor, one thousand dollars;
Off. 5th Audit.For the office of the Fifth Auditor, one thousand dollars;
Office Treasurer.For the office of the Treasurer of the United States, one thousand three hundred dollars;
Office Register.For the office of the Register of the Treasury, three thousand dollars;
Office Solicitor.For the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, one thousand dollars;
Office Commissioner General Land Office, parchments, &c.For the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, for one hundred and fifty thousand pieces of parchment for patents; printing the same; and, also, the cost of books for patent records, twenty-nine thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;
Books, stationery, &c.For tract books, other books, and stationery, furniture, expense of advertising land sales, and other contingent expenses, including office rent for an additional building, ten thousand dollars;
Superintend’t and watchmen.For compensation of superintendent and two watchmen for the additional building for the use of the General Land Office, one thousand and fifty dollars;
Secretary to Commissioners of Sinking Fund.For salary of the secretary to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, from eighth February to eleventh April, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, forty-three dollars and ninety-five cents;
Superin’t and watchman S. E. exec. building.For compensation of the superintendent and watchman of the southeast executive building, two thousand one hundred dollars;
Contingent expenses of Treas. building.For contingent expenses of the building occupied by the Treasury, including fuel, oil, labor, repairs, furniture, and for rent, amounting to four thousand four hundred and fifty dollars per annum, twelve thousand dollars;
Office Sec. War. Clerks and mess’ng’rs.
Arrearages due S. J. Potts.For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary at War, including sixty-five dollars and seventy-one cents, arrearages due Samuel J. Potts, for clerk hire and for messenger in the Bounty Land Bureau, thirteen thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars and seventy-one cents;
Books, maps, &c.For books, maps, and plans, for the War Department, one thousand dollars;
Extra clerks.For compensation of extra clerks, when employed in said office, two thousand five hundred dollars;
Commiss. of Indian Affairs.For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, three thousand dollars;
Clerks and messenger.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, sixteen thousand four hundred dollars;
Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said office, two thousand dollars;
Commissioner of Pensions.For compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, two thousand five hundred dollars;
Clerks.For compensation of clerks transferred from the office of the Secretary of War to the office of the Commissioner of Pension, four thousand eight hundred dollars;
Clerks and messengers; act 9th May, 1836, ch. 60.For compensation to clerks and messengers for the office of the Commissioner of Pensions, authorized by the act of ninth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, thirteen thousand four hundred and fifty dollars;
Clerks and messenger.For compensation to clerks and messenger in the office of the Paymaster General, four thousand six hundred dollars;
Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said office, three hundred dollars;
Clerks and messenger.For compensation of clerk and messenger in the office of the Commanding General, one thousand five hundred dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said office, three hundred dollars;
Cl’k and messenger.For compensation to clerks and messenger in the office of the Adjutant General, seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said office, one thousand six hundred dollars;
Cl’ks and messenger.For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Quartermaster General, seven thousand three hundred dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said office, six hundred dollars;
Cl’ks and messenger.For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Commissary General of Purchases, four thousand two hundred dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said office, eight hundred dollars;
Cl’ks and messenger.For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Commissary General of Subsistence, four thousand three hundred dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said office, two thousand six hundred dollars;
Cl’ks and messenger.For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Chief Engineer, five thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said office, one thousand dollars;
Cl’k and messenger.For compensation to clerk and messenger in the office of the Surgeon General, one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said office, five hundred and fifty dollars;
Cl’ks and messenger.For compensation of clerks and messenger in the Ordnance Office, eight thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said office, eight hundred dollars;
Cl’ks and messenger.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the Topographical Bureau, two thousand five hundred dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said bureau, one thousand two hundred and thirty-five dollars;
