Not in the Makers
- Author:John Joseph A'Becket
- Author:Félix Marie Abel
- Author:Ladislas Abraham
- Author:Sister Mary Agnes (McCann)
- Author:Hubert Ahaus
- Author:Michael Joseph Ahern
- Author:Cornelius Aherne
- Author:James Aherne
- Author:Charles Francis Aiken
- Author:Sister Aimée de Marie
- Author:Petrus Henricus Albers
- Author:Francis Xavier Edward Albert
- Author:Peter Paul Albert
- Author:Antal Aldásy
- Author:Marie Jules Paul Allard
- Author:Anthony Allaria
- Author:Mary Helen Agnes Allies
- Author:Joseph Cuthbert Almond
- Author:Mother Aloysio
- Author:George Cyprian Alston
- Author:Tomás Antonio Alvarado
- Author:José María Álvarez
- Author:Juan Álvarez Crespo
- Author:José Alves Martins
- Author:Ramón Ruiz Amado
- Author:Henry Anger
- Author:Francis Alexander Anglin
- Author:Sister Mary Antoine
- Author:Mother Antoinette
- Author:Sister Antionia (Coeb)
- Author:Edward Philip Arbez
- Author:Manuel Antonio Arboleda
- Author:John P. Arendzen
- Author:Carl Gustav Armfelt
- Author:Antonio Astrain
- Author:Andrew Hilliard Atteridge
- Author:Elie J. Auclair
- Author:John Augustine Hayden (Father Augustine)
- Author:Sister Mary Stanislas Austin (Laura Cornelia Marie Stanislas Brooks O'Reilly)
- Author:Francis Aveling
- Author:Edward Lucien Aymé
- Author:João Paulino d'Azevedo e Castro
edit- Author:Francis Joseph Bacchus
- Author:Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier
- Author:Julian Banckaert
- Author:Adalbert Bangha
- Author:Remigio Guido Barbieri
- Author:Arthur Stapylton Barnes
- Author:Michael Barrett
- Author:Timothy Barrett
- Author:Fermín Fraga Barro
- Author:Albert Barry
- Author:Florentine Stanislaus Bechtel
- Author:Joseph Charles Beck
- Author:Patrick A. Beecher
- Author:James C. Beissel
- Author:Hilaire Joseph Peter Belloc
- Author:John Henry Bemelmans
- Author:Umberto Benigni
- Author:Georges Michel Bertrin
- Author:Jean Martial Léon Besse
- Author:Jean Jules Besson
- Author:Kenelm Richard Digby Beste
- Author:Henry Bewerunge
- Author:Michael Bihl
- Author:Jodoc Adolphe Birkhaeuser
- Author:Ferdinand Birkner
- Author:Henry Norbert Birt
- Author:Paul Lendrum Blakely
- Author:Joseph Felix Blanc
- Author:François Blanchin
- Author:James Hubert Blenk
- Author:Joseph Blötzer
- Author:Clemens Blume
- Author:Emile Bréhier
- Author:Louis René Bréhier
- Author:Ernesto Buonaiuti
- Author:Edwin Hubert Burton
- Author:Richard Lalor Burtsell
- Author:Romain Francis Butin
- Author:Edward Cuthbert Butler
- Author:James Nicholas Butler
- Author:Leo Thomas Butler
- Author:Richard Urban Butler
- Author:Joseph Butsch
- Author:Jerome Francis Byrne
- Author:Joseph Byrne
edit- Author:Thomas Joseph Campbell (1848-1925)
- Author:Achille Camerlynck
- Author:Bede Camm
- Author:John M. Campbell
- Author:Noel Joseph Campbell
- Author:Thomas J. Campbell
- Author:Cornelius Clifford
- Author:Peter Condon
- Author:Edward Henry Conington
- Author:Patrick Laurence Connellan
- Brother Constantius Author:Matthias Maria Graham
- Author:Katherine Eleanor Conway
- Author:Joseph Cooreman
- Author:Charles Coppena
- Author:Honore Coppieters
- Author:John Edwin Copus
- Author:John Corbett
- Author:Henri Cordier
- Author:John Louis Corley
- Author:George Cormack
- Author:Aluigi Cossio
- Author:Anthony Charles Cotter
