<section begin="Webbe, Ambrose"/><section end="Webbe, Ambrose"/>
<section begin="Webb, Antony"/><section end="Webb, Antony"/>
<section begin="Webb, Bartholomew"/><section end="Webb, Bartholomew"/>
<section begin="Webb, Benedict"/><section end="Webb, Benedict"/>
<section begin="Webbe, Christopher"/><section end="Webbe, Christopher"/>
| previous = Webb, Ambrose
| next = Webb, Antony
| volume = 4
| from = 325
| to = 325
| notes =
| series = early
{{DEFAULTSORT:Webbe, Ambrose}}
| previous = Webbe, Ambrose
| next = Webb, Bartholomew
| volume = 4
| from = 325
| to = 325
| notes =
| series = early
{{DEFAULTSORT:Webb, Antony}}
| previous = Webb, Antony
| next = Webb, Benedict
| volume = 4
| from = 325
| to = 325
| notes =
| series = early
{{DEFAULTSORT:Webb, Bartholomew}}
| previous = Webb, Bartholomew
| next = Webbe, Christopher
| volume = 4
| from = 325
| to = 325
| notes =
| series = early
{{DEFAULTSORT:Webb, Benedict}}
| previous = Webb, Benedict
| next = Webb, Christopher
| volume = 4
| from = 325
| to = 325
| notes =
| series = early
{{DEFAULTSORT:Webbe, Christopher}}