Messenger.For compensation of the messenger in the Clothing Bureau, per act of July fourth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, five hundred dollars;
Messenger.For salary of the messenger in the office of the Inspector General, five hundred dollars;
Sup’t and watchmen N. W. exec. build.For compensation of superintendent and watchmen of the northwest executive building, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said building, including rent, fuel, furniture, labor, and repairs, three thousand one hundred and eighty-three dollars;
Office Sec’y Nav. Clerks and messeng’rs.For compensation of the clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, twelve thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said office, three thousand dollars;
Commiss. of Navy Board.For compensation of the Commissioners of the Navy Board, ten thousand five hundred dollars;
Secretary.For compensation of the Secretary of the Navy Board, two thousand dollars;
Clerks and messengers.For compensation to the clerks and messenger of the Navy Board, eight thousand four hundred and fifty dollars;
Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said office, one thousand eight hundred dollars;
Sup’t and watchman S. W. exec. build.For salary of superintendent and watchman of the southwest executive building, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;
Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said building, three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars;
Assistant Postmasters General.For compensation to three Assistant Postmaster Generals, per act third July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, seven thousand five hundred dollars;
Clerks and messengers.For compensation to clerks and messengers in the General Post Office, forty-eight thousand six hundred dollars;
Contingent expenses, &c.For contingent expenses of said office, including expense of new offices and fuel for the Auditor’s Office, ten thousand dollars;
Repairs, books, stationery, &c.For repairs, books, and stationery, already incurred, over and above the appropriations of former years, in consequence of the re-organization of the Post Office Department, six thousand seven hundred dollars;
Watchmen.For compensation to two watchmen, six hundred dollars;
Extra clerks prior to 3d July, 1836.For compensation to extra clerks prior to third July eighteen hundred and thirty-six, when the act re-organizing the department went into operation, twenty-two thousand four hundred and nineteen dollars and eighty-one cents;
Auditor of Post Office.For compensation to the Auditor of the Post Office, three thousand dollars;
Clerks and messengers.For compensation to clerks and messengers in said office, fifty-five thousand five hundred dollars;
Contingent expenses, &c.For contingent expenses of said office, including books, stationery, printing, and expenses incidental to new offices, eight thousand two hundred dollars;
Surveyor General N. W. of Ohio.For compensation of the Surveyor General northwest of the Ohio, two thousand dollars;
Clerks.For compensation to clerks in his office, per acts of ninth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, six thousand three hundred dollars;
Surveyor General for Illinois and Missouri.For compensation to the Surveyor General for Illinois and Missouri, two thousand dollars;
Clerks.For compensation to clerks in his office, per acts of ninth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars;
Surveyor Gen. of Arkansas.For compensation to the Surveyor General of Arkansas, two thousand dollars;
Clerks.For compensation of clerks in the office of said Surveyor General, three thousand dollars, and for office-rent and fuel, three hundred dollars;
Surveyor Gen. of Louisiana.For compensation of the Surveyor General of Louisiana, two thousand dollars;
Clerks.For compensation to clerks in the office of said Surveyor General, per acts of ninth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, twenty-five hundred dollars; Surveyor Gen. of Mississippi.For compensation to the Surveyor General of Mississippi, two thousand dollars;
Clerks.For compensation of clerks in the office of said Surveyor General, per acts of ninth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, five thousand dollars;
Surveyor Gen. for Alabama.For compensation to the Surveyor General for Alabama, two thousand dollars;
Clerks.For compensation of clerks in the office of said Surveyor General, per acts of ninth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, two thousand dollars;
Surveyor Gen. of Florida.For compensation to the Surveyor General of Florida, two thousand dollars;
Clerks.For compensation of clerks in the office of said Surveyor General, three thousand dollars;
Copies of confirmations and orders of survey, &c.For expenses of completing the copies of confirmations and orders of survey, and procuring from the offices of the registers copies of plats and sketches necessary to a correct location of private claims, explained in the report from the General Land Office, two thousand dollars;
