Greetings one and all! It sure is a nice day isn't it? I'll be working on a brief description for here of what a betaclamp actually is; & I've got to do some tidying in ~pedia as well. What else is new, besides Wikia hitting its stride?

Aristotle claimed that " Contemplation is the highest form of Activity." - because there is nothing that was ever physically created by Mankind that did not originate in the contemplative Mind. ~ Betaclamp (talk) 07:09, 12 May 2011 (UTC)

Regarding Nova's newest 'Secrets of the Bible', and the statement that "The Israelites are God's chosen People": it appears that the opposite is actually True. The first [historical] reference to Israel occurred on a large (2 meters tall) stone block, 'inscribed' in 1208 B. C. As well, the first pages of The Old Testament appeared at this time, based upon linguistic criteria. The main point is that before this time there were a multitude of 'deities' worshiped, mainly in the form of idols, by ALL peoples. The First Peoples of Israel CREATED, and caused to flourish, the NEW concept of just One GOD. Ergo, it is clear that the people of Israel are - rather that God's chosen people - the first People who chose God. Also, this shows exactly the Origin(s) of both Christianity and Islam.

Now, hold the phone[emes]. Further to the above: There is a slim WikiPedia Article 'Rahotep'. Neither in Books nor Webs can I locate another reference - yet in the movie, color, "Valley of the Kings", 1957 (or '55): Robert Taylor and Eleanor Parker => The entire movie was designed to high-light this: Before 3000 years ago there was The Pharaoh Rahotep who was the first to accept and acknowledge JUST ONE GOD. His tomb was especially designed - first and foremost to hide His innermost sanctum which contained no wall paintings of any of the Egyptian gods - clearly showing that He deigned just One God.

His three outer 'sanctums' were laden with pictures of many of their gods - Ram, Ibis, Raven, etc., painted decoys - because Rahotep feared {correctly} that Egypt would 'forget' his Monotheistic Propositions and revert to the old ways, and that His Legacy would be Lost.

S. V. P. {If you please} the Q'n remains - to what extent is this movie historically accurate? May 21st, 2011.