User:Geo Swan/working/Summary of Evidence memos/pg271

Guantanamo detainee 689 - Mohammed Ahmed Salam

271 (73) October 20 2004

a. The detainee is associated with forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States and its coalition partners.
  1. The detainee stated that he traveled from Yemen to Pakistan in May 2001.
  2. The Jama'at al-Tabligh organization paid for his travel to Pakistan.
  3. The Jama'at al-Tabligh , a Pakistani-based-Islamic-missionary organization, is being used as a cover to mask travel and activities of terrorists, including members of al Qaida.
  4. The detainee stayed at the al Qaida "Nibras" guesthouse in the early summer of 2001.
  5. The detainee stayed at the "Hasan" guesthouse in Kandahar, Afghanistan in late summer of 2001.
  6. The "Hasan" guesthouse is where trained Mujahidin reside.
  7. The detainee was at al Farouq during the summer of 2001.
  8. The detainee was arrested in Pakistan by Pakistani police during a house raid.