Commissioner of Public Buildings.For compensation to the Commissioner of Public Buildings in Washington, two thousand four hundred and fifty dollars;
Assistants.For compensation to three assistants to commissioner, as superintendent at Potomac Bridge, two thousand four hundred and sixty-three dollars and seventy-five cents;
Repairs of Potomac bridge, &c.For repairs of the said bridge, wood for the draw-keepers, and oil for lamps, two hundred and seventy-seven dollars;
Officers and clerks of Mint.For compensation to the officers and clerks of the Mint, nineteen thousand seven hundred dollars;
Assistants and laborers.For compensation to assistants and laborers in the various departments of the Mint, twenty-four thousand dollars;
Wastage of gold and silver, &c.For wastage of gold and silver, and contingent expenses of the Mint, including improvements in machinery, thirty-eight thousand one hundred dollars;
New machinery, &c.For expenses incident to the introduction of new machinery and apparatus, twenty thousand dollars;
Governor, &c. of Wisconsin.For compensation of the Governor, Judges, and Secretary of Wisconsin Territory, nine thousand one hundred dollars;
Contingent expenses, &c.For contingent expenses and compensation of the members of the Legislative Assembly of said Territory, and printing the laws, nine thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars;
Governor, &c. of Florida.For compensation of the Governor, Judges, and Secretary of the Territory of Florida, eleven thousand seven hundred dollars;
Contingent expenses, &c.For contingent expenses, pay, and mileage of the members of the Legislative Council of said Territory, stationery, fuel, printing, pay of the officers of the council, and copying laws, ten thousand three hundred and thirty-five dollars;
Chief Justice, Associate Judges, and District Judges, U.S.For compensation to the Chief Justice, the Associate Judges, and District Judges of the United States, eighty-four thousand nine hundred dollars;
Chief Justice and Associate Judges, D.C., &c.For compensation of the Chief Justice and Associate Judges of the District of Columbia, and of the Judges of the Orphans’ Courts of said District, nine thousand five hundred dollars;
Attorney General.For compensation to the Attorney General of the United States, four thousand dollars;
Clerk and messenger.For compensation of clerk and messenger in the office of the Attorney General, one thousand three hundred dollars;
Cont. expens.For contingent expenses of said office, five hundred dollars;
Reporter of Supreme C’t.For compensation to the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, one thousand dollars; District Attorneys and Marshals.For compensation to the District Attorneys and Marshals, as granted by law, including those in the several Territories, thirteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;
Expenses of the Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts, &c.For defraying the expenses of the Supreme Court and the District Courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also, for jurors and witnesses in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures incurred in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven and preceding years; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the safe-keeping of prisoners, three hundred and thirty thousand dollars;
Records of Supreme Court.For expenses of printing the records of the Supreme Court, three thousand dollars;
Pensions.For the payment of pensions granted by special acts of Congress, one thousand and fifty dollars;
Light-houses, &c.For the support and maintenance of light-houses, floating-lights, beacons, buoys, and stakeages, including the purchase of lamps, oil, keepers’ salaries, repairs, improvements, and contingent expenses, two hundred and ninety-eight thousand and fifty-five dollars;
Bell on lighthouse at Cove Point.For a bell, and fixing the same on the light-house at Cove point in the Chesapeake bay, being the amount of an appropriation for that purpose, which will be carried to the surplus fund, one thousand two hundred dollars;
Light-house at mouth of Chefuncte river.For a light-house at the mouth of Chefuncte river, being the amount of a former appropriation for that object, which will be carried to the surplus fund, five thousand dollars;
Two small beacon lights on Cockspur Island.For two small beacon-lights on Cockspur island, at the mouth of Savannah river, including four thousand dollars already appropriated, which will be carried to the surplus fund, seven thousand dollars;
Survey of coast, U.S.For survey of the coast of the United States including arrears of compensation and expenses of the superintendent, estimating his compensation at three thousand dollars per annum, and his expenses at the same rate from August second eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and including also, such additional payment to the army and navy officers employed upon the survey for their past services and expenses as the President may decide to be just and proper, sixty thousand dollars;
Warehouse at Baltimore.For completing the public warehouse at Baltimore, fifty thousand dollars;
Custom-house at Boston.For the custom-house at Boston, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars;
Refunding duties on rail-road iron.
