(Merrill)/'Tis Easy to get Mistaken |(Merrill)/A Bachelor's Comments on Women's Rights |(Merrill)/A Birthday Greeting |(Merrill)/A Lesson Well Taught |(Merrill)/A Mystery Explained |(Merrill)/A Tale from Mountain Grange |(Merrill)/A Winter Outing |(Merrill)/A Yule-Tide Missive |(Merrill)/Adventure of a Lover |(Merrill)/All's Well That Endeth Well |(Merrill)/All Things Speak of God |(Merrill)/As it Happened |(Merrill)/Be Merciful |(Merrill)/Bravery |(Merrill)/Carpe Diem |(Merrill)/Changeable |(Merrill)/Courageousness |(Merrill)/Dennis O'Neil's Dream |(Merrill)/Every Cloud Hath Silver Lining |(Merrill)/Farewell to the San |(Merrill)/God is Love and We shall Know |(Merrill)/He Got Left |(Merrill)/Home is Where the Heart Dwells |(Merrill)/Humorous |(Merrill)/In Memory of Appey M. Merrill |(Merrill)/Look Up |(Merrill)/Loved Ones Passed Away |(Merrill)/Mamma's Story |(Merrill)/October |(Merrill)/Ode to the Northern Lights |(Merrill)/Onward for Freedom and Right |(Merrill)/Pleasure |(Merrill)/Reminiscence |(Merrill)/Rural Delight |(Merrill)/Song of a Suffragette |(Merrill)/Song of the Grangers' |(Merrill)/Stop Talkin' |(Merrill)/Sunshine on the Hill |(Merrill)/Tales that were Told |(Merrill)/The Burning of the Turner Mill |(Merrill)/The Captive Butterfly |(Merrill)/The Cottage by the River |(Merrill)/The Hunter |(Merrill)/The Jay and the Frog |(Merrill)/The Missing Link |(Merrill)/The Mystic River |(Merrill)/The Old State of Maine |(Merrill)/The Poet to the Artist |(Merrill)/The Poetry Machine |(Merrill)/The Songs My Mother Sung |(Merrill)/The Tramp's Story |(Merrill)/The Winds do Blow |(Merrill)/Time Brings Changes |(Merrill)/To Mary |(Merrill)/Uncle Joe's Soliloquy |(Merrill)/We Know Not Why |(Merrill)/Wealth vs Virtue |(Merrill)/Welcome to Summer |(Merrill)/What Would They Do? |(Merrill)/When Daddy Rocks the Kid |(Merrill)/Your Real Wealth