User:Charles Matthews/Quirky spellings to check in the DNB
- This is a maintenance page to note down OCR errors that might be worth checking for in the DNB.
1 goes to l
edit- Done l2 for 12
- Done l700, l701, l702
- Done l801 for 1801
- l2mo for 12mo
a goes to n
edit- nnd for and
- rend for read
a goes to o
edit- hod for had
a goes to s
edit- slso for also
b goes to h
edit- heen for been
- hut for but
c goes to e
edit- Dee. for Dec.
- Diet. for Dict. Apply to: Adams's Dict. of the Drama - Algernon Graves's Dict. - Allibone, Dict. of English Literature - Allibone's Dict. - Allibone's Dict. Engl. Lit. - Biog. Dict. Soc. D. U. K. - Brown's Biog. Dict. of Musicians - Brown's Dict. of Musicians; - Bryan's Dict. of Painters and Engravers - Button's Mathematical Dict. - Canadian Biog. Dict. - Chalmers's Biog. Dict. - Chalmers's Biogr. Dict. - Dict. of Living Authors - Dict. Chr. Biogr. - Dict. Christian Biog - Drake's Dict. of American Biogr. - Ferrer's Biog. Dict. of Medallists - Gen. Dict. Hist. and Critical - Gillow's Bibl. Dict. - Graves's Dict. of Artists - Grove's Dict. of Music and Musicians - Halkett and Laing's Dict. of Anonymous Lit. - Heaton's Australian Dict. of Dates - Imperial Dict. of Biog. - J. D. Brown's Biographical Dict. of Musicians - Julian's Dict. of Hymnology - O'Byrne's Nav. Biogr. Dict. - O'Byrne's Nav. Biog. Dict. - Ottley, Dict. of Recent and Living Painters and Engravers - Papworth's Dict. of Architecture - Redgrave's Dict. of Artists - T. R. Roberts, Dict. of Eminent Welshmen - Rose's Biogr. Dict. - Savage's Genealogical Dict. - Strutt's Dict. of Engravers - Thespian Dict.
c goes to o
edit- ools for cols
- Soot for Scot
d goes to a
edit- Done Oxfora for Oxford
e goes to a
edit- undar for under
e goes to c
edit- Done Biographic for Biographie
e goes to o
edit- groat for great
- ho for he
- Juno for June
- largo for large
- Tato for Tate
- tho for the
- Done throe for three
- typo for type
- whore for where
E goes to B
edit- Baling for Ealing
F goes to E
edit- Eraser for Fraser
F goes to P
edit- Poster for Foster
f goes to l
edit- alter his for after his
f goes to t
edit- tire for fire
- tor for for
- ot for of
fo to ib
edit- afibrded for afforded
h goes to b
edit- bead for head
- be had for he had
- be was for he was
- bim for him
- bis for his
- daugbter for daughter
- Edinburgb for Edinburgh
- preacbed for preached
- tbe for the
- witb for with
h goes to li
edit- lie for he
- liis for his
- tlie for the
- tlien for then
- tliis for this
- Jolin for John
- wliich for which
h goes to n
edit- nad for had
- nigh for high
- nis for his
- Done Marcn for March
- tne for the
- Done tnese for these
- witn for with
- wnich for which
hi goes to In
edit- Ins for his
hn goes to lui
edit- Jolui for John
i goes to r
edit- Arran for Arian
I goes to l
edit- lago for Iago
- lolo for Iolo
- Roman numerals in lower case
il goes to u
edit- stul for still
K goes to R
edit- Rennet for Kennet
l goes to i
edit- couid for could
- Pari. for Parl.
li goes to h
edit- comphcated for complicated
- dehvered for delivered
- Dubhn for Dublin
- Enghsh for English
- hfe for life
- Juha for Julia
- pubhshed for published
- Welhngton for Wellington
- Wilham for William
li goes to U
edit- AUibone for Allibone
- deUvered for delivered
- EngUsh for English
- estabUshed for established
- Uterature for literature
- pubUshed for published
m goes to in
edit- becaine for became
m goes to ni
edit- Doni. for Dom.
n goes to ji
edit- Ajin for Ann
n goes to u
edit- Loudon for London
ni goes to m
edit- testimomal for testimonial
rn goes to m
edit- bom for born
- Chamock for Charnock
- Comwallis for Cornwallis
- Done Comwell for Cornwell
- modem for modern
- Home Tooke for Horne Tooke
R goes to E
edit- Eecord for Record
- Eecords for Records
- Eeg. for Reg.
- Eegicides for Regicides
- Eegiment for Regiment
- Eegister for Register
- Eep. for Rep.
- Eelation for Relation
- Eelatio for Relatio
- Eeturn for Return
- Eeynolds for Reynolds
- Eeview for Review
- Eichard for Richard
- Eoger for Roger
- Eogers for Rogers
- Eolls for Rolls
- Eot. for Rot.
R goes to Il
edit- Ileg. for Reg.
R goes to K
edit- Kecord for Record
- Kees for Rees
- Keg for Reg
- Kegister for Register
- Keign for Reign
- Kemains for Remains
- Keport for Report
- Keturn for Return
- Kev. for Rev.
- Kobert for Robert
- Koger for Roger
- Kogers for Rogers
- Kolls for Rolls
- Koyal for Royal
- Kuskin for Ruskin
- Kymer for Rymer
s goes to a
edit- aa for as
- firat for first
- hia for his
- pariah for parish
- waa for was
t goes to i
edit- liitle for little
u goes to a
edit- Brit. Mas. for Brit. Mus.
u goes to ii
edit- Jiily for July
u goes to n
edit- Lander for Lauder
u goes to Ti
edit- Tinder for under
un goes to im
edit- imder for under
v goes to y
edit- Done oyer for over
y goes to v
edit- annov for annoy
- bv for by
- historv for history
- Italv for Italy
- Done laving for laying
- vears for years
- vou for you