1836, ch. 325.For refunding duties on railroad iron to the Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company, imported in eighteen hundred and thirty-two and eighteen hundred and thirty-three, per act of second July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four dollars;
Insolvent debtors.For expense in relation to the relief of certain insolvent debtors of the United States, three thousand dollars;
Disabled seamen.
1802, ch. 51.For deficiency in the fund for the relief of the sick and disabled seamen as established by act of third May eighteen hundred and two, twenty-five thousand dollars;
Archives in Florida.For the compensation to two keepers of the public archives in Florida, one thousand dollars;
Miscellaneous claims.For the discharge of such miscellaneous claims against the United States, not otherwise provided for, as shall be admitted in due course of settlement at the Treasury, twelve thousand dollars;
Surveys of public lands.For an addition to the existing unexpended balances of appropriation for surveys of the public lands, to be duly apportioned to the several districts, according to the exigencies of the public service, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; Completing surveys.For completing the surveys of unfinished portions of townships, islands, lakes, &c. viz:
In Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.In Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, not exceeding five dollars per mile, three thousand and forty dollars;
In Florida.In Florida, not exceeding five dollars per mile, six thousand dollar;
In Louisiana.In Louisiana, not exceeding eight dollars per mile, twenty thousand dollars; and
In Alabama.In Alabama, not exceeding eight dollars per mile, one thousand dollars, in addition to two thousand five hundred dollars already appropriated;
Ministers to Great Britain, &c.
Diplomatic agent to Texas.For salaries of ministers of the United States to Great Britain, France, Spain, and Russia, and outfits and salaries of ministers to Prussia and Austria, and for the outfit and salary of a diplomatic agent to be sent to the Republic of Texas, whenever the President of the United States may receive satisfactory evidence that Texas is an independent power, and shall deem it expedient to appoint such minister, in addition to the balance remaining of the appropriation for eighteen hundred and thirty-six, seventy-two thousand dollars;
Envoy, &c. to Mexico.For an outfit and salary for an Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary to Mexico, whenever, in the opinion of the Executive, circumstances will permit a renewal of diplomatic intercourse honorably with that power, eighteen thousand dollars;
Secretaries of legation to Great Britain, &c.For salaries of the secretaries of legation to Great Britain, France, Spain, Russia, Prussia, Mexico and Austria, fourteen thousand dollars;
Chargé des Affaires to Portugal, &c.For salaries of the secretaries of legation to Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Turkey, Belgium, Brazil, Chili, Peru, Mexico, Central America, New Grenada, and Venezuela, fifty-eight thousand five hundred dollars;
Drogoman, &c.For the salary of the drogoman, and for contingent expenses of the legation to Turkey, six thousand five hundred dollars;
Minister to Russia.For outfit of a minister to Russia, nine thousand dollars;
Chargé d’affaires to Belgium.For outfit of a chargé d’affaires to Belgium, four thousand five hundred dollars;
Contingent expenses of missions abroad.For contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, in addition to the balance remaining of a former appropriation, thirty thousand dollars;
Consuls at London and Paris.For salaries of the consuls of the United States at London and Paris, four thousand dollars;
Barbary Powers.For expenses of intercourse with the Barbary Powers, seventeen thousand four hundred dollars;
Relief, &c. of American seamen.For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, thirty thousand dollars;
Contingent expenses of foreign intercourse.For the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, in addition to the balance remaining of former appropriations, thirty thousand dollars;
Expenses of American consul in London.For clerk hire, office rent, stationery and other expenses in the office of the American consul in London, per act of nineteenth January eighteen hundred and thirty-six, two thousand eight hundred dollars;
Consulates in the Turkish dominions.For interpreters, guards, and other expenses incidental to the consulates in the Turkish dominions, five thousand five hundred dollars;
Librarians to Congress, &c.For the salary of the principal and assistant librarians; compensation of assistant during the two sessions of the twenty-fourth Congress; messenger, and contingent expenses of the library, four thousand two hundred and forty-three dollars;
Purchase of books.For the purchase of books for the library of Congress, five thousand dollars;
Diplomatic correspondence, &c. to certain members of House of Reps.
