User:ColossalMemer/Logonomia anglica

Chap. VI.
The Dialects, and also improper diphthongs.

There are six principal dialects: common, Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, and poetic. All of these are idioms that I am neither familiar with, nor agree with, yet since I recall them, I will be able to relate them here. Ai for j is a Northernism, as in faier for fjer, fire. Also, au for ou, as in gaun or geaun for goun, gown; the same for ü: thus, for wünd wound, waund. To them it is also common to have ea for e, as in meat for mët, meat; the same for o, as in beað for both, both. Even among my fellow Lincolners, you will hear toaz and hoaz for töz toes and höz hose. And they say kest or even kusn for kast, cast; fula for folön; klöth for kloth, cloth, and vice versa: spokn for spökn, spoken; dün for dun, done; and tüm for tjm, time; rjch for rich, rich; ðör for ðër, there; brïks for brichez, breeches; seln for self, hez for hath, aus for âlso, sud for shüld; J'l, J'st or even ai'l, aist for J wil, an indication of the future; in the other persons, ðou'l or ðoust for ðou wilt, ðou shalt, and thus for the rest: hï'l or hïst; wïl; you'l or youst; ðei'l, ðeist or ðei sal. In ai they dispense with the i, thus for pai pay, pä; for sai say, sä; and for said, sed. For u and ü they substitute v: thus for gud kük, they have gvd-kvk, good cook. For a few words, they even invent a colloquial term, such as strunt and runt for rump, rump; sark for shirt, shirt; for go, go, they have gang, and from that gangrel, a beggar; for went, went, yed or yöd, which they have preserved up to now from the ancients.

Southerners use ü for ï, thusfor hï, he. They use 𝑣 for f, thus 𝑣il for fil, fill; to 𝑣ech for fech, fetch; and by contrast, f for 𝑣, thus fineger for 𝑣ineger, vinegar; ficar for 𝑣icar, vicar. They also have o for a, thus ronk for rank, rancid or excessively abundant; in addition, as a noun it means order in a line of battle, or something else. For s they substitute z, thus zing for sing, sing; and Ich for J, I; cham for J am, I am; chil for J wil, I will; chi vör yi for J warant you, I warrant you. And also in ai, after the separation of the diphthong, they unpleasantly draw out the a: thus, to päi, to pay; ðäi, they.

Easterners, in contrast to the rest, make sounds narrower: for instance, they say fir for fjer, fire; ki𝑣er for ku𝑣er, cover. They use ea for a; thus, to deans for dans, dance; 𝑣 for f, thus 𝑣elöu for felöu, fellow; z for s, thus zai for sai, say. Yet our flashily-adorned Mopseys greatly exaggerate having this thinness, and in fact narrow everything in such a manner that otherwise, they might not be seen to abhor a and o more than Appius Claudius did z. Thus, also, do our own not buy laun and kämbrik, types of linen, but lën, and këmbrik; nor do they eat käpn, capon, but këpn or oftentimes kïpn; nor have they ever feasted upon bucherz mët butchers meate, butchers' meat, but biccherz mït. And just as noble married women are all ᵹintlimin and not ᵹentlwimen, maids are not called maidz, but mëdz.

And yet, among all the dialects, none with the Western Page:Logonomia anglica qua gentis sermo facilius addiscitur.djvu/46

Psalm. LXII,

1 Trvlj mjsôul waiteth upon God : from him kumeth mj saluäsion. 2 Hï önlj iz mj rok & mj sal𝑣äsion: Hï iz mj defens. J shal not bi grëtlj mü𝑣ed.3 Hou long wil yï imaᵹin mischïf against a man? yï shal bi slain âl ofyü : az a bouing wâl shal yi bï: and az a totering fens.4 Ðëi önlj konsult tu kast him doun from his exselensj, ðëi deljt in ljz : ðëi bles with ðëir mouth, but ðëi kurs inwardlj. Selah.5 Mj söul wait ðou önlj upon God: for mj expektasion iz from him.6 Hï önlj iz mj rok & mj sal𝑣äsion ; Hï iz mj defens; J shal not bi mü𝑣ed.7 In God iz mj sal𝑣äsion and mj glöri: ðe rok of mj strength and mj refvᵹ iz in God.8 Trust in him at âl tjmz yi pïpl; pour out yür hart biför him : God iz a refvᵹ for us. Selah.9 Svrlj men of löu degrï ar 𝑣aniti, and men of hj degrï ar a lj: tu bi laid in ðe balans, ðëi ar âltogeðer ljħter ðen 𝑣aniti.10 Trust not in oppresion, bikum not 𝑣ain in roberj: if richez inkrës, set not yür hart upon them.11 God hath spökn öns; twjs hä𝑣 J härd ðis, ðat pour bilongeth unto God.12 Ælso uuto ðï, ô Lord, bilongeth mersi : for ðou renderest tu e𝑣erj man akkording tu hiz wurk.