- Author:Anthony Coudert
- Author:Barbara Frances Neave de Courson
- Author:Moira K. Coyle
- Author:Ralph Adams Cram
- Author:Camillus Crivelli
edit- Author:Charles Albert Dubray
- Author:Antoine Degert
- Author:Louis Narcisse Delamarre
- Author:Francis Xavier Delany
- Author:Joseph Francis Delany
- Author:John Baptist Stephen Delaunay
- Author:Leopold Delaunoit
- Author:Hippolyte Delehaye
- Author:Louis Delplace
- Author:Henry R. Demain
- Author:Louis George Deppen
- (77)Author:Robert Donovan
- Author:Stephen Magner Donovan
- Author:Jean de la Croix Dorais
- Author:Ella Loraine Dorsey
- Author:Victor Isidore Douceré
- Author:Mary Cecelia Dougherty
- Author:Arthur G. Doughty
- Author:Robert Martin Douglas
- Author:René Doumic
- Author:Austin Dowling
- Author:Martin P. Dowling
- Author:James Doyle
- Author:James Patrick Maria Doyle
- Author:James F. Driscoll
- Author:James H. Driscoll
- (79)Author:John Joseph Driscoll
- Author:John T. Driscoll
- Author:Walter Drum
- Author:Lewis Henry Drummond
- Author:Edwin Drury
- Author:Manoel Francis Xavier D'Sá
- Author:Anthony Xavier D'Souza
- Author:Charles Albert Dubray
- Author:Bertrand Marie Marc Dubruel
- Author:Daniel Philip Duffy
- Author:Francis Patrick Duffy
- Author:James Albert Duffy
- Author:Patrick Edward Duffy
- Author:Patrick Laurence Duffy
- Author:Thomas Stephen Duggan
- Author:Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem
- Author:James Duhig
- Author:Francis Michael Dumont
- Author:David Dunford
- Author:Stanislaus de Dunin-Borkowski
- Author:Archibald Joseph Dunn
- Author:James J. Dunn
- Author:Joseph Dunn
edit- List complete
- Author:Thomas J. Eaton
- Author:Columba Edmonds
- Author:Andrew Egan
- Author:Leo Ehrhard
- Author:Susan Blanchard Elder
- Author:Francisco Elguero Iturbide
- Author:Walter Elliott
- Author:John Henry Ellis
- Author:Zephyrin Engelhardt (Charles Anthony Engelhardt)
- Author:Wilhelm Engelkemper
- Author:Adolphus Thomas Ennis
- Author:Mary Augustine Enright
- Author:Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa
- Author:Sister St. Euphrosine
- Author:John Gillespie Ewing
- Author:Léon van der Essen
edit- list complete
- Author:William Henry Windsor Fanning
- Author:John Murphy Farley
- Author:Michael Faulhaber
- Author:Joseph Arthur Favreau
- Author:Cyril Sigourney Webster Fay
- Author:Arnold Fayen
- Author:John Francis Fenlon
- Author:Mother de Chantal Fennelly
- Author:Pierre Féret
- Author:Isidoro Fernández
- Author:Peter Anthony Fernandez
- Author:Mother Mary Fidelis (Author:Katherine Teresa Dunn)
- Author:Philip Michael Finegan
- Author:William Joseph Finn
- Author:John Lawrence Finnerty
- Author:Joseph Fischer
- Author:Augustin Fischer-Colbrie
- Author:John Harding Fisher
- Author:Fidel Fita y Colomé
- Author:Edward Gregory Fitzgerald
- Author:Mallick J. Fitzpatrick
- Author:Geraldine Sidney Fladgate
- Author:Matthew James Flaherty
- Author:John Joseph Flanagan
- Author:James Flood
- Author:Mother Mary Florence
- Author:Maurice Patrick Foley
- Author:Leopold Fonck
- Author:John Forbes
- Author:William Forbes-Leith
- Author:Hugh Edmund Ford
- Author:Jeremiah Denis Matthias Ford
- Author:Jacques Forget
- Author:Adrian Fortescue
- Author:Alcée Fortier
- Author:Pierre Auguste Fournet
- Author:John Clement Fowler
