(Geisse)/"I Am the Resurrection and the Life" |(Geisse)/"Let There Be Light" |(Geisse)/"Trusts" |(Geisse)/A Bachelor's Musings |(Geisse)/A Child's Plea |(Geisse)/A Newsboy's Story |(Geisse)/A Pastor's Retrospect |(Geisse)/A Pastor's Thorns |(Geisse)/A Prayer for 1903 |(Geisse)/A Prophecy |(Geisse)/All Men Are Equal |(Geisse)/Answer to "The Under Dog" |(Geisse)/Answer to Kipling's Poem "The Islanders" |(Geisse)/Autumn |(Geisse)/Bobby's Questions |(Geisse)/Courage |(Geisse)/Epitaph On a Lawyer |(Geisse)/Giving Advice |(Geisse)/I'd Like to be a Lion |(Geisse)/Life's Mystery |(Geisse)/Lines Written New Year's Eve, 1903 |(Geisse)/Lines Written on a Mutual Acquaintance |(Geisse)/Lines to a Faithful Dog |(Geisse)/My Bishop |(Geisse)/My Legacies |(Geisse)/My Love |(Geisse)/My Old Playmate |(Geisse)/O Justice Why Dost Thou Tarry |(Geisse)/Remembered Days |(Geisse)/Shadows |(Geisse)/Soliloquy of a Village Parson |(Geisse)/That Little Pronoun My |(Geisse)/The Children of the Tenements |(Geisse)/The Complaint of a Bonnet |(Geisse)/The Days Pass On |(Geisse)/The Demands of the Modern Church |(Geisse)/The Eager Questioner |(Geisse)/The First Day at School |(Geisse)/The Fortified |(Geisse)/The Heart's Power |(Geisse)/The Laurel |(Geisse)/The Lost Kite |(Geisse)/The Mosquito |(Geisse)/The Poor Relation |(Geisse)/The Recess Hour |(Geisse)/The Storm |(Geisse)/Truth |(Geisse)/Watch O Lord Beside the Sleepless |(Geisse)/Whispers at a Wedding