PSAL. 67.

1 God bi mersiful vntu us, and bles us : and kauz hiz fäs tu shjn upon us. Selah.2 Ðat ðj wäi mäi bi knöuu upon ërth, ðj sa𝑣ing hëlth among âl näsions.3 Let ðe pïpl praiz ði, ô God; let âl ðe pïpl prais ðï.4 O let ðe näsions bi glad, and sing for ᵹoi : for ðou shalt ᵹuᵹ ðe pïpl rjħteuslj, & go𝑣ern ðe näsionz upon ërth. Selah.5 Let ðe pïpl praiz ði ô God; let âl ðe pïpl präiz ðï.6 Ðen shal ðe ërth yïld hir inkrës; and God, ï𝑣n our öun God, shal bles us.7 God shal bles us, and âl ðe endz of the ërth shal fër him.

PSAL 96.

1 O Sing untu ðe Lord a nv song : sing untu ðe Lord âl ðe ërth.2 Sing untu ðe Lord, bles hiz näm : sheu fürth hiz sal𝑣äsion from dai tu dai. 3 Dëklär hiz glöri among ðe hëðen : hiz wunderz among âl pïpl. 4 For ðe Lord iz grët, and grëtlj tu bi praized : Hï iz to be fëred abu𝑣 âl Godz.5 For âl ðe godz of ðe näsions ar jdolz: but ðe Lord mäd ðe hëvnz.6 Onor and Mäᵹestj ar biför him : strength and beuti ar in hiz sanktuarj.7 Gi𝑣 untu ðe Lord (ô yï kindredz of ðe pïpl) gi𝑣 untu ðe Lord glöri and strength.

8 Gi𝑣 untu ðe Lord ðe glöri d𝑣 untu hiz näm: bring an ofring and kum intu hiz kürts.9 O wurship ðe Lord in ðe beuti of hölines: fër bifor him âl ðe ërth. 10 Säi among ðe hëðen ðat ðe Lord rëineth: ðe world âlso shalbi established ðat it shal not bi mü𝑣ed: Hï shal ᵹuᵹ ðe pïpl rjħteuslj.11 Let ðe hë𝑣nz reᵹois, & let ðe ërth bi glad: let ðe së rör and ðe fulnes ðërof.12 Let ðe fïld bi ᵹoiful, & âl ðat iz ðerin: ðen shal âl ðe trïz of ðe wud reᵹois. 13 Biför ðe Lord; for Hï kumeth, for Hï kumeth tu ᵹuᵹ ðe ërth: Hï shal ᵹuᵹ ðe world with rjħteusnes, & ðe pïpl with hiz trvth.

PSAL. 97.

1 Ðe Lord rëineth. let ðe ërth reᵹois: let ðe multitvd of ðe jlz bi glad ðerof. 2 Kloudz & darknes ar round about him : rjħteusnes and ᵹuᵹment ar ðe habitäsion of hiz thrön.

3 A fjer goeth biför him: & burneth up hiz enemjz round about.4 Hiz ljħtningz inljħtned ðe world: ðe ërth sau, & trembled.5 Ðe hilz melted ljk wax at ðe prezens of ðe Lord: at ðe prezens of ðe Lord of ðe whöl ërth.

6 Ðe he𝑣ens deklär hiz rjħteusnes : & äl ðe pïpl sï hiz glöri.7 Konfounded bi âl ðëi ðat ser𝑣 grä𝑣n jmaᵹez, & böst ðemsel𝑣z of jdolz : wurship him âl yi godz.8 Sion härd, & waz glad, & ðe dauħterz of Iuda reᵹoised: bikauz of ðj ᵹuᵹments, ô Lord.

9 For ðou Lord art hjħ abu𝑣 âl ðe ërth: ðou art exalted far abu𝑣 âl godz.10 Yï ðat lu𝑣 ðe Lord, hät ï𝑣l; Hï prezer𝑣eth ðe söulz of hiz saints : Hï deli𝑣ereth ðem out of ðe hand of ðe wiked. 11 Ljħt iz söun for ðe rjħteus, and gladnes sor ðe uprjħt in hart:12 Reᵹois in ðe Lord. yi rjħteus : and gï𝑣 thanks at ðe remembrans of hiz hölines.

