User:Alien333/Random poem/Rossetti, 1901

(Rossetti, 1901)/"A Bruised Reed shall He not break" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"All Thy Works praise Thee, O Lord" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Behold a shaking" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Behold the Man!" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Consider the Lilies of the Field" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"For Thine own Sake, O my God" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Hollow-sounding and Mysterious" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"I will arise" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"I will lift up mine Eyes unto the Hills" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"It is Finished" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Italia, io ti saluto!" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Love is strong as Death" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Luscious and Sorrowful" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"No, thank you, John" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Of him that was ready to perish" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"One Foot on Sea, and one on Shore" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Summer is ended" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Take care of him" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"The Iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"The Love of Christ which passeth Knowledge" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"The Master is come, and calleth for Thee" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"There is a budding Morrow in Midnight" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"They desire a Better Country" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"Thy Brother's Blood crieth" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"To-Day for Me" |(Rossetti, 1901)/"When my Heart is vexed, I will complain" |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Ballad of Boding |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Better Resurrection |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Bird's-eye View |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Bird Song |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Birthday |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Bride Song |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Candlemas Dialogue |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Chill |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Christmas Carol |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Daughter of Eve |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Dirge |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Farm Walk |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Fisher-Wife |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Green Cornfield |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Helpmeet for him |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Hope Carol |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Life's Parallels |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Martyr |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Pause of Thought |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Peal of Bells |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Portrait |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Prodigal Son |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Rose Plant in Jericho |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Royal Princess |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Smile and a Sigh |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Song of Flight |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Summer Wish |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Testimony |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Wintry Sonnet |(Rossetti, 1901)/A Year's Windfalls |(Rossetti, 1901)/Advent |(Rossetti, 1901)/After Communion |(Rossetti, 1901)/After Death |(Rossetti, 1901)/After this the Judgment |(Rossetti, 1901)/All Saints |(Rossetti, 1901)/Amen |(Rossetti, 1901)/Amor Mundi |(Rossetti, 1901)/An "immurata" Sister |(Rossetti, 1901)/An Apple-Gathering |(Rossetti, 1901)/An Easter Carol |(Rossetti, 1901)/An End |(Rossetti, 1901)/An October Garden |(Rossetti, 1901)/An Old-World Thicket |(Rossetti, 1901)/Another Spring |(Rossetti, 1901)/At Home |(Rossetti, 1901)/At last |(Rossetti, 1901)/Autumn |(Rossetti, 1901)/Autumn Violets |(Rossetti, 1901)/Beauty is vain |(Rossetti, 1901)/Birchington Churchyard |(Rossetti, 1901)/Bird Raptures |(Rossetti, 1901)/Bird or Beast |(Rossetti, 1901)/Bitter for Sweet |(Rossetti, 1901)/Boy Johnny |(Rossetti, 1901)/Brandons both |(Rossetti, 