This is a working draft to get the scope
DNB manual: terminal aims
edit- Transclusion: All portions of the main text should be transcluded, including the “see articles”. Each article should be separated from the next by a clear line (i.e. two newlines).
- Basic article format: Follow DNB typography, except that bold is to be applied consistently in parts of the supplement that do not bold the forename.
- Use {{smaller block}} for endnotes. The endnotes should be on a newline, but not with a clear line. Also {{nop}} belongs at the end of pages where there needs to be a newline in the transcluded text.
- Remove link breaks that do not corresponds to paras (NB DNB style may start a new para, in effect, without a newline, when the old para ends at a line end). Close up empty spaces where there is no informative reason. We don’t have to follow DNB hot-metal line spacing slavishly, and spaces generally make text harder to read.
- Lists: numbered lists displayed in column form.
- Displayed poems: To standardise format.
- Hyperlinks. Enter all the [q. v.] and "see X" wikilinks, deal with the blind ones. Do author page links for author biographies. Check over all other uses.
- Errata: To be added in standard form.
- Subarticle notes. To be added in standard form and anchored.
- Format micro-issues: Slanted not straight quotes, endash not hyphen as separator in dates and for page ranges, ligatures for æ etc. (These are a lower priority, though.)
- There are some special character issues, also. To list.
- Template census: Various templates on the pagespace DNB pages are used in case-by-case ways. Collate a list of what is going on with templates, and standardise.
- Titling issues: There are consistency point to be pursued. Also the use of redirects for two purposes: (a) subpage style, and (b) endashes. There is disambiguation to talk about with DNB00, DNB01, DNB12: generally we do minimalist. See articles to be disambiguated from main articles, which should be treated as "primaries" in the WP sense.
- TOC pages: Rationalise after the addition of see articles, to consist of main articles only.
- Author pages: Rationalise per discussion with Adam B.