(Elliott)/"Success Means Sacrifice" |(Elliott)/A Child's Faith |(Elliott)/A Christmas Thought |(Elliott)/A Modern Valentine |(Elliott)/A Parenthetical Romance |(Elliott)/A Plea to Delinquent Subscribers |(Elliott)/A Spring Madrigal |(Elliott)/A Summer Night |(Elliott)/Beauty |(Elliott)/Class Song of 1917—I. H. S. |(Elliott)/Easter Morning |(Elliott)/Ending to "Gareth and Lynette" |(Elliott)/Evening |(Elliott)/Faculty 8—Seniors 2 |(Elliott)/Futurity |(Elliott)/Hallowe'en |(Elliott)/Her Answer |(Elliott)/Hidigeigei |(Elliott)/In Sleepytown |(Elliott)/Knights |(Elliott)/March |(Elliott)/Midsummer Magic |(Elliott)/Morning |(Elliott)/Mu Phi Epsilon Song |(Elliott)/Prohibition |(Elliott)/Resurgam |(Elliott)/Saint Patrick |(Elliott)/Spring |(Elliott)/Thanksgiving |(Elliott)/The "Up to the Minute" Girl |(Elliott)/The Battle Hymn of the I. H. S. |(Elliott)/The Call On Arms |(Elliott)/The Divine Tragedy |(Elliott)/The Winged Fate |(Elliott)/Thoughts |(Elliott)/To My Pony |(Elliott)/To the Boys |(Elliott)/Victuri Salutamus |(Elliott)/War