1901)/Brother Bruin |(Rossetti, 1901)/Buds and Babies |(Rossetti, 1901)/By the Sea |(Rossetti, 1901)/By the Waters of Babylon |(Rossetti, 1901)/Child's Talk in April |(Rossetti, 1901)/Christian and Jew |(Rossetti, 1901)/Christmas Carols |(Rossetti, 1901)/Confluents |(Rossetti, 1901)/Consider |(Rossetti, 1901)/Days of Vanity |(Rossetti, 1901)/De Profundis |(Rossetti, 1901)/Dead Hope |(Rossetti, 1901)/Dead before Death |(Rossetti, 1901)/Death-Watches |(Rossetti, 1901)/Despised and Rejected |(Rossetti, 1901)/Dost Thou not care? |(Rossetti, 1901)/Dream-Love |(Rossetti, 1901)/Dream Land |(Rossetti, 1901)/Echo |(Rossetti, 1901)/Enrica, 1865 |(Rossetti, 1901)/Eve |(Rossetti, 1901)/Exultate Deo |(Rossetti, 1901)/Fata Morgana |(Rossetti, 1901)/Fluttered Wings |(Rossetti, 1901)/Freaks of Fashion |(Rossetti, 1901)/From House to Home |(Rossetti, 1901)/From Sunset to Star Rise |(Rossetti, 1901)/Goblin Market |(Rossetti, 1901)/Golden Glories |(Rossetti, 1901)/Golden Silences |(Rossetti, 1901)/Gone for ever |(Rossetti, 1901)/Good Friday |(Rossetti, 1901)/Grown and Flown |(Rossetti, 1901)/He and She |(Rossetti, 1901)/If Only |(Rossetti, 1901)/In the Round Tower at Jhansi |(Rossetti, 1901)/In the Willow Shade |(Rossetti, 1901)/Jessie Cameron |(Rossetti, 1901)/Johnny |(Rossetti, 1901)/L. E. L. |(Rossetti, 1901)/Later Life |(Rossetti, 1901)/Life and Death |(Rossetti, 1901)/Long Barren |(Rossetti, 1901)/Love Lies bleeding |(Rossetti, 1901)/Love from the North |(Rossetti, 1901)/Maggie a Lady |(Rossetti, 1901)/Maiden-Song |(Rossetti, 1901)/Maiden May |(Rossetti, 1901)/Mariana |(Rossetti, 1901)/Martyrs' Song |(Rossetti, 1901)/Mary Magdalene and the other Mary |(Rossetti, 1901)/Maude Clare |(Rossetti, 1901)/May |(Rossetti, 1901)/Memento Mori |(Rossetti, 1901)/Memory |(Rossetti, 1901)/Mirage |(Rossetti, 1901)/Mirrors of Life and Death |(Rossetti, 1901)/Monna Innominata |(Rossetti, 1901)/Mother Country |(Rossetti, 1901)/My Dream |(Rossetti, 1901)/My Friend |(Rossetti, 1901)/Noble Sisters |(Rossetti, 1901)/Old and New Year Ditties |(Rossetti, 1901)/On the Wing |(Rossetti, 1901)/Once for all |(Rossetti, 1901)/One Certainty |(Rossetti, 1901)/One Day |(Rossetti, 1901)/One Sea-side Grave |(Rossetti, 1901)/Paradise |(Rossetti, 1901)/Passing and Glassing |(Rossetti, 1901)/Pastime |(Rossetti, 1901)/Patience of Hope |(Rossetti, 1901)/Remember |(Rossetti, 1901)/Rest |(Rossetti, 1901)/Resurgam |(Rossetti, 1901)/Saints and Angels |(Rossetti, 1901)/Shall I forget |(Rossetti, 1901)/Shut Out |(Rossetti, 1901)/Sleep at Sea |(Rossetti, 1901)/Somewhere or Other |(Rossetti, 1901)/Song (Oh roses for the flush of youth) |(Rossetti, 1901)/Song (Oh what comes over the sea) |(Rossetti, 1901)/Song (She sat and sang alway) |(Rossetti, 1901)/Song (Two doves upon the selfsame branch) |(Rossetti, 1901)/Song (When I am dead, my dearest) |(Rossetti, 1901)/Songs in a Cornfield |(Rossetti, 1901)/Sound Sleep |(Rossetti, 1901)/Spring |(Rossetti, 1901)/Spring Quiet |(Rossetti, 1901)/Summer |(Rossetti, 1901)/Sweet Death |(Rossetti, 1901)/Symbols |(Rossetti, 1901)/Sœur Louise de la Miséricorde |(Rossetti, 1901)/Tempus fugit |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Bourne |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Convent Threshold |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Descent from the Cross |(Rossetti, 1901)/The First Spring Day |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Ghost's Petition |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Hour and the Ghost |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Key-Note |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Lambs of Grasmere, 1860 |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Lowest Place |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Lowest Room |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Months: a Pageant |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Poor Ghost |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Prince's Progress |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Queen of Hearts |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Thread of Life |(Rossetti, 1901)/The Three Enemies |(Rossetti, 1901)/The World |(Rossetti, 1901)/Three Seasons |(Rossetti, 1901)/Till To-morrow |(Rossetti, 1901)/To-day's Burden |(Rossetti, 1901)/Touching "Never" |(Rossetti, 1901)/Twice |(Rossetti, 1901)/Twilight Calm |(Rossetti, 1901)/Twilight Night |(Rossetti, 1901)/Until the Day break |(Rossetti, 1901)/Up-Hill |(Rossetti, 1901)/Vanity of Vanities |(Rossetti, 1901)/Venus's Looking Glass |(Rossetti, 1901)/Weary in Well-Doing |(Rossetti, 1901)/What's in a Name? |(Rossetti, 1901)/What would I give? |(Rossetti, 1901)/Who shall deliver me? |(Rossetti, 1901)/Why? |(Rossetti, 1901)/Wife to Husband |(Rossetti, 1901)/Winter: My Secret |(Rossetti, 1901)/Winter Rain |(Rossetti, 1901)/Yet a little while