Proviso.For furnishing the members of the present House of Representatives as have not received the same, under former orders of the House, the Diplomatic Correspondence, American State Papers, Register of Debates, Elliot’s Debates, and the first volume of the Land Laws, forty-four thousand four hundred and ninety dollars and twenty-eight cents, Provided, That, if there are any surplus books, copies of which have been distributed to former members, in the Library of Congress, they shall be distributed one copy to each of the said members who has not received the same;
Manuscripts of the late Mr. Madison.For the purchase of the manuscripts of the late Mr. Madison referred to in a letter from Mrs. Madison to the President of the United States dated fifteenth November, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and communicated in his message of sixth December eighteen hundred and thirty-six, thirty thousand dollars;
General Post Office.For the service of the General Post Office, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, in conformity to the act of the second of July eighteen hundred and thirty-six, viz:
Transportation of mails, &c.For transportation of the mails, compensation of postmasters, ship, steam-boat, and way letters, wrapping paper, office furniture, advertising, mail bags, blanks, mail locks and keys, and stamps, mail depredations, and special agents, clerks for offices, and miscellaneous expenses, four millions four hundred and ninety-four thousand dollars;
Payment to A. Fuller.For payment to A. Fuller, and the rent of the building now occupied as a General Post Office, from the sixteenth December last, and for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, five thousand dollars;
Site of old Post Office, &c.For guarding the site of the old Post Office, and preserving the public property, two thousand dollars;
Branch of mint at New Orleans.For the expenses of the branch mint, at New Orleans, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, viz:
Officers.For salaries of officers and clerks, twelve thousand nine hundred dollars;
Laborers.For compensation to laborers in the various departments, thirteen thousand dollars;
Completing mint edifice, &c.For completing the mint edifice, and enclosing the lot, ninety-six thousand five hundred dollars;
Furnishing the establishment.For furnishing the whole establishment, inclusive of all apparatus, tools, and fixtures, not included in the contracts, fifteen thousand five hundred dollars;
Wastage of gold, &c.For wastage of gold, and for the contingent expenses of the mint, five thousand five hundred dollars;
Edifice and machinery.
1835, ch. 30.For expenses incurred in eighteen hundred and thirty-six, for the edifice and machinery, more than the amount appropriated in the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-five, two thousand dollars;
Branch mint at Charlotte.For the expenses of the branch mint at Charlotte, North Carolina, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, viz:
Officers.For salaries of officers and clerks, six thousand dollars;
Laborers.For compensation to laborers, one thousand five hundred dollars;
Furnishing the establishment.For furnishing the establishment with all the apparatus, tools, and fixtures, not included in the contracts, six thousand dollars;
Wastage of gold, &c.For wastage of gold, and for the contingent expenses of the mint, five thousand five hundred dollars;
Enclosing the grounds, &c.For enclosing the grounds, repairing a building on the lot, and for out-houses, seven thousand dollars; Furniture of the President’s house.For furniture of the President’s house, twenty thousand dollars;
Taxes on the arsenal near Philadelphia.For the taxes on the arsenal near Philadelphia, for the years eighteen hundred and thirty-five, and eighteen hundred and thirty-six, one thousand four hundred and fifty dollars and fifty cents;
Registers and receivers of land offices.For the salaries of the registers and receivers of land offices where there are no sales, including one thousand seven hundred and six dollars and thirty-four cents, carried to the surplus fund, two thousand five hundred dollars;
Construction of Treasury building.For the construction of the Treasury building, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, in addition to the amount unexpended in eighteen hundred and thirty-six, two hundred and fifty-seven thousand dollars;
Construction of Patent Office.For the construction of the Patent Office, in addition to former appropriations, one hundred thousand dollars;
Surveying in Arkansas.For surveying unfinished portions of townships, islands, and lakes, in Arkansas, at the rate of six dollars per mile, six thousand dollars;
Compensation to Geo. Watterston.For compensation to George Watterston, for his services in preparing a statement of the persons imprisoned for debt in this District, since one thousand eight hundred and twenty, under a resolution of the House of Representatives, six hundred dollars;
Light-house at or near Michigan City.For building a light-house at or near Michigan City, being an amount heretofore appropriated for the same purpose, and carried to the surplus fund, five thousand dollars;
Lazaretto near Baltimore.For rebuilding the lazaretto and wharf near the city of Baltimore, thirty thousand dollars;
Legislative assembly of Wisconsin.For arrearages for the expenses of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Wisconsin, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, fifteen thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars and sixteen cents;
Expenses of same for 1837.For the expenses of the same, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, thirty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-five dollars;
Chargé d’affaires to Naples.For an outfit and salary of a chargé d’affaires to Naples, nine thousand dollars;
Alterations, &c. of the capitol.For lighting lamps and superintendent of the public grounds around the capitol, five thousand one hundred and sixty-four dollars.
