I want to create an exact transcription of the original 63-volume DNB, while EC wants to creae a "best DNB." I understand the general goals of a "best DNB," but I do not understand the mechanics. I feel that we must create two separate hierarchies if we are to achieve both goals.
I propose that we retain the existing hierarchy for the original 63-volume transcription effort, only because the naming convention strongly implies that this is an exact copy. If the project used the Wikisource naming conventions, this would not be an issue.
I propose that we create a new hiearchy for the "best" DNB. The the name of the main page would be "The Dictionary of National Biography" without any dates. The article names would all end in (DNB)Articles that are unmodified from the original sources would simply be copied with the headers changed. Updated articles would need more effort.the same project can do support both sets of pages.