Gap of Es
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Eadmer
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Eanbald
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Easter
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Eastern Churches
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Easterwine
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Adam Easton
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Eata
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ebbo
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Thomas Ebendorfer
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Matthias Eberhard
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Eberhard of Ratisbon
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ebionites
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ebner
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ecclesiastes
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ecclesiastical Art
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ecclesiastical Architecture
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ecclesiasticus
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Samuel Eccleston
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Thomas of Eccleston
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Johann Eck
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Anselm Eckart
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Joseph Hilarius Eckhel
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Eclecticism
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ecstasy
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Edesius and Frumentius
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Edessa
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Henry Essex Edgeworth
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Edinburgh
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Editions of the Bible
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Congregation of Saint Edmund
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Edward the Confessor
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Edward the Martyr
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Edwin
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Egypt
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Egyptian Church Ordinance
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Josef Karl Benedikt Eichendorff
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Einhard
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Abbey of Einsiedeln
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Martin Eisengrein
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Eithene
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Eithne
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Pope St. Eleutherius
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Elias
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Elias of Cortona
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Elias of Jerusalem
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Elizabeth of Schönau
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Philip Michael Ellis
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ellwangen Abbey
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Emanationism
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Encratites
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Encyclical
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Encyclopedia
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Encyclopedists
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/The English College in Rome
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/English Confessors and Martyrs (1534-1729)
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Magnus Felix Ennodius
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ephod
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Ephraem
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ephraim of Antioch
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Epistemology
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Desiderius Erasmus
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/John Scotus Eriugena
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Friedrich Karl Joseph Erthal
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Erwin of Steinbach
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Erythræ
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Espousals of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Essence and Existence
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Essenes
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Ethelbert (King of Kent)
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ethelbert (Archbishop of York)
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Etheldreda
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ethelhard
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ethelwold
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ethiopia
