User:Beleg Tâl/Sandbox/Negro Poets and Their Poems

Beleg Tâl/Sandbox | Negro Poets and Their Poems

Negro Poets and Their Poems

(excluding poems which are only partially quoted)

See also Negro Poets and Their Poems/Index of Titles

Chapter 1: The Negro's Heritage of Song

Chicken in the Bread Tray
Fattening Frogs for Snakes
She Hugged Me and Kissed Me
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Truth (disambig)
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Ere Sleep Comes Down to Soothe the Weary Eyes
Life (disambig)
Ode to Ethiopia
With the Lark
We Wear the Mask
J. Mord Allen
Counting Out
The Psalm of the Uplift

Chapter 2: The Present Renaissance of the Negro

Waverley Turner Carmichael
It's All Through Life
James Weldon Johnson
To America (disambig)
Alice Dunbar-Nelson
Mary Effie Lee
Sunset (disambig)
Winifred Virginia Jordan
Lucian B. Watkins
A Prayer of the Race That God Made Black
Georgia Douglas Johnson
Peace (disambig)
Walter Everette Hawkins
In Spite of Death
Fenton Johnson
I Played On David's Harp
William Edgar Bailey
The Slump
Eva A. Jessye
The Singer (disambig)
Joseph S. Cotter, Sr.
The Boy and His Ideal
The Threshing Floor
Joseph S. Cotter, Jr.
The Mulatto to His Critics
Rain Music
Compensation (disambig)
The Band of Gideon
James David Corrothers
The Dream and the Song
At the Closed Gate of Justice
The Negro Singer
James Weldon Johnson (again)
O Southland!
The Young Warrior
Charles Bertram Johnson (again)
Soul and Star
Old Friends
So Much
A Rain Song
Fenton Johnson (again)
These Are My People
The Plaint of the Factory Child
The Mulatto's Song
The New Day
William Stanley Braithwaite
Sandy Star
It's a Long Way
Autumn Sadness
Thanking God
George Reginald Margetson
The Light of Victory
William Moore
As the Old Year Passed
Joshua Henry Jones
Turn Out the Light
A Southern Love Song
The Heart of the World
Brothers (disambig)
Walter Everette Hawkins
Credo (disambig)
Hero of the Road
The Death of Justice
Ask Me Why I Love You
Claude McKay
Spring in New Hampshire
The Lynching
The Harlem Dancer
In Bondage
Raymond Garfield Dandridge
Zalka Peetruza
Leslie Pinckney Hill
Mater Dolorosa (disambig)
To a Nobly-Gifted Singer

Chapter 3: The Heart of a Negro Womanhood

Eva A. Jessye
Spring With the Teacher
To a Rosebud
Mrs. J. W. Hammond
The Optimist
To My Neighbour Boy
Alice Dunbar-Nelson
I Sit and Stew
The Lights at Carney's Point
Georgia Douglas Johnson
Smothered Fires
The Octoroon
Angelina W. Grimké
Dawn (disambig)
A Winter Twilight
The Puppet-Player
The Want of You
El Beso
At the Spring Dawn
To Keep the Memory of Charlotte Forten Grimké
Anne Spencer
At the Carnival
Jessie Fauset

Chapter 4: Ad Astra Per Aspera

Edward Smythe Jones
Flag of the Free
Raymond Garfield Dandridge
The Poet (disambig)
To— (disambig)
Time to Die
Eternity (disambig)
George Marion McClellan
To Hollyhocks
The Hills of Sewanee
The Feet of Judas
In Memory of Katie Reynolds, Dying
Charles P. Wilson
Somebody's Child
Leon R. Harris
The Steel Makers
Irvin W. Underhill
To Our Boys
James C. Hughes
Aspiration (prose)
Leland Milton Fisher
For You, Sweetheart
W. Clarence Jordan
What Is the Negro Doing?
Roscoe C. Jamison
Castles in the Air
A Song (disambig)
The Edict

Chapter 5: The New Forms of Poetry

Will Sexton
The Bomb Thrower
The New Negro
Andrea Razafkeriefo
The Negro Church
Langston Hughes
The Negro
W. E. Burghardt DuBois
A Litany at Atlanta
Kelly Miller
I See and Am Satisfied
Charles H. Conner
The Life of the Spirit in the Natural World
William Edgar Bailey
To a Wild Rose
R. Nathaniel Dett
At Niagara (disambig)

Chapter 6: Dialect Verse

Waverley Turner Carmichael
Mammy's Baby Scared
Cotter, Sr.
The Don't-Care Negro
Raymond Garfield Dandridge
De Innah Part
Sterling M. Means
The Old Plantation Grave
The Old Deserted Cabin
J. Mord Allen
A Victim of Microbes
James Weldon Johnson
My Lady's Lips Am Like de Honey

Chapter 7: Poetry of Protest

Winston Allen
The Black Violinist
Anonymous (from The Nashville Eye)
Old Jim Crow
Georgia Douglas Johnson
To My Son (disambig)
Will Sexton
To My Lost Child
James Weldon Johnson
The Black Mammy
Lucian B. Watkins
The New Negro
A Message to the Modern Pharaohs
Carrie W. Clifford
An Easter Message
Claude McKay
If We Must Die

Chapter 8: Miscellaneous Poems

Claude McKay
The Negro
John J. Fenner
Rise! Young Negro—Rise!
George Marion McClellan
Daybreak (McClellan) (disambig)
Andrea Razafkeriefo
The Negro Woman
Joseph S. Cotter
The Negro Child
Georgia Douglas Johnson
The Mother (disambig)
Ben E. Burrell
To a Negro Mother
Mae Smith Johnson
To My Grandmother
Lucian B. Watkins
Ebon Maid and Girl of Mine
James Edgar French
Dunbar and Cotter
Corinne E. Lewis
Christmas Cheer
Joshua Henry Jones
Goodbye Old Year
H. Cordelia Ray
The Months
D. T. Williamson
While April Breezes Blow
Edwin Garnett Riley
A Nation's Greatness
William Stanley Braithwaite
Thanksgiving (disambig)
Andrea Razafkeriefo
Rainy Days