S. W. boundary line.To enable the President to cause the southwestern boundary line of the United States to be run, the following sums, viz:
Commissioner.For the salary of a commissioner, two thousand five hundred dollars;
Proviso.For the salary of a surveyor, two thousand dollars; and for contingencies, including the purchase of necessary instruments, wages to attendants, and other expenses, ten thousand dollars; Provided, That said commissioner and surveyor be appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate;
North and east boundary line.For exploring and surveying the north and east boundary line of the United States, where the same has not already been surveyed, and establishing monuments thereon, agreeably to the definitive treaty of peace of seventeen hundred and eighty-three, to be expended under the direction of the President of the United States, twenty thousand dollars;
Public stable at the capitol.For enlarging the public stable at the capitol, and the erection of a shed for the protection of the tools, implements and materials, twelve hundred dollars;
Improvements of the capitol square.For completing the improvements commenced, by extending the capitol square west, forty thousand dollars;
Alterations, &c., of President’s house, &c.For alterations and repairs of the President’s house, and for superintendence of the grounds around the same, seven thousand three hundred dollars;
Gardener for capitol square, &c.For compensation to the gardener employed in superintending the capitol square and other public grounds, one thousand dollars;
Incidental expenses of select committee of inquiry.For clerk hire, mileage, pay of witnesses, serving subpœnas, and other incidental expenses, under the orders of the select committees of inquiry appointed by the House of Representatives, twenty-five thousand dollars, in addition to the contingent fund of said House;
Chargé to New Grenada.For an outfit of a chargé d’affaires to New Grenada, four thousand five hundred dollars;
Balance due the acting Gov. of Michigan.For balance due the acting Governor of Michigan, according to an account adjusted by the accounting officers, seven hundred and twenty dollars and fifty-one cents;
Surveys in Missouri.For completing surveys of unfinished portions of townships, islands, lakes, &c., in Missouri, not exceeding five dollars per mile, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars;
Light-house at Oswego.For completing the light-house at Oswego, New York, seven hundred and fifteen dollars;
Arrearages due contractors on the Cumberland road.For payment of arrearages due contractors on the Cumberland road in Ohio, being the balance of an appropriation carried to the surplus fund on the thirty-first December, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, twelve hundred and twenty-five dollars and forty-one cents;
Compensation to Daniel Graham.For compensation to Daniel Graham, late Secretary of the State of Tennessee, for his services performed at the request of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, in order to answer a call of the House of Representatives, made on the twentieth of January eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two hundred and fifty dollars;
Votes of President and Vice President.For the expense of bringing to the seat of Government, the votes for President and Vice President of the United States, in addition to a former appropriation, two thousand two hundred dollars;
Senators and Representatives of Michigan.For compensation of the Senators and Representatives elected by Michigan, twelve hundred and forty-eight dollars;
Legislative Council of Michigan.For the payment of a balance due for the expenses of the Legislative Council of the Michigan Territory, two thousand and fifty-seven dollars and seventy-two cents;
Painting for the rotundo of the capitol.For fulfilling the contracts made with John Vanderlyn, Henry Inman, Robert Wier, and John G. Chapman, by the Joint Committee of Congress under the joint resolution of the twenty-third day of June, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six,Ante, p. 133. for the execution of four historical paintings for the vacant pannels of the rotundo of the capitol, eight thousand dollars;
Groups of statues for the east front.To enable the President of the United States to contract for two groups of statues, to adorn the two blockings on the east front of the capitol, eight thousand dollars;
Bust of Cheif Justice Ellsworth.To Mr. Auger for the bust of the late Chief Justice Ellsworth, four hundred dollars;
Arrangement, &c. of papers connected with private land claims.To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to employ for one year, a competent person to classify and arrange, translate when necessary, and make suitable records of the papers and documents connected with the private land claims, which, at sundry periods, have been presented to, and acted on, by the Commissioner, or the registers and receivers acting as commissioners, on private land claims for the district east of the island of New Orleans, and west of Pearl river, in the State of Louisiana, the sum of two thousand dollars;
Pay and mileage of Senators for the extra session.For pay and mileage of the members of the Senate for the extra session to commence on the fourth day of March instant, thirteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars;
