C.C.C.C. c.lxxiii.

Cott. Tiber.

Cott. Tiber. B.i.

Cott. Tiber. B. iv.

Brytene igland is ehta hund mila lang · ⁊ twa hund míla brád · ⁊ her synd on þam iglande fif geþeódu · Ænglisc · Brytwylsc · Scottysc · Pihttisc · ⁊ Bóclæden. Ærest wǽron búend þyses landes Bryttas · þa cómen of Arménia · ⁊ gesæton suþonwearde Brýtene ærost. Ða gelamp hit ꝥ Pehtas comon suþon of Scitthian · mid lángum scipum · na mánegum · ⁊ þa comon ǽrest on norð Ybernian up · ⁊ þær bǽdon Scottas ꝥ hi þær moston wunian · ac hig noldon heom lyfan · forþon þe hig cwædon ꝥ hi ne mihton ealle ætgǽdere gewúnian þær · ⁊ þa cwǽdon þa Scottas · we magon eow hwæþere rǽd gelǽron · We witon oþer igland her be eástan · þær ge magon eárdian gyf ge wyllað · ⁊ gyf hwa eow wiðstent · we eow fultumiað · ꝥ ge hit magon gegangan. Ða ferdon þa Pihtas · ⁊ geferdo[n] þis land norþanweard · ⁊ suþonweard hit hæfdon Bryttas · swa we ǽr cwǽdon · ⁊ þa Pihtas heom abædon wif æt Scottan · on þa gerád ꝥ hi gecúron hyre cynecynn áá on þa wif heálfe · ꝥ hy heoldon swa lange syþþan. ⁊ þa gelamp ymbe geára rýne ꝥ Scotta sum dæl gewat of Ybernian on Brytene · ⁊ þæs landes sumne dǽl geeódon · ⁊ wæs heora heretoga Reóda gehaten · fram þam hy synd genæmnede Dalreódi.

Bodl. Laud. 636.

Brittene igland is ehta hund mila lang · ⁊ twa hund brad · ⁊ her sind on þis iglande fif geþeode · Englisc · ⁊ Brittisc · ⁊ Wilsc · ⁊ Scyttisc · ⁊ Pyhtisc · ⁊ Bocleden. Erest weron bugend þises landes Brittes · þa coman of Armenia · ⁊ gesætan suðewearde Bryttene ærost. Þa gelamp hit ꝥ Pyhtas coman suþan of Scithian · mid langum scipum na manegum · ⁊ þa coman ærost on norþ Ybernian up · ⁊ þær bædo[n] Scottas ꝥ hi ðer moston wunian · ac hi noldan heom lyfan · forðan hi cwædon þa Scottas · we eow magon þeah hwaðere ræd gelæron · We witan oþer egland her be easton · þer ge magon eardian gif ge willað · ⁊ gif hwa eow wiðstent · we eow fultumiað · ꝥ ge hit magon gegangan. Ða ferdon þa Pihtas · ⁊ geferdon þis land norþanweard · ⁊ suþanweard hit hefdon Brittas · swa we ær cwedon. And þa Pyhtas heom abædon wif æt Scottum · on þa gerad ꝥ hi gecuron heor[a] kynecinn aa on þa wif healfa · ꝥ hi heoldon swa lange syððan. ⁊ þa gelamp hit imbe geara rina ꝥ Scotta sum dæl gewat of Ybernian on Brittene · ⁊ þes landes sum dæl geeodon · ⁊ wes heora heratoga Reoda gehaten · from þam heo sind genemnode Dælreodi.

Cott. Domit. A. viii.

Britene igland ys ehta hund mila lang · ⁊ ii. hund mila brad· ⁊ her syndon on þis iglande fif ðeoda · Englisc · ⁊ Brytisc · ⁊ Wylisc · ⁊ Scyttisc · ⁊ Pihtisc. Ærost wæron bugend ðyses landes Bryttas · ða coman of Armenia · ⁊ gesæton suðewerde Brytene ærost. Þa gelamp hit ꝥ Pihtas coman suðan of Scithian · mid langum scipum na manegum · ⁊ ða coman ærost on norð Ybernian upp · ⁊ ðar bædon Scottas ꝥ hi þar mostan wunian · ac hi noldon heom lyuan · forþam hi cwædon · we eow magon þeah ræd gelæran · We witan oþer egland her be easton · þar ge magon eardian gif ge wyllaþ · ⁊ gif hwa eow wiðstynt · we eow fultumiaþ · ꝥ ge hit magan gegan. Ða ferdan ða Pihtas · ⁊ geferdan þis land norðanweardan · ⁊ suþanwerd hit hafdan Brytas. And ða Pihtas heom abædon wif æt Scottum · on ꝥ wyrd ꝥ hi scoldon æure geceosan heora cynecynn of þa wif healfe · ꝥ hi heoldan swa lange siððan. And ða gelamp hit ymbe geara ryne ꝥ Scotta sum dael gewat of Ybernian on Brytene · ⁊ þæs landes sum dael geeodan · ⁊ was heora heretoga Reoda gehaten · fram ðam heo synd genemnod Dælreodi.

