User:Geo Swan/working/Summary of Evidence memos/pg275

Guantanamo detainee 1045 - Mohammed Kamin

275 (77) November 17 2004

a. The detainee is associated with al Qaida:
  1. The detainee was trained by, worked for and was paid by a terrorist organization identified in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Terrorist Organization Reference Guide.
  2. The detainee is directly associated with a leader for Jaish- E- Mohammed .
  3. The Jaish- E- Mohammed has been identified as a terrorist organization.
b. The detainee participated in military operations against the United States and its coalition partners.
  1. The detainee received military training in Mirali, Pakistan, which included learning to fire AK-47's , pistols, rockets, and machine guns.
  2. The detainee intended to use his training to ambush American forces.
  3. The detainee was taught to build mines.
  4. The detainee stored mines at his home.
  5. The detainee was trained in Quralemsha, Pakistan in the use, operation and detonation of remote control mines.
  6. The detainee purchased and sold weapons in Afghanistan.
  7. The detainee was in possession of a GPS device with stored grid points of key locations along the Afghan/Pakistan border.
  8. The detainee collected grid coordinates for the purpose of using them in attacks against runways, during takeoffs and landings of American and coalition planes.
  9. The detainee received compensation from a terrorist organization identified in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Terrorist Organization Reference Guide, for his participation in attacks carried out against American and coalition forces.
  10. The detainee was captured on or about 4 May 2003, in Khowst , Afghanistan.