- Author:James Joseph Fox
- Author:John Mortimer Fox
- Author:Joseph J. Fox
- Author:William Fox (1864- )
- Author:Arthur Charles Fox-Davies
- Author:John A. Françon
- Author:Hermann Franz
- Author:Robert Fraser
- Author:John Freeland
- Author:Joseph Fréri
- Author:Samuel Hanna Frisbee
- Author:Ventura Fuentes
- Author:John Furey
- Author:William John Furlong Cardiff
edit- Author:Joseph de Ghellinck
- Author:James Gibbons
- Author:Gerhard Gietmann
- Author:Joseph Narcisse Gignac
- Author:John Williams Gilbert
- Author:Francis Ernest Gigot
- Author:Louis Gillet
- Author:Michael Glancey
- Author:Joseph Sarsfield Glass
- Author:Athanase Glouden
- Author:John Chrysostom Godinho
- Author:John Godrycz
- Author:John Francis Goggin
- Author:Girolamo Golubovich
- (107)Author:Eneas B. Goodwin
- Author:Boleslaus Edward Goral
- Author:James L. Gorey
- Author:Pierre-Louis-Théophile-Georges Goyau
- Author:Charles Morice Graham
- Author:Edward P. Graham
- (109)Author:Henry Regis Mary Granjon
- Author:Joseph Gras
- Author:William Henry Grattan Flood
- Author:John J. Greaney
- Author:Edward Everard Grevis Green
- Author:Francis William Grey
- Author:James J. Grey
- Author:Patrick Joseph Griffin
- Author:Gabriel Emile Grison
- Author:Benedict Guldner
- Author:Heinrich Günter
- Author:Arthur Leslie Gurdon
- Author:Constantin Gutberlet
- Author:William B. Guthrie
edit- Author:John Aloysius Hanley
- Author:Edward Joseph Hanna
- Author:John Capestran Hanrahan
- Author:Niels Hansen
- Author:Stéphane Harent
- Author:Thomas Francis Harrington
- Author:William Richard Harris
- Author:Otto Hartig
- Author:Patrick Joseph Healy
- Author:John Joseph Hennessy
- Author:Patrick Jerome Hennessy
- Author:Hugh Thomas Henry
- Author:Antonius Hubertus Leonardus Hensen
- Author:Charles George Herbermann
- Author:John Alexander Herbert
- Author:Pablo Hernández y Gimeno
- Author:Feliciano Herrera
- Author:Joseph Cawdell Herrick
- Author:Ildefons Herwegen
- Author:Arthur Joseph Hetherington
- Author:Herman Joseph Heuser
- Author:Daniel Hickey
- Author:Mary Philomena Higgins
- Author:Mont Frederick Highley
- (121)Author:Karl Hilgenreiner
- Author:Joseph Hilgers
- Author:George Elphege Hind
- Author:Eduardo de Hinojosa
- Author:Karl Hoeber
- Author:Alexius Hoffmann
- Author:Walter A. Höfler
- Author:Michael Hofmann
- (125)Author:Joseph Hontheim
- Author:Stephen Henry Horgan
- Author:George Francis Houck
- Author:John W. Houlihan
- Author:Francis William Howard
- Author:James Aidan Howlett
- Author:William Joseph Howlett
- Author:Michael Francis Howley
- Author:Victor Alphonse Huard
- Author:Gilbert Roger Hudleston
- Author:Daniel E. Hudson
- Author:Joseph Bernard Hughes
- Author:James Hughes
- Author:Ernest Reginald Hull
- Author:Leigh Harrison Hunt
- Author:Thomas John Hunt
- Author:David Hunter-Blair
- Author:Anthony Huonder
- Author:Peter Joseph Hurth
- Author:Joseph Husslein
- Author:Douglas Hyde
- (129)Author:Eugène Xavier Louis Henri Hyvernat
edit- (131)Author:Augustin Marie Pierre Ingold
- Author:Francis Joseph Irwin
- Author:Anthony F. Isenberg
- Author:John James Isenring
- Brother Isidore - Author:William Kuppel
edit- (147)Author:Jérôme Labourt
- Author:Richard Lacy
- Author:Paulin Ladeuze
- Author:John La Farge
- Author:J. Léon K. Laflamme