Aer Cristes geflæscnesse lx. wintra · Gaius Iulius se casere ærest Romana Bretenlond gesohte · ⁊ Brettas mid gefeohte cnysede · ⁊ hie oferswiðde · ⁊ swa þeah ne meahte þær rice gewinnan.

Ær Cristes geflæscnesse lx. wintra · Gaius Iulius se casere ærest Romana Brytenland gesohte · ⁊ Bryttas mid gefeohte cnysede · ⁊ hie oferswiþde · ⁊ swa ðeah ne mihte ðær rice gewinnan.

Ær Cristes geflæscnesse lx. wintra · Gaius Iulius se casere ærest Romana Brytenland gesohte · ⁊ Bryttas mid gefeohte cnysede · ⁊ hy oferswiðde · ⁊ swa þeah ne mihte þær rice gewinnan.

Syxtigum wintrum ærþon Crist wære acænned · Gaius Iulius Romane cásere mid hund ehtatigum ceolum gesohte Brytene. Dær he wæs ærest geswænced mid grimmum gefeohte · ⁊ mycelne dæl his heres forlædde · ⁊ þa he forlet his here gebidan mid Scottum · ⁊ gewat suð into Galwalum · ⁊ þær gegáderode syx hund scipa · mid þam he gewat eft into Brytene · ⁊ þa hi ǽrost togǽdere gerǽsde · þa mon ofsloh þæs káseres geréfan · se wæs Labienus gehaten. Ða genamon þa Walas · ⁊ adrífon sumre eá fórd ealne mid scearpum stængum greátum innan þam wǽtere · seo eá hatte Tǽmese. Ða ꝥ onfundon þa Románi · þa noldon hig faran ofer þone ford. Ða flugon þa Brytwalas to þam wudu westenum · ⁊ se kasere geeóde wel monige heah burh mid myclum gewinne · ⁊ eft gewat into Galwalum.

Sixtigum wintrum ær þam þe Crist were acenned · Gaius Iulius Romana kasere mid hund ehtatigum scipum gesohte Brytene. Þer he wes ærost geswenced mid grimmum gefeohte · ⁊ micelne dæl his heres forlædde · ⁊ ba he forlet his here abidan mid Scottum · ⁊ gewat into Galwalum · ⁊ ber gegadorode six hund scipa · mid þam he gewat eft into Brytene · ⁊ þa hi ærost togedore geraesdon · þa man ofsloh ðes caseres gerefan · se wes Labienus gehaten. Ða genamon þa Walas · ⁊ adrifon sumre ea ford ealne mid scearpum pilum greatum innan þam wetere · sy ea hatte Temese. Þa ꝥ onfundon ða Romani · þa noldon hi faron ofer þone ford, pa flugon þa Brytwalas to þam wudu [1]færstenum · ⁊ se kasere geeode wel manega heh burh mid mycelum gewinne · ⁊ eft gewat into Galwalum.

Syxtigum wintrum ær þam ðe Crist wære acenned · Gaius Iulius Romana kasere mid hund eahtatigum scipum gesohte Brytene. Þar he was ærost geswengt mid grimmum gefeohte · ⁊ mycelne dæl his heres forlædde · ⁊ þa he let his here anbidian mid Scottum · ⁊ ferde into Galwalum · ⁊ þar gegaderade syx hund scipan · mid þam he gewat eft into Brytene · ⁊ ða hi ærost togaedere geræsdan · ða man ofsloh his anne gereuan · se was Labienus gehaten. Þa genaman þa Walas ⁊ adriuan sumre eá ford ealne mid scearpan greaton pilum innon þam wætere · seo ea hatte Temese. Þa ꝥ afundon þa Romani • þa noldan [hi] faran ouer þane ford.

  1. Sic MS.