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Etschmiadzin
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Euaria Euphemius of Constantinople
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Eumenia
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Eunomianism
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Euphemius of Constantinople
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Pope St. Eutychianus
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Eudoxias
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Eugendus
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Popes Eugene I-IV
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Pope St. Eusebius
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Pope St. Evaristus
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Evil
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Evodius
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Evolution
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Evora
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Evreux
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Sts. Ewald
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ex Cathedra
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Right of Exclusion
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Excommunication
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Apostolic Executor
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Exedra
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Exeter
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Exorcism
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Exorcist
editOther missing
edit- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Benno
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Catherine of Sweden
- Claude Fleury
- Hersfeld
- Hus
- Sts. Innocentius
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-Le-Duc
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Laval
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Louis XI
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/John McCloskey
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Galla Placidia
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Thierry Ruinart
- Tewkesbury Abbey
Problem per bot listing
edit- Eadmer
- Eanbald I
- Eanbald II
- Easter Controversy
- Easter
- Eastern Churches
- The Eastern Schism
- Easterwine
- Patriarchate of the East Indies
- Adam Easton
- St. Eata
- Ebbo
- Thomas Ebendorfer
- Matthias Eberhard
- Eberhard of Ratisbon
- Ebionites
- Ebner
- Ecclesiastes
- Ecclesiastical Architecture
- Ecclesiastical Archives
- Ecclesiastical Art
- Ecclesiastical Buildings
- Ecclesiastical Forum
- Ecclesiasticus
- Samuel Eccleston
- Thomas of Eccleston
- Jacques Echard
- Baltasar De Echave
- Echinus
- Abbey of Echternach
- Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn
- Anselm Eckart
- Eckebert
- Johann Georg von Eckhart
- Meister Johann Eckhart
- Joseph Hilarius Eckhel
- Johann Eck (Eckius)
- Eclecticism
- Political Economy
- Ecstasy
- Ecuador
- Edda
- Edelinck
- Terrestrial Paradise
- Edesius and Frumentius
- Edessa
- Henry Essex Edgeworth
- Edinburgh
- Editions of the Bible
- Ven. Edmund Arrowsmith
- St. Edmund Campion
- Congregation of St. Edmund
- St. Edmund Rich
- St. Edmund the Martyr
- The Catholic Educational Association
- Education
- Education of the Blind
- Education of the Deaf and Dumb
- St. Edward the Confessor
- Edward III
- St. Edward the Martyr
- Bl. Edward Powell
- St. Edwin
- Edwy
- Boetius Egan
- Michael Egan
- Egbert, Archbishop of Trier
- Egbert, Archbishop of York
- Egbert
- St. Egbert
- Egfrid
- Frederick W. von Egloffstein
- Lamoral, Count of Egmont, Prince of Gâvre
- Egoism
- Juan José Eguiara y Eguren
- St. Egwin
- Egypt
- Egyptian Church Ordinance
- Freiherr von Eichendorff
- Eichstätt
- St. Eimhin
- Einhard
- Abbey of Einsiedeln
- Martin Eisengrein
- St. Eithene
- St. Eithne
- Ekkehard
- Ekkehard of Aura
- Elaea
- Elba
- Benjamin Elbel
- Elcesaites
- El Cid
- George Elder
- William Henry Elder
- Eleazar
- Elect
- Election
- Papal Elections
- Pope St. Eleutherius (Eleutheros)
- St. Eleutherius
- Eleutheropolis
- The Elevation
- Domenico Theotocopuli (El Greco)
- Fausto de Elhuyar y de Suvisa
- Elias
- Elias of Cortona
- Elias of Jerusalem
- Jean-Baptiste-Armand-Louis-Léonce Elie de Beaumont
- St. Eligius
- Heli
- St. Elined
- Eliseus
- Elishé
- St. Teilo
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- Elizabeth Associations
- Elizabeth
- St. Elizabeth of Hungary
- St. Elizabeth of Portugal
- Blessed Elizabeth of Reute
- St. Elizabeth of Schönau
- Sisters of St. Elizabeth
- Philip Michael Ellis
- Ellwangen Abbey
- Elohim
- St. Elphege
- Elphin
- Elusa
- Council of Elvira
- Ely
- St. Elzéar of Sabran
- Emanationism
- Ecclesiastical Emancipation
- Ember Days
- Embolism
- Embroidery
- St. Emerentiana
- Jacques-André Emery
- Emesa
- Emigrant Aid Societies
- Sts. Trasilla and Emiliana
- St. Jerome Emiliani
- Emmanuel
- Emmaus
- Abbey of St. Emmeram
- St. Emmeram
- Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich
- Empiricism
- Congress of Ems
- Hieronymus Emser
- Juan de la Encina
- Diego Ximenez de Enciso
- Martín Fernández de Enciso
- Encolpion
- Encratites
- Encyclical
- Encyclopedia
- Encyclopedists
- Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher
- Endowment
- The Law of Conservation of Energy
- Engaddi
- Abbey of Engelberg
- Engelbert
- St. Engelbert of Cologne
- Cornelis Engelbrechtsen
- Ludwig Engel
- The Anglo-Saxon Church
- England (Before the Reformation)
- John England
- England (Since the Reformation)
- Sir Henry Charles Englefield, Bart.
- The English College, in Rome
- English Confessors and Martyrs (1534-1729)
- Reorganization of the English Hierarchy
- English Literature
- English Revolution of 1688
- Magnus Felix Ennodius
- Henoch
- Ulrich Ensingen
- Entablature
- Enthronization
- Sts. Eoghan
- Epact
- Eparchy
- Eperies
- Epistle to the Ephesians
- Council of Ephesus
- Ephesus
- Robber Council of Ephesus
- The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus
- Ephod
- Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus
- St. Ephraem
- Ephraim of Antioch
- Epicureanism
- Epiklesis
- Sts. Gordianus and Epimachus
- Epiphania
- Epiphanius
- Epiphanius of Constantinople
- Epiphanius of Salamis
- Epiphany
- Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
- Episcopal Subsidies
- Epistemology
- Epistle (in Scripture)
- Joseph Epping
- Desiderius Erasmus
- Erastus and Erastianism
- Veit Erbermann
- Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga
- St. Erconwald
- Erdington Abbey
- Sampson Erdeswicke
- St. Erhard of Ratisbon
- Erie
- The Twelve Apostles of Erin
- John Scotus Eriugena
- Ermland
- Vicariate Apostolic of Ernakulam in India
- Ernan
- Ernst of Hesse-Rheinfels
- Ernulf
- William Errington
- Error
- Charles Erskine
- Franz Ludwig von Erthal
- Friedrich Karl Joseph, Freiherr von Erthal
- Erwin of Steinbach
- Erythrae
- Erzerum (Theodosiopolis)
- Esau
- Eschatology
- Nicolaus van Esch
- Ven. Marina de Escobar
- Antonio Escobar y Mendoza
- The Escorial
- Esdras
- Eskil
- Eskimo
- Antonio Espejo
- Zeger Bernhard van Espen
- Vincent Espinel
- Alonso De Espinosa
- Espousals
- Espousals of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Essence and Existence
- Essenes
- The Establishment
- Esther
- Claude Estiennot de la Serre
- Willem Hessels van Est
- Eternity
- Ethelbert, Archbishop of York
- St. Ethelbert
- St. Ethelbert
- St. Etheldreda
- Ethelhard
- St. Ethelwold
- Hugh and Leo Etherianus
- Ethics
- Ethiopia
- The Book of Henoch (Ethiopic)
- Etschmiadzin
- Euaria
- Eucarpia
- The Blessed Eucharist as a Sacrament
- Early Symbols of the Eucharist
- Eucharist
- Eucharistic Congresses
- Sacrifice of the Mass
- The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
- St. Eucharius
- St. Eucherius
- Euchologion
- Blessed Jean Eudes
- Eudists
- Eudocia
- Eudoxias
- St. Eugendus
- Pope Blessed Eugene III
- Pope Eugene II
- Pope Eugene IV
- The Church and Eugenics
- Eugenius I
- Eugenius II (the Younger)
- St. Eugenius of Carthage
- St. Eulalia of Barcelona
- Eulogia
- St. Eulogius of Alexandria
- St. Eulogius of Cordova
- Eumenia
- St. Adamnan
- Eunomianism
- Euphemius of Constantinople
- St. Euphrasia (Eupraxia)
- St. Euphrosyne
- Euroea
- Europe
- Europus
- Eusebius Bruno
- Chronicle of Eusebius
- Eusebius of Alexandria
- Eusebius of Cæsarea
- Eusebius of Dorylæum
- Eusebius of Laodicea
- Eusebius of Nicomedia
- Pope St. Eusebius
- St. Eusebius
- St. Eusebius
- St. Eusebius
- John Chetwode Eustace
- Maurice Eustace
- St. Eustace
- Sts. Eustachius and Companions
- Bartolomeo Eustachius
- Eustathius of Sebaste
- St. Eustathius
- St. Eustochium Julia
- Euthalius
- Euthanasia
- St. Euthymius
- Eutropius of Valencia
- Eutyches
- Eutychianism
- Pope St. Eutychianus
- Eutychius
- Eutychius I
- Evagrius Ponticus
- Evagrius Scholasticus
- Evangeliaria
- The Evangelical Alliance
- Evangelical Church
- Evangelical Counsels
- Evangelist
- Pope St. Evaristus
- Eve
- Eve of a Feast
- Evesham Abbey
- Evil
- Evodius
- Catholics and Evolution
- Evolution (History and Scientific Foundation)
- Archdiocese of Evora
- Evreux
- Sts. Ewald
- Thomas Ewing
- St. Abban of New Ross
- Examination
- Examination of Conscience
- Apostolic Examiners
- Synodal Examiners
- Exarch
- Incardination and Excardination
- Ex Cathedra
- Right of Exclusion
- Excommunication
- Apostolic Executor
- Exedra
- Biblical Exegesis
- Exemption
- Exequatur
- Ancient Diocese of Exeter
- Bl. William Exmew
- Exorcism
- Exorcist
- Feast of the Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Expectative
- Apostolic Expeditors
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
- Extension
- The Catholic Church Extension Society
- Extravagantes
- Extreme Unction
- Exul Hibernicus
- Exultet
- St. Exuperius
- Albrecht von Eyb
- Jean Baptiste van Eycken
- Hubert and Jan van Eyck
- Venerable Pierre-Julien Eymard
- Nicolas Eymeric
- Thomas Eyre
- Charles Eyston
- Ezechias
- Ezekiel
- Asiongaber
- Eznik
- Ezzo
- Bl. Peter Faber
- Felix Faber
- Frederick William Faber
- Johann Faber
- Johann Augustanus Faber
- Johann Faber