- Author:Ernest Lagarde
- Author:Friedrich Lauchert
- (151)Author:Michael Lavelle
- Author:David Edward Lavigne
- Author:Xavier Marie Le Bachelet
- Author:Jean Lebars
- Author:Jules Lebreton
- Author:Alma Mary Le Brun
- Author:Charles Jule Auguste Le Brun
- Author:Clément Le Clerc
- Author:Henri Leclercq
- Author:Hippolyte A. Leduc
- Author:George Lee
- Author:Emile Joseph Legal
- Author:Augustinus Lehmkuhl
- Author:Matthias Leimkuhler
- Author:Paul Antoine Augustin Lejay
- Author:John Maria Lenhart
- Author;Patrick Joseph Lennox
- Author:Joseph Lins
- Author:James Francis Loughlin
edit- Author:Anthony John Maas
- Author:Patrick J. MacAuley
- Author:Arthur J. McCaffray
- Author:James MacCaffrey
- Author:Charles Hallan McCarthy
- Author:Felix McCarthy
- Author:James Paul McCloskey
- Author:Ewan MacPherson
- Author:Joseph MacRory
- Author:Charles Francis McKenna
- Author:Andrew B. Meehan
- Author:Joseph Meehan
- Author:Thomas Francis Meehan
- Author:Francis Mershman
- Author:De Sales Mehegan
- Author:John Webster Melody
- Author;Gabriel Meyer
- Author:Sebastian Gerbard Messmer
- Author:William J. Metz
- Author:George Meyer
- Author:William Joseph Meyer
- Author:Alice Meynell
- Author:Thomas Cooke Middleton
- Author:John J. Ming
- Author:Parthenius Minges
- Author:Ambrose Mougel
- Author:Herman Muckermann
- Author:Gustave Charles Marie Mutel
- Author:Franz Xaver Mutz
- Author:Edward Myers
edit- Author:Edmond M. Obrecht
- Author:Thomas Oestreich
- Author:John O'Mahoney
- Author:Timothy Joseph O'Mahoney
- Author:Miles Joseph O'Mailia
- Author:John O'Mahoney
- Author:Arthur Charles O'Neil
- Author:Leo Francis O'Neil
- Author:Andrew J. O'Neill
- Author:Arthur Barry O'Neill
- Author:Hugh O'Neill
- Author:James David O'Neill
- Author:Alexis Jules Theodore Orban
- Author:Michael Francis O'Reilly
- Author:Michael Ott
- Author:Joseph Otten
- Author:Gabriel Oussani
edit- Author:Edward Aloysius Pace
- Author:Father Pacifique
- Author:Condé Benoist Pallen
- Author:Giacinto Palmieri
- Author:Hector Papi
- Author:John Bertram Peterson
- Author:Jean-Baptiste Piolet
- Author:Thomas Plassmann
- Author:John Hungerford Pollen Jr.
- Author:Albert Poncelet
- Author:Thomas H. Poole
- Author:Henry Vincent Pope
- Author:Eugène Portalié
- Brother Potamian (see Michael Francis O'Reilly)
- Author:Augustin Poulain
- Author:Alice Power
- Author:Patrick Power
edit- aka Author:Sophrone Rabois-Bousquet
- Author:Alfred Rahilly
- Author:Francesco di Paola Ragonesi
- Author:Joseph Rainer
- Author:José María Ramírez Colom
- Author:Bartholomew John Aloysius Randolph
- Author:Nicholas Joseph Reagan
- Author:Jean M. Redon
- Author:George Joseph Reid
- Author:Louis W. Reilly
- Author:Thomas à Kempis Reilly
- Author:Wendell Stephen Reilly
- Author:Albert Reinhart
- Author:Gregor Reinhold
- Author:Arthur Frank Joseph Remy
- Author:John Clement Reville
- Author:P. M. J. Rock
- Author:Patrick Ryan
edit- (227)Author:Joseph Louis Saldanha
- Author:Louis Salembier
- Author:Ernest M. Salmon
- Author:Joseph Salsmans
- Author:Louis Saltet
- Author:Anselm Salzer
- Author:Thomas Edward de Sampayo
- Author:William Franklin Sands
- Author:Edoardo San Giovanni
- Author:Angelo de Santi
- Author:Joseph Sauer
- Author:George Michael Julius Louis Sauvage
