(Eddy)/"Feed My Sheep" |(Eddy)/"Memento" |(Eddy)/"The Liberty Bells" |(Eddy)/A Verse |(Eddy)/Alphabet and Bayonet |(Eddy)/Autumn |(Eddy)/Christ My Refuge |(Eddy)/Christmas Morn |(Eddy)/Come Thou |(Eddy)/Communion Hymn |(Eddy)/Constancy |(Eddy)/Dedication of a Temperance Hall |(Eddy)/Easter Morn |(Eddy)/Flowers |(Eddy)/Hope |(Eddy)/I'm Sitting Alone |(Eddy)/Invocation for 1868 |(Eddy)/Isle of Wight |(Eddy)/June |(Eddy)/Laus Deo |(Eddy)/Lines |(Eddy)/Lines, on Visiting Pine Grove Cemetery |(Eddy)/Love |(Eddy)/Meeting of My Departed Mother and Husband |(Eddy)/Mother's Evening Prayer |(Eddy)/Nevermore |(Eddy)/O for Thy Wings, Sweet Bird! |(Eddy)/Old Man of the Mountain |(Eddy)/Our National Thanksgiving Hymn |(Eddy)/Resolutions for the Day |(Eddy)/Rondelet |(Eddy)/Satisfied |(Eddy)/Signs of the Heart |(Eddy)/Spring |(Eddy)/The Country-Seat |(Eddy)/The New Century |(Eddy)/The Oak on the Mountain's Summit |(Eddy)/The United States to Great Britain |(Eddy)/The Valley Cemetery |(Eddy)/To Ellen. "Sing Me That Song!" |(Eddy)/To Etta |(Eddy)/To My Absent Brother |(Eddy)/To the Old Year—1865 |(Eddy)/To the Sunday School Children |(Eddy)/Truth |(Eddy)/Upward |(Eddy)/Wish and Item |(Eddy)/Woman's Rights