PSAL. 104.

BLes ðe Lord, ô mj söul: ô Lord mj God ðou art 𝑣eri grët: ðou art klöðed with Onor & Maᵹestj.

2 Whü ku𝑣erest ðj self with ljħt, az with a garment: Whü strechest out ðe he𝑣nz ljk a kurtain:

3 Whü laieth ðe bëmz of hiz chamberz in ðe wäters; whü mäketh ðe kloudz hiz charet : whü walketh upon ðe wingz of ðe wjnd. 4 Whü mäketh hiz angelz spirits : hiz ministerz a fläming fjer.5 Whü laid ðe foundäsionz of ðe ërth : ðat it shüld non bi remü𝑣ed for e𝑣er.

6 Ðou ku𝑣erest it with ðe dïp az with a garment : ðe wäterz stüd abu𝑣 ðe mountainz.7 At ðj rebvk ðëi fled: at ðe 𝑣ois of ðj thunder ðëi hästed awai.8 Ðëi go up bj ðe mountainz, ðei go doun bj ðe 𝑣alleiz untu ðe pläs which ðou hast founded for ðem.9 Ðou hast set a bound ðat ðëi mai not pas o𝑣er : ðat ðei turn not again to ku𝑣er ðe ërth.10sendeth ðe springz intu ðe 𝑣alleiz; which run among ðe hilz.11 ðëi gi𝑣 drink tu e𝑣rj bëst of ðe fïld: ðe wjld ases quench ðëir thirst.12 Bj ðem shal ðe foulz of ðe he𝑣n häv ðëir habitäsion which sing among ðe branshez.13 Hï wätereth ðe hilz from hiz chamberz: ðe ërth iz satisfied with ðe frvt of ðj wurkz.14 Hï kauzeth ðe gras to gröu for ðe katel, and herb for ðe ser𝑣is of man: ðat hï mai bring forth füd out of ðe ërth.

15 And wjn ðat mäketh glad ðe hart of man, and oil tu mäk hiz fäs tu shjn. and brëd which strengthneth mans hart.16 Ðe triz of ðe Lord ar ful of sap : ðe sëdarz of Lebanon which Hï hath planted.17 Whër ðe birdz mäk ðëir nests: az for ðe stork ðe fir trïz ar hir hous.18 Ðe hjħ hilz ar a refvᵹ for ðe wjld göts: and ðe roks for ðe kuniz.19 Hï apüinted ðe mün for sëznz; ðe sun knöueth his going doun.20 Ðou mäkest darknes, and it iz njħt: whërin âl ðe bësts of ðe forest du krïp fürth.21 ðe yung ljonz rör after ðeir prai, and sik ðëir mët from God. 22 Ðe sun arjzeth, ðei gaðer ðemselvz tugeðer, and lai ðem doun in ðëir denz.23 Man goeth fürth untu hiz wurk: and tu hiz läbor, until ðe ï𝑣ning.

24 O Lord hou maniföuld ar ðj wurks? in wizdum hast ðou mäd ðem âl: ðe ërth iz ful of ðj richez.

25 So iz ðis grët & wjd së, whërin ar thingz krïping innumerable, böth smâl and grët bësts.26 Ðër go ðe ships; ðër iz ðat Le𝑣iathan whüm ðou hast mäd to plai ðërin.27 Ðëz wait âl upon ðï ðat ðou maist gi𝑣 ðem ðeir mët in dv sëzn.28 Ðat ðou gi𝑣est ðem ðëi gaðer: ðou öpnest ðj hand, ðëi ar filled with gud.29 Ðou hjdest ðj fäs, ðei ar trubled: ðou täkest awai ðëir breth ðëi dj, and return tu ðeir dust.30 Ðou fendest f𝑣rth ðj spirit, ðei ar kreäted: and ðour envest ðe fäs of ðe ërth.

31 Ðe glöri of ðe Lord shal indvr for e𝑣er: ðe Lord shal reᵹois in hiz wurks.32 Hï lüketh on ðe ërth, and it trembleth : hï toucheth ðe hilz and ðei smök.33 J wil sing untu ðe Lord as long az J li𝑣: J wil sing untu ðe Lord whjl J hä𝑣 mj bïing.34 Mj meditäsion of him shalbi swït : J wilbe glad in ðe Lord.

35 Let ðe sinerz be konsumed out of ðe ërth, and let ðe wiked be no mör : bles ðou ðe Lord, ô mj söul. Praiz yï ðe Lord.