- Author:Eugene Francis Saxton
- Author:Thomas Bartholomew Scannell
- Author:Francis James Schaefer
- Author:Nikolaus Scheid
- Author:Joseph Schets
- Author:Pierre Scheuer
- Author:Francis Schirp
- Author:Heinrich Patricius Schlager
- Author:Leopold Senfelder
- Author:Thomas Joseph Shahan
- Author:John P. Sherman
- Author:Thomas Edward Shields
- Author:Andrew Jackson Shipman
- Author:Joseph A. Shorter
- Author:Armin Joseph Sibbel
- Author:Jean Auguste Sicard
- Author:Frances P. Siegfried
- Author:Peter Aloysius Sillard
- (239)Author:Paul Silva
- Author:Carlos Perez y Silva Cotapos
- Author:Théophile Simar
- Author:John Vincent Simmons
- Author:Joseph Sinkmajer
- Author:Thomas Slater
- Author:John Luke Slattery
- Author:Charles William Sloane
- Author:Thomas O'Connor Sloane
- (241)Author:Dominicus Sloet
- Author:Helen Grace Smith
- Author:Ignatius Smith
- Author:Joseph Hugh Smith
- Author:Michael Paul Smith
- Author:Milton Emanuel Smith
- Author:Sydney Fenn Smith
- Author:Walter George Smith
- Author:Joseph Smolinski
- Author:Patrick Grehan Smyth
- Author:John George Snead-Cox
- Author:Joseph Francis Sollier
- Author:Gaston Sortais
- Author:Charles Léon Souvay
- (243)Author:Martin Spahn
- Author:Henry S. Spalding
- Author:Edward P. Spillane
- Author:Maternus Spitz
- Author:Francis A. Stace
edit- Author:Elphège Vacandard
- Author:Auguste Vaccon
- Author:Siméon Vailhé
- Author:Louis Valluet
- Author:Charles-Jean De la Vallée-Poussin
- Author:James John Van Baars
- Author:Augustus Van Cleef
- Author:Christian van den Biesen
- Author:Cyril Van der Donkt
- Author:Gabriel Van den Gheyn
- Author:Léon van der Essen
- Author:Achille Vander Heeren
edit- Author:Reginald Walsh
- Author:Thomas Walsh
- Author:Aloysius John Mary Walter
- Author:John Cyril Marie des Anges Weale
- Author:William Henry James Weale
- Author:James Henry Webb
- Author:Anselm Weber
- Author:Edward Enos Weber
- Author:Nicholas Aloysius Weber
- Author:Douglas Raymund Webster
- Author:Anton Weimar
- Author:Sidney Read Welch
- Author:Everard A. Weld
- Author:Edward Benedict Weld-Blundell
- Author:Martin Stanislaus Welsh
- Author:Albert Benjamin West
- Author:Nathaniel Hubert John Westlake
- Author:Joseph Louis Whitfield
- Author:Mary de Sales Whyte
- Author:John H. M. Wigman
- Author:Balthasar Wilhelm
- Author:Joseph Wilhelm
- Author:Thomas Leighton Williams
- Author:George Charles Williamson
- Author:John Willey Willis
- (277)Author:Otto Philipp Gustav Willmann
- Author:Peter Clever Wilms
- Author:Joseph Walter Wilstach
- Author:Bertram Coghill Alan Windle
- Author:Thomas Francis Woodlock
- Author:Joseph Michael Woods
- Author:Heinrich Wörndle von Adelsfried
- Author:Stanislaus Woywood
- Author:Joseph Wuest
- Author:Henry H. Wyman
- Author:John J. Wynne
List of Contributors of Additional Articles
edit- AMADO, RAMÓN RUIZ, S.J., LL.D., PH.L., College of St. Ignatius, Sarriá, Barcelona: Diocese of Guadix.
- BAUMGARTEN, MGR. PAUL MARIA, J.U.D., S.T.D., Rome: Cardinal Vicar.
- BECHTEL, FLORENTINE, S.J., Professor of Hebrew ant) Sacred Scripture, St. Louis University, St. Louis: Gustav Bickell.
- BENIGNI, MGR. UMBERTO, Prothonot.«y Apostolic Partecipante, Professor of Ecclesi.^stical History, Pontificia Accademia DEI NoBiLi EccLESi.STici, RoME : Alfonso Capecelatro.