Cont. expens.For stationery, fuel, printing, and all other contingent expenses of the Senate for the extra session to commence on the fourth day of March instant, five thousand dollars;
Distribution of Gales & Seaton’s State Papers.For the expenses of the distribution in boxes, and by the ordinary modes of transportation, of the compilation of the State Papers printed by Gales and Seaton, as directed by the joint resolution of the tenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, to the several States, Territories, colleges, and athenæums of the United States, one thousand five hundred dollars;
Purchase of the American State Papers.For the purchase of nineteen copies of the American State Papers, printed by Gales and Seaton, pursuant to the resolution of the Senate, of the first day of March, instant, four thousand five hundred and eighty-eight dollars and fifty cents;
Debates of the First Congress and Register of Debates.For two hundred and forty-four copies of the Debates of the First Congress, and of the Register of Debates to the end of the present Congress, as published by Gales and Seaton, to be distributed to the members of the present House, fifteen thousand five hundred dollars;
Commissioner under the convention with Spain.For compensation to the commissioner, secretary, and clerk, and the contingent expenses of the commission under the convention with Spain, eight thousand two hundred dollars;
Medal in honor of Brig. Gen. Daniel Morgan.
1836, ch. 256.To authorize the President of the United States to procure new dies to renew the medal directed to be made in honor of Brigadier General Daniel Morgan, by the act of the second day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, in case the original dies for the said medal cannot be found, one thousand dollars;
Improving the crypt of the capitol, &c.For improving the crypt of the capitol, by closing the openings on the east front with sash doors, making double doors to the outer entrances, and repairing furnaces, eleven hundred and fifty dollars;
Making Post Office, &c. of H. R. fire proof.For making the post office, document, folding, and library rooms of the House of Representatives fire proof, three thousand one hundred and fifty dollars;
Grounds of naval magazine, &c.To complete the enclosing the garden and grounds of the naval magazine and marine hospital, one hundred dollars;
Conducting water to Treasury and Post Office building.For conducting water along the Pennsylvania avenue from the pipes at the Capitol to the Treasury and General Post Office buildings, with the necessary fire-plugs to water the avenue, ten thousand dollars;
Fire-engine, &c. for War and Navy Departments.For the purchase of a fire-engine, apparatus, and engine-house for the War and Navy Departments, seven thousand two hundred and twenty-five dollars;
Fire-engine, &c. for Treasury building.For the purchase of a fire-engine and apparatus for the Treasury building, and the enlargement of the engine-house, five thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars;
Pay to William P. Elliott.For paying William P. Elliott, for drawing of the Treasury building and Patent Office, three hundred dollars;
Constructing a dwarf wall and fence in President’s square.For constructing a dwarf wall and fence from the southwest corner of the President’s house to intersect the new fence near the north corner of the Navy Department, one thousand three hundred dollars;
Support of the penitentiary.For the support of the penitentiary for the District of Columbia, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven; for pay of officers and agents; for repairs of buildings; for purchase of raw materials; for rations, clothing, beds, and bedding of prisoners; for purchase of fuel; for purchase of hospital stores and medicines; for purchase of books and stationery; for purchase of horse feed; for allowance to discharge convicts; and for other contingent expenses, the sum of twelve thousand five hundred and five dollars and thirty-nine cents, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and to be expended under the direction of the Board of Inspectors;
Burying ground at Fort Gibson.For the erection of a plain substantial fence around the burying ground at Fort Gibson in the State of Arkansas, five hundred dollars;
For surveys of the public lands in the district composed of the States Surveys in Illinois and Missouri.of Illinois and Missouri, in addition to the appropriation herein before made for the surveys of the public lands, thirty-six thousand dollars;
Additional clerks, &c. in Post Office Department.For the compensation of additional clerks and a topographer to be employed in the Post Office Department, ten thousand two hundred dollars;
Additional clerks in office of Auditor of Post Office.For the compensation of additional clerks to be employed in the office of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department, six thousand dollars;
Law books for the library of Congress.For law books for the library of Congress, five thousand dollars, to be expended in the purchase of such books, a catalogue of which shall be furnished by the Chief Justice of the United States.
