User:Geo Swan/working/Summary of Evidence memos/pg239

This memo was compiled in preparation for the Combatant Status Review Tribunal of Guantanamo detainee 257, Omar Hamzayavich Abdulayev

This memo was released in March of 2005.[1]

The allegations this detainee faced were:

a. The detainee is associated with al Qaida and the Taliban:
  1. The detainee was captured carrying numerous documents, including three handwritten notebooks with information on weapons systesm; extensive information about counterintelligence architecture and methods; extensive references to chemistry and poisons.
  2. The detainee was captured carrying a small black book containing information on fighters associated with the Islamic Group Nahzat-Islami and weapon serial numbers associated with names of mujahidin fighters.
  3. The detainee was a member of the Islamic fundamentalist group Nahzat-Islami.
  4. Nahzat-Islami is a Tajik Islamic fundamentalist group that fought against the Russian-backed government of Tajikistan.
  5. The detainee studied in a madrassa for at least a year under the Taliban, and received terrorist training in Afghanistan, or Pakistan, from several instructors in military doctrine, intelligence, weapons, training methods, and terrorist operations.
  6. The detainee lived at Camp Babu in Pakistan from early 2001, until his capture.
  7. The Taliban and al Qaida trained male and female suicide attackers at Camp Babu in Pakistan.


  1. CSRT Summary of Evidence memoranda (.pdf) released in March 2005, Combatant Status Review Tribunals - November 3 2004 - page 42