- BOLOS, RAM6N, S.J., B.^^rcelona: ComeUas y Cluet, Antonio.
- BROOKFIELD, PETER PAUL, O.S.B., Downside .Abbey. Bath, England: Celestine Order; MalUng Abbey; Meaux.
- BUTITON, EDWIN, S.T.D., F.R. Hist. Soc, Vice-President, St. Edmund's College, Ware, Engl.4Nd: Archpriest Controversy.
- BUTLER, RICHARD URBAN, O.S.B., Downside Abbey, Bath, England: Butler, General Sir William Francis.
- CALLAN. CHARLES J., O.P., S.T.L., Professor op Philosophy, Dominican House of Studies, Washington: Gonzdlez, Zeferino; Gotti, Vin-
cent Louis.
- CAMPBELL, JOHN M., M.A., LL.D., Phil.<.del..phia: James Campbell.
- CHANDLERY, PETER JOSEPH, S.J., Manresa House, Roehampton, Lo.vdon: Henry Foley.
- COYLE, MOIRA K., New York: Diocese of Bismarck; Diocese of Cali;, Vicariate Apostolic of Fiji; Diocese of Kearney; Vicariate Apostolic of Kottayam.
- CRIVELLI, CAMILLUS. S.J., Rector, Sacred Heart College, Puebla, Mexico: Eguiara y Eguren. Juan Jose; Hidalgo, Miguel; Martin, Enrico.
- CUTHBERT, FATHER, O.S.F.C, St. Anselm's House, Oxford: Piatus of Mons.
- DANIEL, J.E., Oblate Schola.sticate, Ottawa, Canada: Vicariate Apostohc of Keewatin.
- DEVLIN, WILLIAM, S.J., Boston College, Boston: James Shirley.
- DWIGHT, WALTER, S.J., Associate Editor, "America", New York: Thomas Dwight.
- FENNELLY, MOTHER MARY DE CHANTAL, Superior General Congregation of the Sisters op St. Brigid, Tullow, Ireland: Brigidines, Institute of the.
- FORTESCUE, ADRIAN, PH.D., S.T.D., Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England: Aquileian Rite.
- FURLONG CARDIFF, WILLIAM, S.J., Colegio del Salvador, Bdenos Aires: Alarc6n, Pedro Antonio de; Andres, Juan; Cuyo, Virgin of; Lossada, Luis de; Menendez y Pelayo, MarceUno ; Rioja, Francisco de; Saavedra, Fajardo Diego de.
- GERRARD, TH0MAS L., Chelmsford, Essex, England: The Church and Eugenics.
- GOLUBOVICH, GIROLAMO, O.F.M., Florence, MarignoUi, Giovanni de.'.
- GOYAU, GEORGES, Associate Editor, "Revue DES Deux Mondes", Paris: Charette de la Con trie. Baron Athanase-Charles-Marie; Dax, Diocese of; Fischer, Antonius; Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole; Menestrier, Claude-Frangois; Vaison, Ancient of.
- GRATTAN-FLOOD, W.H., M.R.I.A., Mus.D., RosE.MOUNT, Enniscorthy, IRELAND :Capocci, Gaetano.
- GUINEY, LOUISE IMOGEN, Oxford, England: Lionel Pigot Johnson.
- HANDLEY, MARIE LOUISE, New York: Dupre, Giovanni; Mino di Giovanni; Rossellino, Antonio di Matteo di Domenico.
- HEALY, PATRICK J., S.T.D., Professor op Church History, Catholic University of America: Macarius the Alexandrian; Macarius the gj-pEtian, or the Elder; Peace of the Church.
- HENRY, H. T., Litt.D., LL.D., Rector op Roman Catholic High School for Boys, Philadelphia, Professor of English Literature and
Gregori. Chant, St. Charles SEinNAHY, OvERBUooK, Pennsylvania: Gloria Laus Et Honor; Jesu Dulcis Memoria
- HYVERNAT, HENRY, S.T.D., Profes.sor of Se.mitic Languages and Biblical Archeology, Catholic Unit;rsit»' of America, Washington: Coptic Literature; Coptic Versions of the Bible.