Pay of collectors, deputy collectors, naval officers, &c.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to the collectors, deputy collectors, naval officers, surveyors, and their respective clerks, together with the weighers, gaugers, measurers, and markers of the several ports of the United States, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as will give to the said officers, respectively, the same compensation in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, according to the importations of that year, as they would have been entitled to receive if the1832, ch. 227.
Proviso. act of the fourteenth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, had not gone into effect: Provided, That no officer shall receive, under this act, a greater annual salary or compensation than was paid to such officer for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two; and that in no case shall the compensation of any other officers than collectors, naval officers, surveyors, and clerks, whether by salaries, fees, or otherwise, exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars each per annum; nor shall the union of any two or more of those offices in one person entitle him to receive more than that sum per annum:Further proviso. Provided further, That the said collectors, naval officers, and surveyors shall render an account quarterly to the Treasury; and the other officers herein named or referred to shall render an account quarterly to the respective collectors of the customs where they are employed, to be forwarded to the Treasury, of all the fees and emoluments whatever by them, respectively, received, and of all expenses incidental to their respective offices; which accounts shall be rendered on oath or affirmation, and shall be in such form, and supported by such proofs, to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, as will, in his judgment, best enforce the provisions of this section and show its operation and effect;Further proviso.[1] Provided, also, That in the event of any act being passed by Congress at the present session to regulate and fix salaries or compensation of the respective officers of the customs, then this section shall operate and extend to the time such act goes into effect, and no longer;Further proviso. Provided, however, That the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to extend to the collectors at such other ports, where a surplus of emoluments have been accounted for and paid into the Treasury in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, the privilege granted to the collector of New York; to take effect from the first day of January last.
Increase of salaries of cl’ks and messengers.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the clerks in the Departments of State, Treasury, Navy and War, and of the two Houses of Congress, and the Librarians of Congress, whose salaries are less than two thousand dollars, shall, in addition thereto, be allowed the following increase of annual compensation, from the first day of January last, to the end of the next session of Congress,[2] viz: such of said clerks whose annual compensation does not exceed one thousand dollars, an addition of twenty per cent. thereto; such of said clerks whose annual compensation exceed one thousand dollars, an addition of ten per cent. thereto; and twenty per cent. in addition to the salaries of messengers and assistant messengers employed in the respective offices, and the library of Congress; the amount of increase in compensation provided for in this section, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,Proviso. Provided, That nothing in this section shall be so construed as to affect the salaries of any clerks whose salaries have been fixed by any law of the last or present session of Congress,Further proviso. Provided, That no further extra allowance be given for any extra services performed by them under any law or resolution of Congress.
Approved, March 3, 1837.
- ↑ There was no further legislation on this subject during the session.
- ↑ The act of October 12, 1837, chap. 4, continues to the end of the second session of the twenty-fifth Congress, all the acts which would, otherwise, have expired.