United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/6th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 17

United States Statutes at Large, Volume 6
United States Congress
Private Acts of the Sixth Congress, 1st Session, Chapter 17
4624941United States Statutes at Large, Volume 6 — Private Acts of the Sixth Congress, 1st Session, Chapter 17United States Congress

March 29, 1800.

Chap. XVII.An Act for the relief of Campbell Smith.

Settlement of account of C. Smith as Judge AdvocateBe it enacted, &c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury liquidate and settle the account of Campbell Smith, for his services as judge advocate to the legion of the United States, while he acted in that capacity, under an appointment made by General Wayne, on the sixteenth of July, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four; and that he be allowed such pay and emoluments for said services, in addition to his pay in the line, as are allowed by law to officers acting in that capacity.

Approved, March 29, 1800.