User:Geo Swan/working/Summary of Evidence memos/pg278

Guantanamo detainee 269 - Muhammad Hamid Al Qarani

278 (80) October 26 2004

a. The detainee is a member of al Qaida and the Taliban:
  1. The detainee traveled to Pakistan in late 2001 [1] on a fake passport.
  2. The detainee has been associated with al Qaeda members.
  3. The detainee is identified as a member of the Bahrain Defense Organization.
  4. The detainee is a low level al Qaida fighter.
b. The detainee participated in military operations against the U.S. and its Coalition partners.
  1. The detainee was recruited for military training at the al Farouq training camp.
  2. The detainee received military training, including use of AK-47's .
  3. The detainee reportedly may have fought[2] against U.S. and coalition troops in Tora Bora.
  1. On the Summary of Evidence memo, released in March 2005, alleges Al Qarani traveled to Pakistan in late 2001. The transcript, released in March 2006, alleges he traveled to Pakistan in late 2000.
  2. The three words "reportedly may have" were rendered in a monospaced courier font while the rest of the document was rendered in Times Roman.